
gibbosity n.1.凸狀;隆起。2.駝背。3.【天文學】凸圓。


But the word of mr costello was an unwelcome language for him for he nauseated the wretch that seemed to him a cropeared creature of a misshapen gibbosity born out of wedlock and thrust like a crookback teethed and feet first into the world , which the dint of the surgeon s pliers in his skull lent indeed a colour to , so as it put him in thought of that missing link of creation s chain desiderated by the late ingenious mr darwin 分娩時屬逆產,足先露,且駝背188 。外科醫用鉗子在彼頭蓋上留下了明顯痕跡。布盧姆遂聯想到,彼即已故富于獨創性之達爾文先生畢生探求不已之進化論中所談之過渡生物189也。