
glam n.有錢的中年人〔指有潛在購買力的經濟一般較富裕的中年人...


Under what circumstances was singapore ceded to britain singapore officially became a british colony in 1824 why was there a sultan living in singapore and an istana kampong glam ask any singaporean the answers to these questions and you are likely to draw a blank 新加坡是怎樣割讓給英國的1824年正式成為英國的殖民地?這過程怎么跑出一個長住在新加坡的蘇丹?為什么在甘榜格南還有座蘇丹王宮?

Glitter , who won fame as a flamboyant glam rocker in the 1970s , gave 2 , 000 each to the families of two girls , ages 11 and 12 , after they agreed to write letters to the court asking that the case be dropped , said lawyer le thanh kinh 據美聯社12月28日報道,英國前著名搖滾歌星加里格里特11月份因涉嫌在越南對兩名分別只有11歲和12歲的未成年少女實施性侵犯而被胡志明市警方拘捕。

Her climb from obscurity to glam girl occurred after placing second in the ford supermodel of the world contest after having won the 1996 ford supermodel of brazil contest 她擁有法國葡萄牙美國本土和加勒比地區的血統。正因為如此上帝賜予她與眾不同藍灰色的眼睛和美麗的容貌。

Discover the charms of kampong glam , little india & chinatown . don ' t miss these cultural enclaves where singapore ' s indigenous culture and heritage still thrives 與我們一同發掘干榜戈南、小印度和牛車水的魅力。別錯過了這些仍然富有道地色彩的文化聚集地!

It was stamford raffles who brought him to singapore to be installed as the sultan and the british even built a palace for him in kampong glam 新加坡開埠那年,他還住在廖內,是萊佛士將他迎來新加坡登基為蘇丹的,英國人還在甘榜格南為他建了一座王宮。

All over the country parents have been searching frantically for the last few available examples of the barbie pegasus groom & glam styling head 全國父母瘋狂搜購少數僅存的“芭比飛馬:華麗新郎”新潮頭型。

If you want to look glam , which label do you rely on 問:如果你希望看著很有魅力,你怎么辦?