gio n.= geo.
n. = geo. “cau gio“ 中文翻譯: 茍約“gio lake“ 中文翻譯: 希奧湖“gio linh“ 中文翻譯: 猶靈“gio luan“ 中文翻譯: 猶論“gio nam“ 中文翻譯: 南風報“gio ponti“ 中文翻譯: 龐蒂“hon gio“ 中文翻譯: 昏約島“acqua di gio“ 中文翻譯: 忘情水“dao vang gio“ 中文翻譯: 萬約島“gio graphics input output“ 中文翻譯: 圖形輸入輸出“vang gio island“ 中文翻譯: 萬約島“gio general inter orb protocol“ 中文翻譯: 通用交互式對象請求代理協議“ginzton“ 中文翻譯: 金茲頓“ginzova“ 中文翻譯: 金佐娃“ginzo de limia“ 中文翻譯: 欣索德利米亞“ginzo“ 中文翻譯: 欣索; 意大利人; 吟三; 吟象; 銀藏; 銀三; 銀象“ginzler“ 中文翻譯: 金茨勒
gioconda |
Advocating resource - conserving , environmentally - friendly , energy - efficient economic development , gio is dedicated to protecting the environment , constructing the global economic chain of green industries , and building up international trade channels for green products , so as to do its contributions to the global environmental protection Gio致力于綠色環境保護,構建全球性綠色產業經濟鏈,提倡資源節約、環境友好、經濟高效能源利用,建立綠色產品國際貿易通道,積極為世界綠色環保事業作出貢獻。 |
Article 2 from the date of the establishment of the ncc , the ncc is the new competent government agency in charge of communications - related laws and regulations originally under the purview of the motc , the gio executive yuan and the directorate general of telecommunications motc , including the telecommunications act , the radio and television act , the cable radio and television act , and the satellite radio and television act 第二條自本會成立之日起,通訊傳播相關法規,包括電信法廣播電視法有線廣播電視法及衛星廣播電視法,涉及本會職掌,其職權原屬交通部行政院新聞局交通部電信總局者,主管機關均變更為本會。 |
The gio has demanded that any publications imported from mainland china be sent to the gio publications department for screening before sale or publication in taiwan . the gio still seeks to ban the importation of publications that advocate communism or the establishment of united front organizations , endanger public order or good morals , or violate regulations or laws 首先,我們體認到一個重要的政治事實雖然我們的力量不是無止境的,也不能解決所有的問題,但在這個新時代,美國仍然是最大的強國,是盟國的領導者、眾國家唯一的動員者,更是世上主要的穩定力量。 |
The ministry of foreign affairs says it gave the money to the gio on schedule but the committee has been very slow to act , meaning the public ' s kindness has not made its way to the intended recipients 姚文智無奈,連外交部也說錢都準時給新聞局,新聞局成了眾矢之的,捐款委員會慢吞吞,民眾愛心一點一滴被行政效率給消磨殆盡。 |
In accordance with gio guidelines for promoting film industry professionals , lee and the film ' s production company were each given nt $ 10 million 依照新聞局電影事業暨電影從業人員獎勵及輔導辦法,李安和其電影制作公司各獲頒獎金1000萬元。 |
The gio would be of greater help to local filmmakers if it were to grant these talented but financially strapped artists more timely assistance 因此,當初新聞局若能及時補助像林靖杰這些才華洋溢但經費有限的本土制片,那該有多好。 |
The problems seem to have occurred because the former director of the gio , lin jia - long , didn ' t establish any supervision for the committee 委員會身分有問題,這個由前新聞局長林佳龍成立的體制外機構,重點是沒人監督。 |
This user is the schoolmate , student or teacher of col gio diocesano de s ? o jos , 5a escola 這個用戶是圣若瑟教區中學第五校的校友、學生或老師。 |
A representative each from the motc , gio , and consumer protection commission 二、交通部、新聞局、行政院消費者保護委員會代表各一人。 |
This user is the schoolmate , student or teacher of col gio diocesano de s ? o jos 這個用戶是圣若瑟教區中學的校友、學生或老師。 |
Applause goes to lee who richly deserves the honor awarded by the gio 獲頒新聞局這項殊榮的李安,實至名歸。 |