
gilman n.吉爾曼〔姓氏〕。

The previous record for a photograph at auction , 1 , 248 , 000 , was set in november by richard prince ' s “ untitled cowboy “ . steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond 據英國衛報2月15日報道, 14日在索思比舉行的拍賣會上,斯泰肯的這幅池塘月光以290萬美元的天價創下了新的世界紀錄,此前的世界紀錄是理查德普林斯的無題


The lease was signed by mr tom tong , executive director & general manager of megabox development co . limited , and mr steve gilman , ceo of b & q asia limited , and witnessed by mr simon galpin , associate director - general of investment promotion , investhk , and mr stephen bradley , british consul - general 租約由megaboxdevelopmentco . limited執行董事兼總經理唐均奇先生與b & q亞洲有限公司行政總裁紀司福先生簽署,并由投資推廣署助理署長賈沛年先生及英國總領事柏圣文先生見證租約簽署儀式。

The lease was signed by mr tom tong , executive director general manager of megabox development co . limited , and mr steve gilman , ceo of b q asia limited , and witnessed by mr simon galpin , associate director - general of investment promotion , investhk , and mr stephen bradley , british consul - general 租約由megabox development co . limited執行董事兼總經理唐均奇先生與b q亞洲有限公司行政總裁紀司福先生簽署,并由投資推廣署助理署長賈沛年先生及英國總領事柏圣文先生見證租約簽署儀式。

Steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond . as an image it is rather beautiful , bearing the impressionistic quality of early photography ; an experiment exploring the limits of the photographic plate 作為斯泰肯早期風景攝影中的經典之作,池塘月光細膩的層次感與攝影家對色彩與光澤的精妙把握,充分證明了攝影可以像油畫一樣傳遞出豐富的情緒和內涵。

The previous record for a photograph at auction , 1 , 248 , 000 , was set in november by richard prince ' s “ untitled cowboy “ . steichen ' s 42cm by 40cm photograph , from the collection of the wealthy american industrialist howard gilman , is a dreamy , moonlit landscape with reflections of trees in a pond 據英國衛報2月15日報道, 14日在索思比舉行的拍賣會上,斯泰肯的這幅池塘月光以290萬美元的天價創下了新的世界紀錄,此前的世界紀錄是理查德普林斯的無題

With a modest level of accuracy gilman 1985 ; livezey 1990 ; barnston 1999 . users should not expect that seasonal forecast will be an accurate indicator for a single event 它預測大范圍內氣候距離正常多少有一定的準確gilman 1985 ; livezey 1990 , barnston 1999 ,但并不能準確地預測某一天氣事件。

Two were held by the metropolitan museum of art , in new york , which acquired the gilman collection in 2005 , and one of these is the one sold by sotheby ' s 后被珍藏在紐約大都會美術館中。除此之外,曾被吉爾曼收藏的另一張池塘月光現仍被保存在大都會美術館。

When you shop at gilman home appliances with your american express card , you ll get 5 times membership rewards 您每次到太平家庭電器消費,以美國運通卡簽賬,盡享5倍積分獎賞!

Yellow wallpaper was a representative work of feminist literature by charlotte perkins gilman 摘要夏綠蒂?吉爾曼的《黃色墻紙》是女權主義文學的代表力作。

Charlotte perkins gilman is a foremother of american feminist literature 摘要夏洛特?帕金斯?吉爾曼是美國女性主義文學的鼻祖。

Central gilman street 中環機利文街

Gilman home appliances 太平家庭電器

Comparative study on the higher education thought between cai yuanpei ' s and gilman ' s 蔡元培與吉爾曼高等教育思想比較研究

The nobel prize in physiology or medicine 1994 : alfred goodman gilman 諾貝爾生理學或醫學獎-阿爾弗雷德吉爾曼

Gilman home appliances 5 times membership rewards points 太平家庭電器5倍積分獎賞