
gigantic adj.巨大的;龐大的,巨人似的。adv.-ally ,...


And then three gigantic sharks capture him 突然三條鯊魚碰到了他

< i > this gigantic complexity < / i > < i > of tumbling ice and abysses < / i > 這些既龐大又復雜的冰和深淵

It was gigantic , and the price they were asking was , also 這只海龜體形龐大,售價也高得驚人。

But what you make is news , because it ' s so gigantic 但是你的薪水就是新聞了,數目太龐大了。

Their tusks . also their male parts can get pretty gigantic 對,長牙,還有他們的陽具巨大無比

The ura has been tasked with a gigantic and difficult mission 市建局的任務可算重大而艱巨。

Find a gigantic wastebasket and fill it up 找一個盡可能大的廢紙簍并且把這些紙全部扔進去。

You know , it ' s gotta be hard on robert , being so gigantic 這對羅伯特有點困難,他塊頭太大了

And then three gigantic sharks capture him . . 突然三條鯊魚碰到了他. .

It ' s gigantic , nick . it ' s the white house 巨大的樓,尼克那簡直就是白宮

Slowly out of its hole crawled the gigantic snake 一條體態龐大的蛇慢慢地從洞里爬出來

Of immense size , volume , or capacity ; gigantic 龐大的面積、體積、容積很大的;巨大的

He has a gigantic appetite and eats gigantic meals 他有巨大的食欲而且吃巨大的幾餐。

The snowstorms created gigantic passenger backups 暴風雪造成大量旅客滯留。

Gigantic blocks of rock litter the crater floor 隕石坑底部到處是巨大石塊。

The entire area looked like a gigantic rubbish heap 整個地區看上去像一座大垃圾堆。

Advances in research on gigantic magnetoresistance materials 巨磁電阻材料研究進展

The enclosed photograph shows the gigantic stamp mosaic 圖示為巨型郵票拼圖。

At same time, the war department began construction at this site of the gigantic wilson dam to provide electric power for the nitrate plants . 同時陸軍部開始在這個地方建設巨大的威爾遜水壩,為硝酸鹽工廠提供電力。