
girth n.1.(馬等的)肚帶。2.(樹干、人腰身的)圍長;【建...


Weight watch pose according to girth : put heavier people centrally ( where they will look thinner ) and thinner people along the edge ( where the lens fattens people ) 拍人群像的時候,讓胖子站中間,瘦子站兩邊。這樣出來的效果就是胖子減肥了,瘦子增重了。

Ys automatic girth welder ( ys - agw - i / ii ) is mainly used in horizontal girth inside / outside welding of large tanks 、 vessel etc . the welder applies submerged arc welding 型埋弧自動橫焊機采用埋弧橫向焊接工藝,主要用于大型儲罐、容器等內外環縫的焊接

We find then location of centromer by the framework which is produced after the calculation of girth , then we can calculate centromer index 我們采用染色體求周長后的骨架來確定染色體著絲粒位置,然后再來進行染色體著絲粒指數的計算。

Girth , represented by number 1 on the diagram , is the total distance around your package or object at its widest point , perpendicular to the length 周長(在圖表上以數字1表示)是在最寬處圍繞包裹或物體的完整距離,與長度垂直。

They carry their wallets in crescent - shaped ' fanny packs ' that only emphasise their girth , and patronise ice cream and fudge ven - dors 他們把錢包裝在月牙形“胯包”里,更突出了他們的臀圍。他們還給冰淇淋和奶糖小販帶來了好生意。

The computation precision of metal image area and girth was increased , and the algorithm for traditional method of computing image was improved 研究提高金屬圖像面積和周長的計算精度,對計算圖像像素的經典鏈碼方法加以改進。

Girth , represented by number 1 on the diagram , is the total distance around your package or object at its widest point , perpendicular to the length 周長如圖表上編號1所示是與長度垂線中最闊點,繞著包裹或物品一圈的距離。

The experiment results indicate this method is good , we select area , girth . centromer index to classify the chromosomes 實驗證明這種方法是有效的,我們提取并選擇染色體的面積,周長,著絲粒指數作為以后分類的依據。

She said the fat would tend to gather around a smoker ' s girth and torso , adding to the adverse effects on their health 她說,脂肪會堆積在煙民的腰部及身體其他部位,比如心、肝、肺、胃等等,不利于他們的身體健康。

An important factor named girth is discussed , which impacts the decoding performance of ldpc codes under message passing algorithm 討論了影響ldpc碼性能的重要因素?圍長,進而介紹了提高ldpc碼性能的幾個方向。

Just as ichabod had got half way through the trees , the girth of the saddle gave way , and he felt it slipping from under him 就在伊卡伯穿過這片樹林的半路上,馬鞍的肚帶松掉了,并且它可以感覺到它在往下滑落。

Elephant seals cannot move easily on land , because of their girth . the animals spend 90 percent of their time underwater 因為它們的腰圍,象海豹在陸地上移動很不容易。他們一生有90 %的時間呆在水中。

Standard practice for mechanized ultrasonic examination of girth welds using zonal discrimination with focused search units 用與聚焦探尋裝置的帶狀差別進行環縫焊接的機械超聲檢驗的標準操作規程

Annual ring ( growth ring ) the annual increase in girth of the stems or roots of woody plants , as a result of cambial activity 年輪:木本植物形成層的活動隨著季節的更替而表現出有節奏的變化。

Deciduous cypress trees come from the southern united states , growing to 45 metres in height with a girth to 3 . 5 落羽松是一種由美國南部傳入的落葉喬木,生長高達45米而具有3 . 5米的樹圍。

Body weight , head girth and chest girth were all less than the third percentile ; body length , less than the tenth percentile 血清檢查有肝功能障礙、 b型肝炎感染、德國?疹及弓型蟲感染。

Wit is a lean creature with a sharp inquiring nose , whereas humor has a kindly eye and a comfortable girth 智慧傾向于創造,用那尖銳探究的鼻子;而幽默卻有關懷的眼神和坦蕩的胸懷。

Gears - specification for the inspection at supplier facilities of girth gears for mills , kilns , dryers and coolers 齒輪.磨機烘干爐干燥機和冷卻器用矢輪的供貨商設施處的檢查規范

In this paper , we are concerned with the generalized primitive exponents of the digraphs with given order and girth 2 本文主要研究圍長為2的n階有向圖的指數及相應的指數集。