
gladsome adj.令人高興的,快樂的,愉快的。 gladsome ...

Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself , suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley , casting amber , blue , and purple , and a tint of rich red rose , according to the scene they lit on , and the curtain flung around ; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness , all on the wings of hope advancing , and proclaiming , “ god is here ! 然而就在樹木模糊的形象即將清晰之前,突然那道令人愉悅的光芒跳過丘陵和山谷,依照他們停落的那一幕,射出了琥珀,藍,紫以及華麗的玫瑰紅,接著簾幕一甩,所有的一切驅散了恐懼和黑暗中的邪惡,所有的一切都插上希望之翼開始前進,漸漸清晰, “上帝就在這里!


Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself , suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley , casting amber , blue , and purple , and a tint of rich red rose , according to the scene they lit on , and the curtain flung around ; yet all alike dispelling fear and the cloven hoof of darkness , all on the wings of hope advancing , and proclaiming , “ god is here ! 然而就在樹木模糊的形象即將清晰之前,突然那道令人愉悅的光芒跳過丘陵和山谷,依照他們停落的那一幕,射出了琥珀,藍,紫以及華麗的玫瑰紅,接著簾幕一甩,所有的一切驅散了恐懼和黑暗中的邪惡,所有的一切都插上希望之翼開始前進,漸漸清晰, “上帝就在這里!

Whosoever enters through the portals of this home must go out with gladsome heart 不管誰進入這家的門檻,他將帶著一顆開心的心回去。

Nature must be gladsome when i was so happy 當我欣喜萬分的時候,大自然也一定非常高興。