
gladiolus n.(pl. gladioluses, -li )1.【...


See a patient can send a flower , but should understand a patient to whether be opposite above all pollen is allergic , lest make the patient ' s illness aggravating , bits average age is old still is to send a few cordial and fruit to had been compared ; the youth can send a flower , visit the sick commonly suit to send gladiolus , rose , orchid , avoid to send white , blue , yellow or fragrance too thick flower 看病人可以送鮮花,但是首先要了解病人是否對花粉過敏,以免使病人的病情加重,一般年歲大點的還是送一些補品和水果比較好;年輕人可以送花,一般探病適合送劍蘭、玫瑰、蘭花,避免送白、藍、黃色或香味過濃的花。

The cut flower business of yunnan has greatly developed . more than 50 cultivars of cut flowers have been cultivated in a large scale in the city of kunming . they include chinese pink dianthus chinensis , hybridus gladiolus , lilies , roses , babys - breath cypsophia paniculata , myosotis , phalaenopsis and so on 另外,如需要辦理有關退稅收付外匯手續的企業,還需要到海關辦理專用退稅收付外匯報關單的簽發手續,企業憑海關簽發的專用報關單到國家稅務局和國家外匯管理局辦理有關退稅及核銷手續。

Flower cultivation has gained importance in recent years . gladiolus , lily and chrysanthemum are grown all year round ; dahlia , snapdragon and rose in winter ; and ginger lily and lotus flower in summer . peach blossom is grown for the lunar new year 近年種植花卉日趨重要,劍蘭、百合和菊花于全年均有種植;冬季主要種植芍藥、洋彩雀和玫瑰;夏季會種植姜花和蓮花;桃花則于農歷新年前銷售。

Bits average age is old still is to send a few cordial and fruit to had been compared ; the youth can send a flower , visit the sick commonly suit to send gladiolus , rose , orchid , avoid to send white , blue , yellow or fragrance too thick flower 一般年歲大點的還是送一些補品和水果比較好;年輕人可以送花,一般探病適合送劍蘭、玫瑰、蘭花,避免送白、藍、黃色或香味過濃的花。

Major crops under cultivation comprise food crops including mainly of brassica , compositae and various aquatic vegetables , and ornamental crops such as gladiolus , lilium and chrysanthemum 栽種作物?括以十字花科、菊科和多種水生蔬菜為主的食用作物,及?括劍蘭、百合和菊花等園藝作物

Visit a patient : the horse ' s hoof lotus of optional element static quietly elegant , plain coloured cang lan , gladiolus , carnation expresses to send one ' s respects to , wish recover at an early date 探望病人:可選素靜淡雅的馬蹄蓮、素色蒼蘭、劍蘭、康乃馨表示問候,并祝愿早日康復。

Quietly , unassumingly , rumbold stepped on to the scaffold in faultless morning dress and wearing his favourite flower the gladiolus cruentus 朗博爾德身穿筆挺的常禮服,佩帶著一朵他心愛的血跡斑斑的劍蘭花217 ,安詳謙遜地走上斷頭臺。

Effects of different planting time on growth and development of gladiolus stolon and cormel 唐菖蒲種球種植期對匍匐莖和子球生長發育的影響

A study on cold storage and regenerated viability in cultured gladiolus hybridus in vitro 唐菖蒲組培脫毒苗冷貯時限與再生能力的研究

Current advances of thepostharvest physiology and fresh - keeping technology of cut gladiolus 唐菖蒲切花的采后生理和保鮮研究進展

Studies on quntity classification of general species of gladiolus hybridus hort 唐菖蒲常見品種數量分類初探

Storage technique of gladiolus 唐菖蒲種球周年貯藏技術

Briefon tissue culture of gladiolus 唐菖蒲組織培養淺探

A study on technique of selection and cultivation in gladiolus introduction 唐菖蒲引種篩選及栽培技術研究

Chemical control of continuous cropping disease on gladiolus hybrid 唐菖蒲重茬病害的化學防治試驗