
glad adj.1.〔用作述語〕高興,歡喜,樂意。2.令人高興的...

I'm glad you got them in on time. “ 我很高興您及時把它們送來了。

glad hander

I'm glad you've tumbled to it . 我很高興你也猜到了。

That bastard is glad to be going out on this . 那個雜種崽子可是巴不得跑這趟差使哩。

She was glad to be a han ! 她真為生為漢人而自鳴得意。

I'm glad he's disappointed . 我很高興他沒有如愿以償。

I shall be glad to see the old home once more . 能再回老家看一趟,那我就很高興啦。

No doubt she will be very glad . 毫無疑問她會非常高興。

I should be glad to exchange a word with him, tell him . 我要同他說句話,告訴他。

I shall be very glad to hear what you wish to say . 你要講什么,我一定洗耳恭聽。

I am so glad to hear you say that . 聽你這么說我很高興。

I am glad you think i have been useful to her . 你認為我幫了她的大忙,我很高興。

I'd be glad to have your opinion of the machine . 我很想聽聽你對那臺機器的意見。

I'm glad you didn't tell them i'm a detective . 我真高興你沒有告訴他們我是警探。

I shall be glad to go , if you will accompany me . 你要是肯陪我去,我才高興去。

Hello , mr. wang , i am glad you are on time . 你好,王先生,我很高興你準時來。

Gee, thanks. i'm glad to get that straight . 噢,謝謝。我真高興把這事搞明白了。

I would be glad to lend you the money . 我很樂意借給你錢。

I am very glad to find it was only my own fancy . 我高興地發現這只是我的錯覺。

I'm glad she started the ball rolling . 我很高興她開了個頭。