
gingerly adj.,adv.小心翼翼的[地];兢兢業業的[地]。n...


He surveyed the prize ; walked around it ; smelt at it from a safe distance ; walked around it again ; grew bolder , and took a closer smell ; then lifted his lip and made a gingerly snatch at it , just missing it ; made another , and another ; began to enjoy the diversion ; subsided to his stomach with the beetle between his paws , and continued his experiments ; grew weary at last , and then indifferent and absent - minded 它審視了一下這個俘虜,圍著它轉了一圈,遠遠地聞了聞,又圍著它走了一圈,膽子漸漸大了起來,靠近點又聞了聞。它張開嘴,小心翼翼地想把它咬住,可是卻沒咬住。于是它試了一回,又一回,漸漸地覺得這很開心,便把肚子貼著地,用兩只腳把甲蟲擋在中間,繼續捉弄它。

Huck felt that a silence was going to ensue - a thing still more awful than any amount of murderous talk ; so he held his breath and stepped gingerly back ; planted his foot carefully and firmly , after balancing , one - legged , in a precarious way and almost toppling over , first on one side and then on the other . he took another step back , with the same elaboration and the same risks ; then another and another , and - a twig snapped under his foot 他每退一步,靠單腿用力,身子先往一邊傾,然后又傾向另一邊,有時差點栽倒,然后小心地站穩腳跟,接著以同樣的方式,冒同樣的危險再挪另一只腳,就這樣左右輪換著往后退突然一根小樹枝啪地一聲被踩斷!

He started with the sky and later described how “ very gingerly i mixed a little blue paint on the palette , and then with infinite precaution made a mark about as big as a bean upon the affronted snow - white shield 他先從天空畫起,后來他描述如何“非常謹慎地在調色板上加入一點兒藍色調,然后以萬分的小心,在這塊被蓄意冒犯的雪白的防護板上點上豌豆大的一筆。

I d love to touch them , she said , putting her lingers gingerly through the bars of the coop . but the mother - hen pecked at her hand fiercely , and connie drew back startled and frightened “我真喜歡摸摸它們, ”她說著,把她的手指膽怯的從籠格里伸了進去,但是那只母雞兇悍地把她的手啄丁一下,康妮嚇得向后驚退。

That meant they had to finish all the arrangements and decorating within two hours . all the working staff members prepared gingerly , feeling the pressure of this task 六點來賓開始入場,而四點才能進去布置,也就是在二個小時之內,要完成所有的布置工作,所有工作人員莫不戰戰兢兢,如臨深淵,壓力非常大。

Espn - houston rockets star tracy mcgrady gingerly shot baskets but didn ' t practice during his first on - court activity since straining his back on friday 休斯敦火箭的球星特雷西.麥克格雷迪小心翼翼得投著籃,但是在他的第一天場地練習中并沒有參加訓練,周五的時候他扭傷了背部。

That was my first experience at that special place . when i was there , he came and he lulled me . silently , so gingerly , 這是我第一次有這感受,我感到他來靜靜地安慰我,很溫柔,他走過我身旁唱出安慰的樂章和挽歌,這是他所做的,

Finally , he very 9 ) gingerly lifted the exhausted fish from the water . it was the largest one he had ever seen , but it was a bass 最后他小心翼翼地將筋疲力盡的魚提出水面。這是他所見過的最大的一條,還是一條鱸魚。

He sat down gingerly on the edge of the chair , greatly worried by his hands . they were in the way wherever he put them 他在椅子邊上小心翼翼地坐了下來,卻為兩只手十分擔心,因為它們不論放在什么地方都仿佛礙事。

“ to eat , to eat , never mind ” , the sales director broke half of cake off gingerly , and chucked from the door to his tick “吃吧,吃吧,沒關系的。 ” “營業部主任”小心翼翼地掰了半塊,從門邊扔到他的褥子上。

Yao went to the bench and mcgrady walked gingerly to the sideline five minutes later . mcgrady wore a black wrap around his left leg 姚明做到了替補席上, 5分鐘后麥迪也拖著被黑色護膝包裹的左腿小心翼翼的下場

When the whole family went into the dining room to have their dinner , i gingerly stepped out from behind the curtains 當他們全家去餐廳吃晚餐時,我小心翼翼地從窗簾后面走出來。

But as he gingerly exammed the piece , he saw the bend of a colossal elbow 但當他小心翼翼地檢查這個物品時,他看到了一個巨大的肘關節。

We have taken off the shoes , and have forward leaved with walking gingerly in the corridor 我們脫掉了鞋,在走廊中躡手躡腳地往前走。

She sat down in a rather gingerly fashion on the rickety old chair 她以極為小心翼翼的樣子做在那搖搖晃晃的舊椅子上。

The snake charmer reached out gingerly to touch the snake in his basket 耍蛇人小心翼翼地伸手去摸他筐子里的那條蛇。

She gingerly picked it up 她小心翼翼地把它拾起來。

He sits up in confusion and touches the wound gingerly 他困惑地坐起來小心地摸著受傷的地方。

She would venture very gingerly on that experiment 她決不能冒昧從事。