gillette n.吉勒特〔姓氏〕。
n. 吉勒特〔姓氏〕。 “gillette co“ 中文翻譯: 另一家用品商吉列“gillette stadium“ 中文翻譯: 吉列特體育場; 特體育場“global gillette“ 中文翻譯: 吉列公司“kingcam gillette“ 中文翻譯: 吉列“lindsay gillette“ 中文翻譯: 林賽吉勒特“gillette safety razor co“ 中文翻譯: 吉列剃刀公司“king camp gillette“ 中文翻譯: 金康吉列“gilletta“ 中文翻譯: 吉萊塔“gillett“ 中文翻譯: 吉萊特; 吉勒特“gillet pork chops“ 中文翻譯: 吉列豬扒“gilletti“ 中文翻譯: 吉萊蒂“gillet“ 中文翻譯: 吉萊; 吉列; 制弓用的小木條“gilleu“ 中文翻譯: 吉勒“gilles’s wife“ 中文翻譯: 吉爾的妻子/
gillian |
Patent department has successfully handled invalidation cases for wan hui das clients , including seb group , loreal , etc . . and also provided comprehensive analysis on infringement cases for panasonic , gillette , grohe , etc . . moreover , patent department has been , cooperating with wan hui da ipr protection department and litigation department , effectively handled large numbers of custom ip protection cases , administrative ip protection cases , and civil litigation 專利部成功代理過法國歐萊雅公司seb公司tefal公司德國高儀用水科技股份兩合有限公司等國內外客戶的專利無效案件為歐萊雅比克seb吉列日本松下上海淘大食品有限公司等提供了發明實用新型外觀設計專利的侵權分析在此基礎上,專利部協同公司知識產權保護部法律訴訟部快速有效地代理了多起專利侵權的海關查處行政查處侵權訴訟的案件。 |
By the end of 2003 , wan hui da has , representing both domestic and foreign clients , submitted over 10 applications for identification of well - known trademarks , including some world famous grands like gillette , michelin , loral , zippo , etc . in the processes , wan hui da attorneys made best solution of procedures in accordance with various situations of the cases , provided detailed guidelines for the clients to collect supporting evidence , and also put all the efforts in coordinating and communicating with the relevant authorities , in order to push the cases forward smoothly . gillette is in the first batch of well - known trademark identified 自2003年6月1日頒布的馳名商標認定和保護規定生效以來,萬慧達商標代理部即對這一課題進行了全面系統地研究,到2003年年底已為國內外客戶代理了十余件涉及馳名商標認定的案件,如“吉列” , “米其林” , “歐萊雅” , “美寶蓮” , “ zippo ” , “愛仕達” , “澳瑞特” , “哈啤”等等。 |
In august 2003 , wan hui da investigator discovered that a cosmetic company in yiwu city was producing toothpastes with the trademark of gillette , while the client has failed to register the trademark of gillette on toothpastes . our attorney realized that it was a golden opportunity to get the well - known trademark identified for gillette , and reported to the client with comprehensive advice on collecting of evidence . as requested by the client , an application was filed 萬慧達商標代理人從客戶商標的實際情況出發,量身定做地為客戶尋求爭取認定的最佳方案,不僅在客戶在如何爭取成功認定,如何收集有關證據材料方面給客戶詳細明確的指導,還為客戶策劃方案,通過各種渠道尋找合適案例,與官方溝通,以使認定程序在適當的案件中能順利的運作。 |
In 2004 , berkshire ' s share of the group ' s earnings amounted to . 2 billion . these earnings might legitimately be considered “ normal . ” true , theywere swelled because gillette and wells fargo omitted option costs in theirpresentation of earnings ; but on the other hand they were reduced becausecoke had a non - recurring write - off 接下來看看我們的四大天王-美國運通、可口可樂、吉列及富國銀行的表現如何,如上表所示,我們在這四家公司的投資金額合計38 . 3億美元,分別在1988年到2003年間分批買進,總的來說,我們平均買進的日期是1992年7月,截止2004年底,我們平均持股的時間是12 . 5年。 |
The figures lodged with companies house are thought to include his ? 4 . 4 million real madrid salary , with the rest coming from sponsorship , promotional deals and media appearance fees . beckham has contracts with adidas , gillette , pepsi , police sunglasses and vodafone . he is listed as a director of footwork and its only shareholder 收入中除了他從皇馬得到的440萬英鎊年薪,還包括他為阿迪達斯吉列剃須刀百事可樂和阿瑪尼等世界知名品牌代言費,他與沃達豐和嘉實多潤滑油公司的廣告合同收入以及皇馬給他的肖像權分成。 |
And before mr frank scoffs at gillette ' s latest five - blade shaving system , he should recall benjamin franklin ' s belief that teaching a young man to shave , and keeping his blade sharp , would contribute more to his happiness than giving him 1 , 000 guineas to squander 在弗蘭克先生嘲笑吉列最新的五刀片剃須系統之前,他應該回想起本杰明?富蘭克林的信念,那就是:教一個年輕人刮胡子并保持刀片的鋒利將會比給他1000幾尼去揮霍對他的幸福的貢獻要大得多。 |
Continue with your tour of the park this morning to arrive at the mammoth hot springs to view the multi - colored lava flow from extinct volcanoes . examine fossilized trees , and catch the glimmer of beautiful lake in the secluded woods . in the afternoon , proceed to gillette 上午繼續游覽黃石公園,到達公園最北的mammoth hot springs ,五顏六色的梯田溫泉及滾熱的熔巖石化的古木,碳化的火山口,林間的小湖,泛上裊裊的輕煙,宛如神話世界。 |
He has developed over 200 programs in which identities of major corporations , such as gillette , citibank , new york stock exchange , lockheed martin and hilton , have been redefined and transformed into top - of - mind , memorable global brands 他研發過200多個設計項目,其中為吉列、花旗銀行、紐約證券交易所、洛克希德-馬丁和希爾頓等主要客戶重新設計的形象已成為一流的、令人難忘的全球品牌形象。 |
With major names such as wal - mart proctor and gamble gillette unilever and liverpool bimbo saying they are to introduce electronic tags to merchandise in mexico shortly the writing is on the wall for suppliers to plug into the consequences 吉列gillette聯合利華unilever及liverpoolbimbo等主要品牌表示,將于短期內為在墨西哥銷售的產品引入電子標簽,供應商必須加以配合。 |
The united states have just become the new home of british footballer david beckham , the face of procter and gamble ' s gillette skincare brand , who signed a 250 million soccer transfer deal earlier this year with u . s . team la galaxy 不久前,美國迎來英國足球名將貝克漢姆,這位寶潔吉列特產品的代言人于今年初與美國洛杉磯銀河隊簽了一份2 . 5億美元的轉會合同。 |
The united states have just become the new home of british footballer david beckham , the face of procter & gamble ' s gillette skincare brand , who signed a $ 250 million soccer transfer deal earlier this year with u . s . team la galaxy 不久前,美國迎來英國足球名將貝克漢姆,這位寶潔吉列特產品的代言人于今年初與美國洛杉磯銀河隊簽了一份2 . 5億美元的轉會合同。 |
The new committee , formed last october , will also evaluate the board ' s effectiveness and may recommend changes in the way gillette is run , according to a proxy statement filed with the securities and exchange commission 根據一份向美國證管會申報的公司文件中指出,于去年十月才剛成立的這個委員會將會評估董事會的效能并對吉列的經營模式提出改善建議。 |
In 1994 , singer paul mccartney sent back his razor , shaving cream , and other products to the gillette company to protest the manufacturer ' s use of animals in the product testing 第五步:學生每答對一條得1分,分析原因正確得1分,解釋用語語法正確得到附加的1分,這樣可以使練習具有競爭性。 |
We finally succeeded in having gillette identified as a well - known trademark , which is the one of the only two foreign brands being identified among the list 最后,在商標局2004年2月公布的第一批馳名商標中“吉列gillette ”商標作為兩個僅有的國外商標之一被成功的認定為馳名商標。 |
Cesc was nominated for the gillette young player of the world cup 2006 , although he did not win 塞斯克被提名為2006年世界杯最佳新秀,盡管最后他沒有獲獎。 |
1855 king camp gillette , american inventor of the safety razor , was born in wisconsin 發明安全剃須刀的美國人金?坎普?吉勒特出生于威斯康星州。 |
Gillette : this ship cannot be crewed by two men . you ' ll never make it out of the bay 僅憑兩個人是無法駕駛這艘船的你們休想把船駛出海灣 |
Gillette : abandon ship 快棄船 |
Gillette shanghai ltd 上海吉列有限公司 |