
gimbal n.〔常 pl.〕1.(使羅盤等平衡的)平衡環 (=gi...

So-called “gimbaling errors“ can result from improper gimbal geometry or from imperfect roll and pitch stabilization of the gimbal system . 所謂“框架誤差”是框架幾何形狀的不正確或框架系統的側擺和俯仰穩定得不完善所產生的。

gimbal error

From the experiment and analysis , it can be seen that friction limits realization of high accuracy electro - hydraulic position servo system , movement of any gimbal brings disturbance moment to servo system of other gimbals and the disturbance moment causes error , and , resolution ratio error and setting error of feedback measurement element are directly added to servo system output 通過實驗和仿真可以看出,摩擦阻礙了轉臺電液位置伺服系統商精度控制的實現,任何一個框架的運動都會對其余框架的伺服驅動系統產生干擾力矩并引起伺服系統誤差,反饋測量元件的分辨率誤差和安裝誤差直接反映在伺服系統輸出上,對伺服系統的精度有直接影響。

At first , according to the concrete requirement of the servo control system , a collective scheme , which provide guarantee to meet the requirements of the global performance , is established . in this scheme , the structure of gimbal and the torque motor driven mode are adopted , and angle measurement is accomplished by inductosyn and velocity measurement is accomplished by dynamically tuned gyro respectively 首先,根據目標真值測量設備伺服系統的具體要求,確定了地平式常平架結構,力矩電機驅動,分別采用動力調諧式速率陀螺儀及圓盤式感應同步器作為速率及位置反饋元件這一總體方案,為伺服系統滿足整體性能指標要求提供了保證。

In this unit , a dc motor drives a two - stage planetary reducer , which drives in the splitter box three output shafts to run at the same speed and in the same direction , and these output shafts are joined to cross gimbal couplings to drive the three lower rolls of the straightener 本機由一臺直流電機驅動二級星行齒輪減速器,經分配箱輸出同一轉速相同旋轉方向的三根輸出軸,與十字萬向聯軸節聯接,帶動矯直機三個下輥工作。

Moment gyroscope is implement institution of the satellite attitude control system . the dynamics equation of single gimbal control moment gyroscope is set up , the control law of moment gycroscope is designed and the distribute matrix is confirmed reasonly 選擇力矩陀螺作為該衛星控制系統的執行機構,建立單框力矩陀螺的動力學方程,在此基礎上進行力矩陀螺控制律設計,合理地確定力矩陀螺的分配矩陣。

In an image made from nasa television , international space station commander peggy whitson and flight engineer dan tani begin their space walk to inspect the beta gimbal assembly that pivots the solar array so it follows the sun tuesday dec . 18 , 2007 龍訊網訊美國宇航局12月18日公布的這幅電視畫面顯示國際空間站第16長期考察組女指令長佩吉?惠特森(右)和飛行工程師丹尼爾?塔尼正在進行太空行走。

In an image made from nasa television , international space station commander peggy whitson and flight engineer dan tani begin their space walk to inspect the beta gimbal assembly that pivots the solar array so it follows the sun tuesday dec . 18 , 2007 美國宇航局12月18日公布的這幅電視畫面顯示國際空間站第16長期考察組女指令長佩吉?惠特森(右)和飛行工程師丹尼爾?塔尼正在進行太空行走。

Test showed that under level loads the damage process of multi - ribber slab was according to the order of silice bric ^ concrete frame ^ outer gimbal , released energy classificately , had perfect energy consume and anti - collapse capacity 試驗表明密肋復合墻板在水平荷載作用下破壞過程按“砌塊,框格,外框”的順序進行,能夠分級釋放能量,表現出了良好的耗能能力及抗倒塌能力。

Abstract : the principle structure and processing of novel double gimbal sangular vibratory microelectron - mechanical gyroscope are desired , experimental results of the key technology are given 文摘:介紹了新穎雙框架角振動微機械陀螺的工作原理、結構特點、制備工藝及關鍵工藝的實驗結果。

Quaternions do not suffer from gimbal lock , because they do not express rotations relative to three separate axes 四元數就不會遭受萬向節鎖的痛苦,因為它不用三個分離的軸表示旋轉。

There are two main arguments for this : avoiding gimbal lock , and allowing smooth interpolation between rotations 這里我有兩個主要的理由:避免萬向節鎖,在旋轉時允許平滑插值。

Gyroscope gimbal bearings are nearly static , affording little relative motion for ehd film formation 萬向節軸承幾乎是靜態的,只能提供一點形成ehd油膜的運動條件。

Gimbal lock is a phenomenon that easily affects euler angle representations 萬向節鎖是一種容易影響到歐拉角表現的現象。

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Data transfer system design for four - gimbal space - stable platform 四環空間穩定平臺數據傳輸系統設計

It is important to recognize that this structural linkage contains the web of the wheel, spin bearing and shaft in addition to the gimbal structure . 必須看到,在這結構鏈系中,除了框架結構之外,還包括轉子的輻壁、主軸承與軸。

So-called “gimbaling errors“ can result from improper gimbal geometry or from imperfect roll and pitch stabilization of the gimbal system . 所謂“框架誤差”是框架幾何形狀的不正確或框架系統的側擺和俯仰穩定得不完善所產生的。

Information sensing is provided by transducers which detect relative angular displacements between the gyro gimbal and the supporting case . 信號的敏感是由能探測陀螺框架和支撐結構間的相對角位移的傳感器來提供的。

Lack of orthogonality between a suspension(or centering)axis and the spin axis will then result in a drift-producing torque exerted on the gimbal . 懸掛軸和自轉軸間的不垂直度將引起產生漂移作用在框架上的力矩。