girlhood n.1.少女身分;姑娘時代。2.〔集合詞〕姑娘們。
n. 1.少女身分;姑娘時代。 2.〔集合詞〕姑娘們。 “my girlhood ambitions“ 中文翻譯: 我在少女時代的抱負“girliceanu“ 中文翻譯: 格爾利恰努“girlfriends“ 中文翻譯: 里面的那幾個“girlich“ 中文翻譯: 吉利希“girlfriend fight“ 中文翻譯: 爭女友的打架(我經常為一邊加油)“girlicious“ 中文翻譯: 尋找新組合“girlfriend brooklyn zoo“ 中文翻譯: 女朋友,布魯克林動物園“girlie“ 中文翻譯: adj. (雜志、電影)有裸體或半裸體女子圖片[鏡頭]的。 “girlfriend“ 中文翻譯: 阿夏; 女朋友; 女友“girlie magazines calendars etc“ 中文翻譯: 有美女艷照的雜志“girlfight“ 中文翻譯: 花拳繡腿; 女生出拳
girlie |
A gush of tears at her mother s farewell kiss , a touch in her throat when the cars clacked by the flour mill where her father worked by the day , a pathetic sigh as the familiar green environs of the village passed in review , and the threads which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken 母親和她吻別時,她不禁熱淚盈眶火車喀嚓喀嚓駛過她父親上白班的面粉廠,她喉頭又一陣哽咽而當她熟悉的綠色村莊在車窗外向后退去時,她發出了一聲嘆息。不過,那些把她和故鄉和少女時代聯系在一起縷縷細絲卻是永久地割斷了。 |
She was slender , and apparently scarcely past girlhood : an admirable form , and the most exquisite little face that i have ever had the pleasure of beholding ; small features , very fair ; flaxen ringlets , or rather golden , hanging loose on her delicate neck ; and eyes , had they been agreeable in expression , they would have been irresistible : fortunately for my susceptible heart , the only sentiment they evinced hovered between scorn , and a kind of desperation , singularly unnatural to be detected there 淡黃色的卷發,或者不如說是金黃色的,松松地垂在她那細嫩的頸上。至于眼睛,要是眼神能顯得和悅些,就要使人無法抗拒了。對我這容易動情的心說來倒是常事,因為它們所表現的只是在輕蔑與近似絕望之間的一種情緒,而在那張臉上看見那樣的眼神是特別不自然的。 |
Thus accoutred , and walking with the confident tread of such a character , and with the supple freedom of a woman who had habitually walked in her girlhood , bare - foot and bare - legged , on the brown sea - sand , madame defarge took her way along the streets 她便以這樣一身裝束這樣一個角色的自信步伐在大街上走著:表現了習慣于光著腿赤著腳在褐色的沙灘上行走的婦女的矯健和輕松。 |
Princess marya , too , as she listened to natashas stories of her childhood and early girlhood , had a glimpse of a side of life she had known nothing of , of faith in life and in the enjoyment of life 至于瑪麗亞公爵小姐,她聽了娜塔莎講述了童年和少年的故事,也發現了她原先不了解的生活的另一個方面,要相信生活,相信生活的樂趣。 |
She had occasionally caught glimpses of these men in girlhood , looking over hedges , or peering through bushes , and pointing their guns , strangely accoutred , a bloodthirsty light in their eyes 過去她曾偶爾看見過那些豬鳥的人,他們在樹籬中間搜尋,在灌木叢里窺視,比劃著他們的獵槍,穿著奇怪的服裝,眼睛里帶著嗜血的兇光。 |
One of a class of professional women in japan trained from girlhood in conversation , dancing , and singing in order to lend an atmosphere of chic and gaiety to professional or social gatherings of men 藝妓日本職業婦女的一種,從兒童時起就被訓練招待、跳舞、唱歌,為了男子制造一種歡樂愉悅的氣氛的職業或社會聚會 |
Dont tell natasha . dont make a mistake , because she seems in good spirits ; its the last she has of her girlhood , and i know how she is when she gets his letters 你甭看她心里高高興興,她快要度過少女時代的末期了,但是我知道,每逢她接到他的來信的時候,她的心緒是怎樣的。 |
Why does he send to one who is a buonaroba , a bay where all men ride , a maid of honour with a scandalous girlhood , a lordling to woo for him 241他為什么派一個小貴族242去向一個花姑娘243求婚呢?她是人人行駛的海灣244 ,少女時代聲名狼藉245的宮女。 |
Looking at her , the hostess was reminded perhaps of her golden days of girlhood , gone never to return , of her own first ball 女主人注視著她,大概想起了她的一去不復返的黃金似的少女時代以及她的第一次舞會。 |
And the thread which bound her so lightly to girlhood and home were irretrievably broken 而那些把她和少女時代以及故鄉輕輕系住的柔絲 |
I think at 14 years of age you ' re getting ready to give up your girlhood 我認為你在14歲的年紀就要放棄你的童真 |
She spent her girlhood in french 她在法國度過她的少女時代。 |
She spent her girlhood in africa 她的少女時代是在非洲度過的 |
He called me his wife 's girlhood name , time and again . 他反復地叫他妻子小時候的名字。 |
She looked apparently scarcely past girlhood . 她看起來簡直完全是一個女孩子。 |
She spent her girlhood in africa . 她的少女時代是在非洲度過的。 |