
girlish adj.1.少女的;少女似的。2.少女時期的。adv.-...

It was there she kept her girlish treasures trove , the tortoiseshell combs , her child of mary badge , the whiterose scent , the eyebrowleine , her alabaster pouncetbox and the ribbons to change when her things came home from the wash and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it in violet ink that she bought in hely s of dame street for she felt that she too could write poetry if she could only express herself like that poem that appealed to her so deeply that she had copied out of the newspaper she found one evening round the potherbs 這是姑娘的寶庫,收藏著玳瑁梳子“瑪利亞的孩子“ 63徽章白玫瑰香水描眉膏雪花石膏香盒替換著釘在洗衣房剛送回來的衣服上用的絲帶等。懺悔薄上記載著她用紫羅蘭色墨水是從戴姆街希利64的店里買來的寫下的一些雋永的思想。因為她感到,只要她能夠像如此深深地感染了她的這首詩那樣表達自己,她就也能夠寫詩。

In fact , suay was a ladyboy , under the packing of girlish body , actually was a man , but cheuk still not discriminated as he was only the employee . because of the work relations , he also comprehended that the word “ ladyboy “ only the outsiders topped to them as a kind of criticism , the outsiders ever not understand that she was just an ordinary person . in the pub , cheuk not only protected suay but also the pubs business and all visitors , so pubs business became better compared to the others , suay knew that in heart 卓于受聘期間,長期于美麗酒吧里生活,跟出跟入的生活他早已適應,對于美麗,除了美麗一語可形容外,二人慢慢變成好友,一次又一次交心下,總覺美麗除了擁有女性的特質之外,還有男性的剛陽味,原來美麗本身正是一個人妖,女兒身的包裝下,內里的其實是男兒,卓從不抗拒,反正只是受聘的身份,更因工作關系,領會出人妖一詞只是外界替她們冠上的批評,外人從不知她可是一個普通人,更難得的是美麗是一個明白何謂重情義之人


Catherine and he were constant companions still at his seasons of respite from labour ; but he had ceased to express his fondness for her in words , and recoiled with angry suspicion from her girlish caresses , as if conscious there could be no gratification in lavishing such marks of affection on him 在他干活間休時,凱瑟琳還是經常跟他作伴可是他不再用話來表示對她的喜愛了,而是憤憤地猜疑地躲開她那女孩子氣的撫愛,好像覺得人家對他濫用感情是不值得引以為樂的。

The technique coving hand - knitted , bead , embroidered , weaving , etc . product series including girlish fashion , adult sportswear , technical glad rags , etc , are move off more than 30 countries and areas , such as europe , north south america , mid - east , japan , etc . looking forward , fuyuan woolen industrial co . , ltd will cooperate with all domestic and oversea friends to create a beautiful and bright future 工藝包括手?釘珠刺繡機織等制作手法,產品系列包括少女時尚成熟休閑工藝晚裝等。產品暢銷歐洲北美南美中東日本等30多個國家和地區,深受贊譽展望未來,富源毛織實業有限公司與時俱進,愿與海內外朋友攜手并進,共創輝煌。

It was there she kept her girlish treasures trove , the tortoiseshell combs , her child of mary badge , the whiterose scent , the eyebrowleine , her alabaster pouncetbox and the ribbons to change when her things came home from the wash and there were some beautiful thoughts written in it in violet ink that she bought in hely s of dame street for she felt that she too could write poetry if she could only express herself like that poem that appealed to her so deeply that she had copied out of the newspaper she found one evening round the potherbs 這是姑娘的寶庫,收藏著玳瑁梳子“瑪利亞的孩子“ 63徽章白玫瑰香水描眉膏雪花石膏香盒替換著釘在洗衣房剛送回來的衣服上用的絲帶等。懺悔薄上記載著她用紫羅蘭色墨水是從戴姆街希利64的店里買來的寫下的一些雋永的思想。因為她感到,只要她能夠像如此深深地感染了她的這首詩那樣表達自己,她就也能夠寫詩。

Apparently she thought it only proper to show an interest in the general conversation and to smile . but against her own will , her eyes turned under their thick , long lashes to her cousin , who was going away into the army , with such girlish , passionate adoration , that her smile could not for one moment impose upon any one , and it was clear that the kitten had only perched there to skip off more energetically than ever and to play with her cousin as soon as they could , like boris and natasha , get out of the drawing - room 顯然她認為面露微笑去諦聽眾人談話是一種禮貌的態度,但是,她那對洋溢著少女熱情崇拜的眼睛,從那長長的濃密的睫毛下面,情不自禁地望著行將入伍的consin ,她那笑意一點也不能欺騙任何人,顯而易見,這只小貓蹲下來,只是想要更有力地跳起來,如同鮑里斯和娜塔莎一樣從客廳里竄出去,和她的表兄一塊兒嬉戲。

Natasha , the favourite of the young melyukovs , disappeared with them into rooms at the back of the house , and burnt cork and various dressing - gowns and masculine garments were sent for and taken from the footman by bare , girlish arms through the crack of the half - open door . in ten minutes all the younger members of the melyukov family reappeared in fancy dresses too 娜塔莎,梅柳科娃家里的年輕人最喜愛的人,和他們一同溜進那后面的房間里去了,在這里,幾個少女的裸露的手從那敞開的門里接過一名男仆遞來的她們所必需的軟木炭各種各樣的長衫和男人的服裝。

The intruder was mrs heathcliff . she certainly seemed in no laughing predicament : her hair streamed on her shoulders , dripping with snow and water ; she was dressed in the girlish dress she commonly wore , befitting her age more than her position : a low frock with short sleeves , and nothing on either head or neck 她那情形也實在叫人笑不出來:她的頭發披在肩上,給雪和雨淋得直滴水她穿的是她平常作姑娘時穿的衣服,對她的年比對她的身分還適合些短袖的露胸上衣,頭上和脖子上什么也沒戴。

In fact , suay was a ladyboy , under the packing of girlish body , actually was a man , but cheuk still not discriminated as he was only the employee . because of the work relations , he also comprehended that the word “ ladyboy “ only the outsiders topped to them as a kind of criticism , the outsiders ever not understand that she was just an ordinary person . in the pub , cheuk not only protected suay but also the pubs business and all visitors , so pubs business became better compared to the others , suay knew that in heart 卓于受聘期間,長期于美麗酒吧里生活,跟出跟入的生活他早已適應,對于美麗,除了美麗一語可形容外,二人慢慢變成好友,一次又一次交心下,總覺美麗除了擁有女性的特質之外,還有男性的剛陽味,原來美麗本身正是一個人妖,女兒身的包裝下,內里的其實是男兒,卓從不抗拒,反正只是受聘的身份,更因工作關系,領會出人妖一詞只是外界替她們冠上的批評,外人從不知她可是一個普通人,更難得的是美麗是一個明白何謂重情義之人

Through the doorway she saw against the declining light a figure with the height of a woman and the breadth of a child , a tall , thin , girlish creature whom she did not recognize in the twilight till the girl said tess ! what - is it liza - lu ? asked tess , in startled accents 苔絲從門口望去,看見門外有一個人影站在落日的余暉里,看她身材的高矮像個婦女,看她身材的肥瘦又像一個孩子,她在暗淡的光線里還沒有認出是誰,那個人就開口喊了一聲“苔絲” !

A very few moments after that , a young woman , with a slight girlish form , a sweet spare face in which there was no vestige of colour , and large widely opened patient eyes , rose from the seat where he had observed her sitting , and came to speak to him 過了一會兒一個年輕婦女從座位上站起,向他走來,要跟他說話。他剛才還看見她坐在那兒。小小個子,像個姑娘,一張瘦瘦的甜甜的臉,沒有絲毫血色,一對睜得很大的大眼睛,表現出聽天由命的神態。

As the evening grew late , norton , smarting under the repeated charges of being a metaphysician , clutching his chair to keep from jumping to his feet , his gray eyes snapping and his girlish face grown harsh and sure , made a grand attack upon their position 夜色漸深,諾爾屯受到了反復的攻擊,他們說他是個官學鬼,把他刺痛了,諾爾克怕自己會跳起來,忙攥住了椅子他灰色的眼睛閃亮著,姑娘一樣的面孔變得嚴厲而堅毅了。

And just now at edy s words as a telltale flush , delicate as the faintest rosebloom , crept into her cheeks she looked so lovely in her sweet girlish shyness that of a surety god s fair land of ireland did not hold her equal 此刻經伊迪這么一說,泄露隱情的紅色就像最嬌嫩的玫瑰花一般柔和地爬上了她的雙頰。甜蜜而少女氣的羞澀使她看上去如此姣好。確實踏遍天主的綺麗國土愛爾蘭,也找不到能同她媲美的。

It is late , nearly ten , answered natashas voice , and in the next room they heard the rustle of starched skirts and girlish laughter . the door was opened a crack , and there was a glimpse of something blue , of ribbons , black hair and merry faces 娜塔莎拉大嗓門回答,隔壁房里傳來了漿硬的衣裳發出的沙沙響聲低語聲和少女的笑聲,在略微敞開的房里閃現出什么蔚藍色的東西絳帶黑色的頭發和愉快的面孔。

She entered the apartment , and seeing near her stepmother the stranger of whom she had already heard so much , saluted him without any girlish awkwardness , or even lowering her eyes , and with an elegance that redoubled the count s attention 她走進房來,看到她后母的旁邊坐著那位聞名已久的客人,就大大方方地向他行了個禮甚至連眼皮都不曾低垂一下,其舉止之雍容,更加引起了伯爵對她的注意。

A lad of four or five in linseywoolsey blossomtime but there will be cheer in the kindly hearth when ere long the bowls are gathered and hutched is standing on the urn secured by that circle of girlish fond hands 及至將滾球聚攏起來收進箱子,大家就圍坐在溫暖的爐邊,其樂融融。一名身穿亞麻羊毛混紡衣服的四五歲幼童正站在池邊,姑娘們用愛憐的手圍成一圈,保護著他。

Kreis seemed to wake up and flash like some metallic , magnetic thing , while norton looked at martin sympathetically , with a sweet , girlish smile , as much as to say that he would be amply protected 克瑞斯似乎醒了過來,像某種帶磁性的金屬一樣閃出了光。此時諾爾屯同情地望著馬丁,發出一個姑娘般的甜笑,似乎在告訴他他可以得到強有力的保護。

They had not noticed that georges hugon was close by and that he was listening to them , blushing so hotly the while that a rosy flush had spread from his ears to his girlish throat 他們居然沒有發現喬治于貢就在他們旁邊,偷聽他們談話,臉色變得緋紅,就像一道紅潮從耳根一直泛到他那姑娘般的脖子上。

“ i don ' t know why people think i ' m girlish . i ' m rather boyish . ” - guey lun - mei is well - known for her leading role in jay chou ' s new movie the secret that cannot be told “我不明白為什么大家認為我很清純,其實我很男子氣的。 ” -桂綸鎂因在周杰倫的新片《不能說的秘密》擔綱主角而為大眾所熟知。