gipsy n.1.〔常 G-〕吉普賽人; 〔G-〕 吉普賽語。2....
n. 1.〔常 G-〕吉普賽人; 〔G-〕 吉普賽語。 2.像吉普賽人的人,黑臉婦女,頑皮[動人]的姑娘。 3.【航海】絞繩筒,手推絞盤。 adj. 吉普賽式的流浪的。 vi. 過吉普賽式的生活過流浪生活,野餐旅行。 n. -hood 吉普賽生涯;吉普賽人身分。 n. -dom 吉普賽生涯,吉普賽人。 vt. -fy 使吉普賽化。 adj. -ish 吉普賽人似的。 n. -ism 吉普賽人的生活方式。 “and the gipsy is going“ 中文翻譯: 一個吉普賽人在行進“gipsy bonnet“ 中文翻譯: (婦女、小兒用的)寬邊帽。 “gipsy cab“ 中文翻譯: 〔美俚〕流動兜客的出租汽車。 “gipsy capstan“ 中文翻譯: 卷纜絞盤; 系纜絞盤“gipsy caravan“ 中文翻譯: 吉普賽式轎車。 “gipsy cloth“ 中文翻譯: 高檔棉法蘭絨織物“gipsy dance“ 中文翻譯: 吉卜賽舞曲“gipsy head“ 中文翻譯: 絞纜筒“gipsy leave“ 中文翻譯: 〔美俚〕不告而別。 “gipsy moth“ 中文翻譯: 【動物;動物學】舞毒蛾。 “gipsy rose“ 中文翻譯: 【植物;植物學】山葡萄。 “gipsy smith“ 中文翻譯: 大布道家陶雷、司密斯“gipsy table“ 中文翻譯: 三腳小圓桌。 “gipsy wheel“ 中文翻譯: 錨鏈輪。 “gipsy winch“ 中文翻譯: 【航海】手推絞盤。 “the gipsy king“ 中文翻譯: 吉普賽國王“gipsy king bar“ 中文翻譯: 大篷車酒吧“gipsy sheave; mortise block“ 中文翻譯: 鏈滑輪“gipson“ 中文翻譯: 吉普森“gipsmantle“ 中文翻譯: 石膏蓋層“gipsite“ 中文翻譯: γ三羥鋁石; 三水鋁石“gipshut“ 中文翻譯: 石膏帽“gipsera“ 中文翻譯: 吉普塞拉
And speaking aloud , he continued - ladies , you talked of going to hay common to visit the gipsy camp ; sam here says that one of the old mother bunches is in the servants hall at this moment , and insists upon being brought in before “ the quality , “ to tell them their fortunes 隨后大著嗓門繼續說道: “女士們,你們不是說起要去海村工地看一下吉卜賽人營地嗎,這會兒薩姆說,現在有位本奇媽媽在仆人的飯廳里,硬要讓人帶到“有身份”的人面前,替他們算算命。 |
One album included the songs which are considered to be the gold reserves of russian pop - music , such as “ kings can do everything “ , “ winter “ , “ chrysanthemums “ , “ and the gipsy is going “ , “ the bird of happiness “ and much more 他的每張專輯,都至少有8首歌是他自己創作。曲風跨度極大,除了傳統的俄羅斯音樂之外,世界各地的音樂都有所涉及,融會古典與流行。歌曲的概念更是出人意料,除了愛情,不少歌曲卻是以宗教哲學為主題。 |
While the duke is about to open the “ day for night “ , helen and gipsy arrive the church and fight against the duke . . 伯爵召喚各地來的僵尸圍攻reeve ,乘機捕捉kazaf . reeve寡不敵眾,為保護眾人逃走,反被伯爵的血毒入侵,變成戰俘. helen gypsy kazaf直闖救人. |
Ashurst said idly : “ where were you standing when you saw the gipsy bogle , jim ? 艾舍斯特漫不經心地說: “你是站在什么地方看見吉普賽鬼的? ” |
Cried the dame ; “ miss earnshaw scouring the country with a gipsy 恩蕭小姐跟個吉普賽人在鄉里亂蕩! |
“ but what , then , did the gipsies do ? “那么究竟吉卜賽人做了什么事? ” |
“ were there gipsies in the plantation at the time ? “那時吉普賽人在種植園里嗎? ” |
Ashurst said idly: “where were you standing when you saw the gipsy bogle, jim? “ 艾舍斯特漫不經心地說:“你是站在什么地方看見吉普賽鬼的?” |
gipsy bonnet |
If you analyze the structure of the film in a more systematic way , you ll probably notice that it can be divided into three parts : the romantic encounter between helen charlene choi and prince kazaf edison chen , the love plot between gipsy gillian chung and reeve ekin cheng and the evil plot of the count mickey hardt 系統一點來看的話,可以把電影劃分為三條劇情線,其一是僵尸王子kazaf陳冠希和helen蔡卓妍的戀情其二是gipsy鍾欣桐和reeve鄭伊健亦師亦愛的關系最次要的才是僵尸伯爵虎視“ day for night ”的陰謀。 |
I said this rather to myself than to the gipsy , whose strange talk , voice , manner , had by this time wrapped me in a kind of dream . one unexpected sentence came from her lips after another , till i got involved in a web of mystification ; and wondered what unseen spirit had been sitting for weeks by my heart watching its workings and taking record of every pulse 這時吉卜賽人奇怪的談話噪音和舉動己使我進入了一種夢境,意外的話從她嘴里一句接一句吐出來,直至我陷進了一張神秘的網絡,懷疑有什么看不見的精靈,幾周來一直守在我心坎里,觀察著心的運轉,記錄下了每次搏動。 |
And speaking aloud , he continued - ladies , you talked of going to hay common to visit the gipsy camp ; sam here says that one of the old mother bunches is in the servants hall at this moment , and insists upon being brought in before “ the quality , “ to tell them their fortunes 隨后大著嗓門繼續說道: “女士們,你們不是說起要去海村工地看一下吉卜賽人營地嗎,這會兒薩姆說,現在有位本奇媽媽在仆人的飯廳里,硬要讓人帶到“有身份”的人面前,替他們算算命。 |
Right below it there was an exceedingly small hollow of green turf , hidden by banks and a thick underwood about knee - deep , that grew there very plentifully ; and in the centre of the dell , sure enough , a little tent of goatskins , like what the gipsies carry about with them in england 在巖壁的正下方有極小一塊長有綠色草皮的洼地,被沙汀和高及膝部的茂密的矮樹所掩蓋。洼地中間果然有山羊皮做的小帳篷,有點像吉卜賽人在英國流浪時攜帶的帳篷。 |
He is a dark - skinned gipsy in aspect , in dress and manners a gentleman : that is , as much a gentleman as many a country squire : rather slovenly , perhaps , yet not looking amiss with his negligence , because he has an erect and handsome figure ; and rather morose 在外貌上他像一個黑皮膚的吉普賽人,在衣著和風度上他又像個紳士也就是,像鄉紳那樣的紳士:也許有點邋遢,可是懶拖拖的并不難看,因為他有一個挺拔漂亮的身材而且有點郁郁不樂的樣子。 |
One album included the songs which are considered to be the gold reserves of russian pop - music , such as “ kings can do everything “ , “ winter “ , “ chrysanthemums “ , “ and the gipsy is going “ , “ the bird of happiness “ and much more 他的每張專輯,都至少有8首歌是他自己創作。曲風跨度極大,除了傳統的俄羅斯音樂之外,世界各地的音樂都有所涉及,融會古典與流行。歌曲的概念更是出人意料,除了愛情,不少歌曲卻是以宗教哲學為主題。 |
Their large - veined udders hung ponderous as sandbags , the teats sticking out like the legs of a gipsy s crock ; and as each animal lingered for her turn to arrive the milk oozed forth and fell in drops to the ground 它們那些布滿粗大脈管的奶房沉重地垂在下面,就像是一個個沙袋,上面乳頭突起,好像吉普賽人使用的瓦罐的腳每一頭奶牛逗留在那兒,等著輪到自己擠奶,在它們等候的時候牛奶就從奶頭滲出來,一點一滴地落到地上。 |
A dance performance by ballet biarritz and a unique contemporary circus troupe called anomaly . more contemporary music is represented by romantic singer emilie simon , gipsy band poum tchak , the celebrated nouvelle vague band , as well as hip hop and french electro performers 精采節目包括:法國里爾國立交響樂團的大師級演奏歌劇羅密歐與茱麗葉芭蕾舞劇the creatures ,還有anomaly劇團帶來的創新馬戲和舞蹈演出。 |
But i , and the rest who continued well , enjoyed fully the beauties of the scene and season ; they let us ramble in the wood , like gipsies , from morning till night ; we did what we liked , went where we liked : we lived better too 不過我與其余仍然健康的人,充分享受著這景色和季節的美妙動人之處。他們讓我們像吉卜賽人一樣,從早到晚在林中游蕩,愛干什么就干什么,愛上哪里就上哪里。我們的生活也有所改善。 |
I was frightened , and mrs earnshaw was ready to fling it out of doors : she did fly up , asking how he could fashion to bring that gipsy brat into the house , when they had their own bairns to feed and fend for 我很害怕,恩蕭夫人打算把他丟出門外。她可真跳起來了,質問他怎么想得出把那個野孩子帶到家來,自己的孩子已夠他們撫養的了。 |
Ace vampire slayer reeve and his new partner gipsy are on this mission , however reeve s younger sister helen falls in love with the fifth prince kazaf , who is a gentle vampire that never hurt human 然而, helen卻告之他,其兄是頂頂大名的僵尸獵人reeve . gypsy終日在reeve耳邊叫嚷,要承繼姊姊當僵尸獵人,其實只是借故靠近心上人 |