
gladden vt.,vi.(使)歡喜。

“ truly , friend ; and methinks it must gladden your heart , after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness , “ said the townsman , “ to find yourself , at length , in a land where iniquity is searched out , and punished in the sight of rulers and people ; as here in our godly new england “真的,朋友,我想,你在人跡罕到的地方歷經劫難之后, ”那個鎮上人說, “終于來到我們這塊敬仰上帝的新英格蘭,心里一定挺高興的這里的一切罪惡都要當眾揭發出來,在長官和百姓面前加以懲罰呢。

In articles nowadays people often quote the saying , “ do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies . 現在許多人的文章上常常有一句話,說是“無使親痛仇快” 。


“ truly , friend ; and methinks it must gladden your heart , after your troubles and sojourn in the wilderness , “ said the townsman , “ to find yourself , at length , in a land where iniquity is searched out , and punished in the sight of rulers and people ; as here in our godly new england “真的,朋友,我想,你在人跡罕到的地方歷經劫難之后, ”那個鎮上人說, “終于來到我們這塊敬仰上帝的新英格蘭,心里一定挺高興的這里的一切罪惡都要當眾揭發出來,在長官和百姓面前加以懲罰呢。

And there was double cause to desire it , for on her existence depended that of another : we cherished the hope that in a little while , mr linton s heart would be gladdened , and his lands secured from a stranger s gripe , by the birth of an heir 而且有雙重的原因希望她復原,因為另一個生命也倚仗她的生存而生存我們都暗暗地希望林敦先生的心不久就會快樂起來,而他的土地,由于繼承人的誕生,將不至于被一個陌生人奪去。

All at once , as with a sudden smile of heaven , forth burst the sunshine , pouring a very flood into the obscure forest , gladdening each green leaf , transmuting the yellow fallen ones to gold , and gleaming adown the grey trunks of the solemn trees 突然之間,天空似乎一下子綻出微笑,立時陽光四射,將燦爛的光芒灑向膝腕的樹林,使每一片綠葉都興高采烈,把所有枯黃的落時染成金黃,連肅穆的樹木的灰色樹干也閃出亮光。

Of latein the year 1809he had found more and more frequently in letters from home complaints on the part of his mother that their pecuniary position was going from bad to worse , and that it was high time for him to come home , to gladden and comfort the hearts of his old parents 邇近,于一八九年,他常在家信中發現母親連迭的怨言,她說家境每況愈下,他應當回家,使年老的雙親能夠得到歡樂和慰藉。

The time will come , the time will not be long in coming , when new ties will be formed about you - ties that will bind you yet more tenderly and strongly to the home you so adorn - the dearest ties that will ever grace and gladden you 你將建立起新的關系,那日子已經不遠。那關系將會更加溫情而有力地把你跟你所裝點經營的家連結在一起一個永遠為你增光令你幸福的最親密的關系。

But as i trudged in the limbo between waking and dreaming , i knew it was but a dream , because you had said things you never would , but alas , how my heart was for a moment gladdened by such an illusion 當我彳亍在睡夢和蘇醒的邊緣,我便已經知道那不過是場夢,因為你說了你從來不會說的話,但在那一刻,我卻是如此的心花怒放。

Ruth s eyes roved to him frequently to see how he was getting on , and she was surprised and gladdened by the ease with which he got acquainted with her cousins 露絲的眼睛不時地瞄著他,看他應付得如何,見他輕輕松松便跟她的表姐妹認識了,不禁感到又吃驚又高興。

Abroad , simple adherence to the elements of diplomacy ? turning up for meetings , answering letters , negotiating calmly ? will gladden poland ' s friends and neighbours 在國外,僅僅是與外交沾邊? ?參加會議、回復信件和冷靜談判? ?就會讓波蘭的朋友們和鄰居們引以為榮。

She was brimming over with love and happiness as soon as nikolay came home , and this girls faithful , steadfast love for him gladdened his heart 自從尼古拉回來以后,索尼婭完全陶醉在幸福和愛情之中,這個少女那忠實的堅定不移的愛情,真使他心曠神怡。

I took out a tight wad of dividend warrants ringed with a rubber band , and the records in the wad would have gladdened the heart of a broker 我拿出一迭用橡皮筋扎緊的股息單,記在這迭單子上的數字原本會使一個經紀人非常開心的。

Gladdening words ! it seemed i could hear all that was to come - whatever the disclosures might be - with comparative tranquillity 我似乎覺得,不管他會透露什么消息,我會比較平靜地去傾聽。

[ niv ] wine that gladdens the heart of man , oil to make his face shine , and bread that sustains his heart 15 [和合]又得24酒能悅人心,得25油能潤人面,得糧能養人26心。

In articles nowadays people often quote the saying , “ do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies . 現在許多人的文章上常常有一句話,說是“無使親痛仇快” 。

Wine that gladdens the heart of man , oil to make his face shine , and bread that sustains his heart 15 [和合]又得24酒能悅人心,得25油能潤人面,得糧能養人26心。

Doggie fart , gladdens my heart 狗放屁,樂開懷

Bright eyes gladden the heart ; good news puts fat on the bones 箴15 : 30眼有光使心喜樂好信息使骨滋潤。

Do not sadden your friends and gladden your enemies 勿使親者痛仇者快。