
giles n.賈爾斯〔姓氏,男子名〕。

What ' s more , our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer giles slade calls “ planned obsolescence “ the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them 更嚴重的是,我們對于新產品的熱情促進了作家吉爾思.史萊德所謂的“計劃性淘汰“的產生.商家們人為的限制其產品的有效使用壽命這個傾向促使消費者不得不頻繁更換它們

What ' s more , our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer giles slade calls “ planned obsolescence “ the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them 還有,我們對于新產品的熱情鼓動著被吉利?斯雷德稱為“已計劃的過時” ,即制造商的趨勢是人為地縮短產品的壽命,這樣消費者就要很快地換掉他們。

“ less than superlative ? “ said giles gosling , drinking off the cup , and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish “不是頂好的? ”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。

“ the boy is very well , sir , “ said mr . giles recovering his usual tone of patronage “那孩子很好,先生, ”翟爾斯先生又同往常一樣以賣老的腔調說。

“less than superlative?“ said giles gosling, drinking off the cup, and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish . “不是頂好的?”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。

“well, get off and come in,“ said melbury brusquely and giles dismounted accordingly . “嗯,你下馬吧,到家里來。”麥爾布禮有些唐突地說道,基爾斯順從地下了馬。

“the boy is very well, sir,“ said mr. giles recovering his usual tone of patronage . “那孩子很好,先生,”翟爾斯先生又同往常一樣以賣老的腔調說。

“go and tell her, little tale-bearer“ snarled giles . “你去告訴她吧,你這小告密的人,”賈爾斯兇狠地嚷道。


Forest whitaker delivers a ferociously commanding performance as bloodthirsty ugandan president idi amin in kevin macdonald ? s the last king of scotland . adapted from the novel by giles foden , the film recounts amin ? s horrific reign through the eyes of a fictional character , nick garrigan james mcavoy , a young doctor from scotland who travels to uganda hoping to do some good 科維斯偉狄加forest whitaker憑最后的蘇格蘭王the last king of scotland勢如破竹地狂掃英美各大影展及協會超過10座的最佳男主角獎項,更在奧斯卡金像獎稱帝!

Note that all these structures are numerically simulated firstly and then verified by the experiments . fourthly , in accordance with the need of gain control in a wavelength division multiplexed system , a gain - clamped l - band edfa using a single fiber bragg grating ( fbg ) is proposed . based on the giles model with ase , numerical simulation for the all - optical gain - clamped edfa is carried out 最后給出一組使edfa在箱制增益的同時可以保持增益譜平坦的最佳結構和放大器參量;最后,初步介紹了光纖的非線性效應的產生機理及其對光通信系統的影響;實驗研究了應用edfa測t布里淵散射闡值的實驗裝置與方法。

For this special application , this dissertation has done some foundational researches as follows : 1 . theoretical model of edfa is established based on the classical giles model and most of the parameters in this model are replaced by commodity parameters . numerical method is used to establish an operational system which can do most simulation of edfa 為此,本文對傳感陣列中的edfa做了以下基礎性研究工作: 1 .以經典的giles模型為基礎,對edfa性能進行了理論分析,并將模型中需要的參數簡化為商用摻鉺光纖的參數;采用數值方法求解該模型,搭建了edfa仿真平臺。

The methods and the experimental setups for measuring the gain and noise figure of an edfa are emphasized . we introduce how to measure the characteristics of each component of an edfa , especially the gain and absorption coefficient of an erbium doped fiber ( edf ) . thirdly , four types of simple and novel l - band edfa structures with low noise , high gain and low gain ripple are proposed to satisfy the requirement of a dwdm system 基于考慮自發輻射噪聲( ase )的giles模型,建浙江大學博士學位論文立了這種edfa的全光增益箱制理論模型;理論和實驗分析了四種可能的光路結構、泵浦波長、光纖光柵反射波長和反射率、泵浦功率以及摻餌光纖長度等參t對其箱制特性的影響。

What ' s more , our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer giles slade calls “ planned obsolescence “ the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them 更嚴重的是,我們對于新產品的熱情促進了作家吉爾思.史萊德所謂的“計劃性淘汰“的產生.商家們人為的限制其產品的有效使用壽命這個傾向促使消費者不得不頻繁更換它們

What ' s more , our enthusiasm for new products is encouraging what the writer giles slade calls “ planned obsolescence “ the tendency of manufacturers to artificially limit the useful lifespan of their products so consumers will soon have to replace them 還有,我們對于新產品的熱情鼓動著被吉利?斯雷德稱為“已計劃的過時” ,即制造商的趨勢是人為地縮短產品的壽命,這樣消費者就要很快地換掉他們。

By chris giles and tim harford in tokyo . hondas swindon car plant will not receive another big investment because britains refusal to join the euro has created too much currency uncertainty , takeo fukui , president of the japanese car group , 于本月初在巴哈馬群島與布林成婚的沃西姬anne wojcicki ,不僅擄獲了這位億萬富豪的心,還為她

As dust settles on events on merseyside , it falls to columnist giles smith to provide an early reflection on the fortunes of chelsea and liverpool 當默西賽德郡一戰塵埃落定,我們的周三專欄作家史密斯先生,對切爾西和利物浦的未來給出了自己的看法。

7 somarriba o , giles t c . transmission power control for spatial tdma in wireless radio networks . in proc . the 4th ieee conf 此問題的難點在于,由于其蘊含數學問題的復雜性,之前的研究工作對于實際規模的網絡并不適用。

“ less than superlative ? “ said giles gosling , drinking off the cup , and smacking his lips with an air of ineffable relish “不是頂好的? ”吉爾斯戈斯林說,一面喝下一杯,帶著妙不可言的神氣把嘴唇咂一咂。

Fleet street ' s premier chelsea fan , giles smith , uses his midweek column to reflect on an incident packed night in barcelona 我們的首席球評家吉爾斯史密斯在他的周三專欄中評述了意外迭起的諾坎普之夜