glabrous adj.無毛的,光滑的。
adj. 無毛的,光滑的。 “glabrous skin“ 中文翻譯: 光滑皮膚“glabrous type“ 中文翻譯: 無毛類型; 無茸毛類型“glabrous variety“ 中文翻譯: 無毛品種“glabrous ainsliaea herb“ 中文翻譯: 兔兒風“glabrous crazyweed herb“ 中文翻譯: 泡泡草,醉馬草“glabrous elaeagnus branchlet and leaf“ 中文翻譯: 蔓胡頹子葉“glabrous elaeagnus fruit“ 中文翻譯: 蔓胡頹子“glabrous elaeagnus root“ 中文翻譯: 蔓胡頹子根“glabrous gardneria root“ 中文翻譯: 黑老頭“glabrous gardneria stem“ 中文翻譯: 小血光藤“glabrous gree rier rhizome“ 中文翻譯: 土茯苓“glabrous greenbrier rhizome“ 中文翻譯: 土茯苓粉末“glabrous pogestemon herb“ 中文翻譯: 雞掛骨草“glabrous sarcandra herb“ 中文翻譯: 九節茶; 腫節風“glabrous stringbush root or stem“ 中文翻譯: 光潔堯花“glabrous tanoak bark“ 中文翻譯: 柯樹皮“glabrous torenia herb“ 中文翻譯: 水韓信草“potentilla glabra glabrous cinquefoil“ 中文翻譯: 銀露梅“both glabrous and curly pubescent plants“ 中文翻譯: 無毛和卷曲茸毛的植株“glabrous cinquefoil stem leaf and flower“ 中文翻譯: 銀老梅“glabrous sarcandra herb powdered extract“ 中文翻譯: 草珊瑚提取物“glabrou arcandraherb“ 中文翻譯: 腫節風“glabrone“ 中文翻譯: 光甘草酮“glabrolide“ 中文翻譯: 光甘草內酯“glabrol“ 中文翻譯: 歐亞甘草醇“glabrificin“ 中文翻譯: 光滑素
glacial |
The product can enhance the work efficiency by 2 . 5 times and glabrous degree by 1 . 5 times in polishing than other grinding materials . kebiao black aluminium abrasive is produced according to jb3629 - 84 and gb 2477 - 83 standard . it is passed and appraised by china abrasive and grinding tool research institute , zhejiang university and the test center of geological bureau , the quality is agreeable to jb gqt - 6006 - 86 and the international advanced standard 主要用于金屬制品光學玻璃竹木制品的拋光和噴砂,又是制造樹脂砂輪切割片砂布的新穎磨料,用本產品拋光比其它磨料工效提高2 . 5倍,光潔度提高1 . 5倍, “克標”牌黑剛玉磨料經中國磨料磨具磨削研究所測試鑒定,各項指標均達到世界先進水平,特別黑剛玉磨料是磨削拋光不銹鋼制品的最理想產品。 |
Flowers solitary and terminal , white , 10 - 14 cm in diam . , sessile ; bracts and sepals leathery , orbicular , covered with grayish silky hairs outside ; petals 8 , broadly obovate , 5 - 7 cm long , glabrous , basal 1 . 5 cm connate ; stamens in many whorls , 2 . 5 cm long , distinct , glabrous ; ovary hairy , 5 - locular , styles 2 cm long , apex 5 - lobed 花白色,單生于枝頂,直徑10 - 14厘米,無柄;苞片及萼片圓形,革質,外被灰色絹毛;花瓣8 ,闊倒卵形,長5 - 7厘米,無毛,基部連生約1 . 5厘米;雄蕊多輪,長2 . 5厘米,離生,無毛;子房有毛, 5室,花柱長2厘米,先端5淺裂。 |
Leaves tufted ; stipes 15 - 30 cm long , densely scaly at base , glabrous above ; sterile lamina about 60 cm long and 20 cm wide , simply pinnate ; pinnae numerous , alternate or subopposite , linear - lanceolate , the largest about 12 cm long and 1 cm wide , base cordate , apex acuminate , margin finely toothed ; veins close , forking once or twice and forming areoles near the midrib ; fertile lamina similar to sterile ones , but somewhat reduced , about 8 cm long and 0 . 4 cm wide , lower surface almost entirely covered with sporangia 葉簇生;葉柄長15 - 30厘米,基部密被鱗片,向上近光滑;不育葉片長約60厘米,寬20厘米,一回羽狀;羽片多數,互生或近對生,線狀披針形,最長者長達12厘米,寬約1厘米,頂端長漸尖,基部心形,邊緣有細密鋸齒;葉脈1 - 2次分叉,近中脈形成網眼;能育葉與不育葉相似,但較小,長約8厘米,寬約0 . 4厘米,下部滿布孢子囊。 |
It is mainly characterized in the triangular - lanceolate leaves which are green but white with dark green reticulation along the midrib and more or less truncate at base ; the flowers are erect on the rachis and half - opened ; the lip is tripartite , glabrous , more or less urceolate in side view ; the hypochile is saccate , ovoid and big while the epichile is relatively tiny , reflexed , undivided and transversely oblong or subreniform 本種之主要特征為: ?呈三角?披針形, ?面?色,沿中?有白色斑塊, ?基多少呈截形;花直?于花軸,半張;唇瓣呈三段? ,平?無毛,側視時多少呈壺型;基段片囊? , ?形,巨大,先段片相對微小、反卷, ?再細?而呈橫向橢圓形。 |
Leaves papery , oval in outline , 6 - 7cm long and 8 - 11 cm wide , base rounded or subtruncate , trilobed or sometimes 5 - lobed ; lobes triangular - ovate , rarely ovate - oblong , apex acute or acuminate , margin serrulate , with appressed acute teeth , sometimes entire near base , glabrous or with tufted hairs at vein axils abaxially ; petiole 2 - 3 cm long , glabrous 葉紙質,輪廓闊卵形,長6 - 7厘米,寬8 - 11厘米,基部圓或近截平, 3裂或有時5裂,裂片三角狀卵形,有時卵狀長圓形,頂端漸尖,邊緣有疏而銳利地鋸齒,有時近基部全緣,兩面無毛或下面脈腋有簇毛;葉柄長2 - 3厘米,無毛。 |
Leaves ternate ; leaflets papery or nearly leathery , ovate to ovate - elliptic , 6 - 15 cm long and 3 - 7 cm wide , apex abruptly acuminate , base rounded to subcordate , entire , both surfaces glabrous ; basal veins 3 , lateral veins 4 - or 5 - paired , conspicuous on both surfaces ; petiolules 1 . 5 - 2 cm long , glabrous 葉為三出復葉;小葉紙質或近革質,卵形至卵狀橢圓形,長6 - 15厘米,寬3 - 7厘米,先端突尖,基部圓形至近心形,全緣,兩面無毛;常有基出3出脈,側脈4 - 5對,兩面均明顯;小葉柄長1 . 5 - 2厘米,無毛。 |
External firm is rornd , the surface is shine . it is atomized and shaped with stainless steel water . extensively applied in raising and cleaning up of the surface of nonferrous alloy and stainless products . after treatment , the surface of workpiece is glabrous , rustless and owns metallic luster 由不銹鋼水霧化成形的圓球狀顆粒,表明光亮,用于有色金屬及不銹鋼制品的表面清理,強化及起毛處理,處理后的工件表面光潔、無繡、凸現出金屬光澤。 |
Spikes 15 - 25cm long , single or paniculate , flowers white , dense ; calyx late - campanulate , 2mm long , 5 - toothed ; petals 5 , oblong , 4mm long , slightly connate at base ; stamens 10 , free ; slightly exserted ; ovary glabrous 穗狀花序長15 - 25厘米,單生或排成圓錐花序式,花白色,密集,花萼闊鐘狀,長2毫米,具5齒;花瓣5 ,長圓形,長4毫米,基部稍連合;雄蕊10枚,分離,略突出于花冠之外;子房無毛。 |
Leaves thickly leathery , obovate - elliptic to elliptic , 8 - 12 cm long , 4 - 5 cm wide , apex acute , base cuneate , glabrous , serrulate ; petiole 0 . 6 - 1 cm long 葉厚革質,倒卵狀橢圓形至橢圓形,長8 - 12厘米,寬4 - 5厘米,先端短尖,基部楔形,無毛,邊緣有細鈍齒;葉柄長0 . 6 - 1厘米。 |
Leaves leathery , oblong , 7 - 13 cm long , base cuneate , glossy above , glabrous on both surfaces , margin sparsely and obtusely dentate ; petiole 1 cm long 葉革質,長圓形,長7 - 13厘米,寬2 - 4厘米,先端銳尖,基部楔形,上面發亮,無毛,邊緣有疏鈍齒;葉柄長1厘米。 |
The glabrous skin of human fingers was choosed as the experimental objects , which was stimulated by square wave electrical signal mixed with electrical noise 采用的心理物理學實驗方法是單刺激隨機階梯法和單擇一強迫選擇法。 |
Description : large evergreen trees to 30 m tall and 1 m in dbh ; twigs glabrous except grayish puberulous on nodes when young 形態特徵:常綠大喬木,高15 - 30米,胸徑可達1米;小枝無毛,但嫩時芽及節上被灰褐色、平伏的微柔毛。 |
Description : evergreen trees to 20 m tall , glabrous throughout ; buds , young twigs , lower surfaces of leaves , and bracts covered with white powder 形態特徵:常綠喬木,高達20米;各部均無毛;芽、幼枝、葉背和苞片均背白粉。 |
Tissue subjects are absorbed and dissembled , and normal tissue around them has never got hurt , which makes the skin glabrous and fine 目標組織被分解吸收,而周圍的組織不受任何損傷,皮膚變得光潔細膩。 |
The product can enhance the work efficiency by 2 . 5 times and glabrous degree by 1 . 5 times in polishing than other grinding materials 用本產品拋光比其它磨料工效提高2 . 5倍,光潔度提高1 . 5倍。 |
Description : deciduous trees , 5 - 10 m tall ; bark brown ; branchlets slender , glabrous 形態特徵:落葉喬木,高5 - 10米;樹皮褐色;小枝纖細,無毛。 |
Twenty - five patients of pointed condyloma treated with glabrous greenbrier rhizome and potassium hypermanganate 中西醫結合治療慢性再障36例 |
Description : evergreen shrubs or small trees , up to 12 m tall ; branchlets glabrous 形態特徵:常綠灌木或小喬木,高達12米;小枝無毛。 |
Description : trees , to 10 m tall ; young branches reddish brown , glabrous 形態特徵:喬木,高10米,嫩枝紅褐色,無毛。 |