
gingko n.(pl. gingkoes)1.【植物;植物學】銀杏...


As one of the three largest cereal stores , there are 657 , 426 hectares of cultivated land and 399 , 267 hectares of forest , producing tobacco , peanuts , sweet potatoes , corn , honeysuckle flower , gingko , garlic , chestnut , hawthorn , pear , apple , black pepper , walnut , silkworm cocoon , white willow , langya grass , secretio bufonis and full scorpion 是山東省三大糧倉之一。全市耕地面積657426公頃,林地面積399267公頃盛產黃煙花生地瓜玉米金銀花銀杏大蒜板栗山楂黃梨蘋果花椒核桃蠶繭白柳瑯琊草蟾酥全蝎等。

Gingko nut series of nutritious products include wild gingko nut nutritions tonic gift box , sugar - free tupe gift box packed in hard plastic bags , etc . , which are suitable for barious types of population . especially , the marketing of the sugar - free type gife boxes bring blessings to the broad masses of the patients suffering diabetes as well as the aged and medium - aned people 白果系列營養品包括:野白果營養滋補品禮盒、硬塑料袋裝、無糖型禮盒等,適合各種人群,特別是無糖型禮盒的上市,給廣大糖尿病患者及中老年人帶來福音。

The main tourist zones are mengshan and menglianggu , plus hundreds of tourist spots including yinqueshan han tomb bamboo slips museum , wang xizhi s former residence , linyi city museum , east china revolutionary martyr cemetery , jinqueshan park , yimeng lake tourist zone , wang xiang s former residence , former headquarters of new no . 4 army , tangtou hotspring , yinan beizhai han portrait stone tomb , zhuge liang s former residence , yan zhenqing s former residence , meng tian s former residence , xingshan water - eroded cave , yunmeng lake , pingyi han palace , wulong lake , zuo baogui s clothe tomb , wenfeng hill , xun zi tomb , thousands mu of gingko orchard , thousands mu of pear orchard , thousands mu of pawpaw orchard , site of maling battle , lying buddha temple park , yushan hill , yishan hill , muling pass qi great wall relics , site of shandong wartime work committee , site of no . 1 branch of anit - japanese military university , site of initiation of dazhong daily , site of headquarters of new no . 4 army , and site of daqingshan battle 主要旅游景區有蒙山孟良崮兩大旅游區旅游點百余個,主要有銀雀山漢墓竹筒博物館王羲之故居臨沂市博物館華東革命烈士陵園金雀山公園沂蒙湖水上游覽區王祥故里新四軍軍部舊址湯頭溫泉沂南北寨漢畫像石墓諸葛亮故里顏真卿故里蒙恬故里杏山溶洞云蒙湖平邑漢闕五湖左寶貴衣冠冢文峰山荀子墓萬畝銀杏園萬畝梨花園萬畝木瓜園馬陵之戰遺址臥佛寺公園羽山沂山穆陵關長城遺址山東省戰時工作推行委員會舊址抗大一分校舊址大眾日報創刊地舊址新四軍軍部舊址大青山戰斗遺址等。

As one of the three largest cereal stores , there are 657 , 426 hectares of cultivated land and 399 , 267 hectares of forest , producing tobacco , peanuts , sweet potatoes , corn , honeysuckle flower , gingko , garlic , chestnut , hawthorn , pear , apple , black pepper , walnut , silkworm cocoon , white willow , langya grass , secretio bufonis and full scorpion 是山東省三大糧倉之一。全市耕地面積657426公頃,林地面積399267公頃;盛產黃煙、花生、地瓜、玉米、金銀花、銀杏、大蒜、板栗、山楂、黃梨、蘋果、花椒、核桃、蠶繭、白柳、瑯琊草、蟾酥、全蝎等。

Gingko leaf tea , yellow and green luster , taste bitter , and then sweet , enjoy the clear clean taste . the tea also contains various efficacious elements , and so on . the special tea serves nutrient and medicinal purposes . at the same time , the tea adjust cholesteroll level , having curative properties to vessel disease 銀杏葉素茶,色澤黃綠,入口略苦,而后甘甜,回味清香,并且含有多種有效成份,具有很高的藥用價值和營養價值,對人體能調節血脂,對心腦血管疾病由更好療效。

Contains gingko extract and whiten factor , provides exceptional whitening benefits as it protects skin from that harmful effects of uva / uvb rays and dryness , firmnesses and moisturizes balance , it ` s light , fluid texture easily penetrates the epidermis , quickly restoring a luminous , translucence to the skin 蘊含銀杏提取液及凈白因子,預防肌膚因紫外線uva / uvb或干燥引起肌膚受損,美白效能卓越,緊致肌膚及平衡皮膚水分,同時不斷補給肌膚營養,肌膚全面吸收,重拾光澤、透白的健康神采。

Gingko ( gingko nuts ) contains a rich amount of protein , vitarmin and such trace elements as potassium , calcium , ferrum and so on ; and it contains in particular ginkgolic acid , hydro - ginkgolic acid , ginnol and some other special substances , which can offer great benefit to the pregnant women in their functional regulation either before and after childbirth 銀杏(白果)含有豐富的蛋白質、維生素以及鉀、鈣、鐵等微量元素,特別含有銀杏酸、氫化銀杏酸、銀杏醇等特有物質,對孕婦產前產后機能調節十分有益。

A lot of famous min - bridges have been built along the river , which displays the characteristics of luneng cambridge . many rare trees are planted along the road between buildings , like gingko trees . green grass is inlaid among them . residents here can fully enjoy the green and nature 沿河修建多座景色各異的縮微名橋,充分體現“魯能康橋”的特色,樓間路旁種植銀杏等珍貴樹種,綠草鑲嵌其中,令居民充分享受綠色和自然,讓業主回歸自然的情懷盡情釋放。

Botanicals such as grape seed extract , soy compounds , green tea and gingko biloba are relatively new in the market and have gained great popularity in recent years , but their healing qualities have yet to be proven through randomized , placebo - controlled human trials 植物制劑(諸如葡萄種子提取物、大豆化合物、綠茶以及銀杏葉等)是相對較新的上市產品,在近年來深受歡迎,但其治療作用仍未得到隨機對照人體試驗的證實。

Our company mainly produces farm product , such as green tea , chrysanthemum tea , huangshan wild chrysanthemum , huangshan golden chrysanthemum , keemun black tea , rosebud tea , huizhou wild gingko tea , panax flower tea , honey product and so on 我公司專門生產經營各種茶葉和保健茶,主要產品有黃山毛峰,太平猴魁,祁門紅茶,系列八寶茶,系列花卉茶,黃山貢菊茶,苦丁茶,銀杏茶。

A collaborative display of light and sound including illumination on the avenue lined with gingko trees , christmas trees made with countless numbers of champagne glasses , fireworks , and mini concerts will be waiting for you this year , again 路旁排列整齊的銀杏樹上懸掛的彩燈、香檳酒杯樹、煙火、迷你音樂會等,燈光和音樂的競演期待您的光臨

With the articles we searched from database , and learned that gingko leaf extract has so many bioactivities , and by now , because of it ' s bioactivities , it has become one of the hottest research point 摘要從數據庫搜索的研究資料表明,銀杏葉提取物有諸多生物活性成分,迄今為止,銀杏葉由于其中的活性成分的存在而成為當今的研究熱點之一。

This paper gave a throughly review on the bioactivity of gingko leaf extract , and hope it can made us be sure what has been studied and how can we use the bioactivities to serve for our mankind 針對銀杏葉提取物的生物活性及其應用進行了詳細的介紹,以期明確銀杏葉提取物的研究進展和探討如何應用它的生物活性成分進一步為人類造福。

On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month , many families make laba porridge , a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice , millet , seeds of job ' s tears , jujube berries , lotus seeds , beans , longan and gingko 在農歷12月的第八天,許多家庭會熬臘八粥、 ,一種由糯米,粟米,銀耳,棗,蓮子,豆子,龍眼和白果熬成的美味的粥。

There are a gingko and maples in the park the tree bordered boulevard that constitute , arrive the deep autumn each time for seasonal changes , the yellow leaf floats to fly , red maple fire , and the landscape make person infatuate with 園內有一條銀杏和楓樹組成的林蔭大道,每到深秋時節,黃葉飄飛紅楓似火,景色令人陶醉。

With aloe , gingko and other plant essence , the fluid foundation with its perfect moisturizing effect can protect skin in dry environment , prevent moisture and nourishment lost 萃取自蘆薈、銀杏等珍貴植物的精華粉底液,以其優秀的皮膚親和力和保濕力,在干燥的環境中保護幼嫩肌膚,防止水份和養份流失。

Gingko ( gingko nuts ) has ever been regarded by people as the superior among the foodstuffs . owing to its rich nourishment and pure taste , it served as a wild rarity and tribute for the royal courts 銀杏(白果)自古到今就被人們作為食品中的上品,因其營養豐富、口味純正,是民間不可多得的貢品野珍。

Each capsule of health king gingko supreme contains the extract epurated from up to 12 , 500mg gingko leaf , whose valid component is much higher than other similar products in the market 康王銀杏精華是以每粒一萬兩千五百毫克的銀杏葉為原料萃取的軟膠囊,其有效成份遠高于市面上的同類產品。

Stir - fry prawn meat , scallop , gingko nuts , red bell pepper , asparagus and carrot in 2 tbsp oil until done . stir in seasoning mix , roasted cashew nuts and heat through 用2湯匙油將蝦肉、帶子、白果、甜紅椒、蘆筍及甘筍炒熟,拌入調味料及腰果,炒勻至熱透。