
gibbon n.長臂猿。

“ our priority now is to ensure mrs . gibbon ' s welfare , and we will continue to provide consular assistance to her , “ said miliband 米勒班表示:我們目前的首要任務是確保吉彭斯女士的權益,我們也會繼續為她提供領事館方面的協助。

Gibbons , r . “ game theory for applied economists . “ princeton university press , 1992 吉本斯,應用經濟學家的賽局理論,普林斯頓大學出版社, 1992年。

Gibbons , r . “ game theory for applied economists . “ princeton university press , 1992 吉本斯《應用經濟學家博弈論》 ,普林斯頓大學出版社, 1992年。

I cite “ gibbon v . masters - - treacherous conditions in the workplace . 突然想起了一本書的名字- - 《極端惡劣的工作環境》

I cite “ gibbon v . masters - treacherous conditions in the workplace . 突然想起了一本書的名字-極端惡劣的工作環境


A great ? grandmother of mine , who was a friend of gibbon , lived to the age of ninety - two , and to her last day remained a terror to all her descendents 譯文:我的一位曾祖母,和吉本是朋友,活到了九十二歲,她直到臨終都使兒孫感到恐怖。

“ our priority now is to ensure mrs . gibbon ' s welfare , and we will continue to provide consular assistance to her , “ said miliband 米勒班表示:我們目前的首要任務是確保吉彭斯女士的權益,我們也會繼續為她提供領事館方面的協助。

Gibbons and others at stanford used laser beams to improve the quality of silicon films deposited onto nonsilicon substrates 當時吉彭斯和其他史丹佛的研究人員利用雷射光束,試圖改善鍍在非矽基版上的矽薄膜的品質。

By kind permission of his grace the duke of marlborough , blenheim palace , woodstock , england ; photograph by beesley gibbons , ltd . , oxford , england 英國牛津郡伍德斯托克附近的布倫海姆宮的北面,建于1705 ? 1724年。

Mgm art director cedric gibbons took the idea to several los angeles artists who submitted designs 米高梅的布景師卡迪拉克?杰本斯將這個想法傳達給洛杉磯的幾位藝術家,他們提出了自己的設想。

In the same year , the pta1 homologous cdna of gibbon and monkey were cloned in our lab 同年,我室成功克隆了猿和猴的pta1基因,在cdna及蛋白水平同源性為93 - 95 。

“ the increasing hatred , which retarded the execution of his great designs ” ( edward gibbon ) “逐漸增長的仇恨,推遲了他的偉大計劃的執行” (愛德華& # 8226 ;吉本) 。

How did you know my name ? who are you ? - we have a mutual friend . augustus gibbons -你怎么知道我的名字?你是? -我們有個共同的朋友。奧古斯塔斯.吉本斯

What took you so damn long to get here ? - same old gibbons . maybe i shall put this back on -你他媽怎么這么慢才過來? -還是老樣子。也許我該把它貼回去

Kids will love seeing animals like the buff - cheeked gibbon , jaguar , two - toed sloth , and a bornean orang - utan 小朋友到此一游,猶如上了一課自然科學。

Gibbons , r . “ game theory for applied economists . “ princeton university press , 1992 吉本斯,應用經濟學家的賽局理論,普林斯頓大學出版社, 1992年。

Gibbons , r . “ game theory for applied economists . “ princeton university press , 1992 吉本斯《應用經濟學家博弈論》 ,普林斯頓大學出版社, 1992年。

Gillian gibbons was arrested after she let her students name a teddy bear muhammad 該教師的一名律師稱,她被指控侮辱伊斯蘭教并被判入獄15天。

My sober mind was no longer intoxicated by the fumes of politics ( edward gibbon 我的嚴肅的頭腦再也不會被政治的煙氣所陶醉了(愛德華?吉本) 。