ghanaian adj.加納的,加納人的。n.加納人。
adj. 加納的,加納人的。 n. 加納人。 “ghanaian cedi“ 中文翻譯: 加納塞地; 塞地“ghanaian footballers“ 中文翻譯: 加納足球運動員“ghanaian times the“ 中文翻譯: 加納時報“ghanaian worker“ 中文翻譯: 加納工人“every ghanaian living everywhere“ 中文翻譯: 此外,加還有加納全民黨; 還有加納全民黨“ghanai“ 中文翻譯: 加奈“ghanahallah“ 中文翻譯: 加納哈拉“ghanah“ 中文翻譯: 加奈“ghanadhah“ 中文翻譯: 加納扎“ghanam“ 中文翻譯: 加奈姆“ghanadah ras“ 中文翻譯: 蓋納代角
Then , one day a ghanaian brother read mark chapter 4 of the new testament , which describes how jesus christ used the parable of sowing seeds to edify the people . however , when his disciples asked in privacy the true meaning of this parable , jesus told them . “ unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of god ; but unto them that are without , all things are done in parables . 有一天,這位師兄讀到新約圣經馬可福音第四章,其中提到耶穌用撒種的比喻教導公眾,但在私底下,當耶穌的門徒問?這個比喻的真正含義時,耶穌對他們說,神國的奧秘只教給你們知道若是對外人講,就必須用比喻的方式。 |
During x - ray inspection at the airmail centre on may 29 , customs officers found an incoming speedpost parcel from ghana , declared to be containing “ samples “ , suspicious and subsequently found 2 . 6 kg herbal cannabis . as a result of a controlled delivery operation , customs officers arrested two ghanaian men yesterday ( may 31 ) 海關人員于五月二十九日在空郵中心抽查一件寄自加納報稱樣本的速遞郵包時,從x光影像中發現該郵包有異樣,于是進行仔細檢查,結果在郵包內檢獲五包共重2 |
The pronunciation did not matter . their voices were so sincere and touching that they brought joy and life to the party . initiates also sang spiritual songs , striking chords in the hearts of the ghanaian initiates with the verse “ i have been searching , searching for a long , long time . 就在大家的掌聲與歡呼聲鼓勵下,多哥同修非常可愛地唱完這首歌,發音雖然不甚清楚,但歌聲誠摯感人兼具幾分喜感,現場氣氛馬上熱絡起來。 |
Two ghanaian men , aged 24 and 25 , were arrested . the 24 - year - old man will be charged with “ trafficking in a dangerous drug “ and will appear in tsuen wan magistrates courts tomorrow ( june 2 ) for mention . the 25 - year - old man has been released 其中24歲的被捕男子將被落案控以販運危險藥物的罪名,并將于明天(六月二日)在荃灣裁判法院提堂;另一名男子,經調查后已獲釋放。 |
“ but ghanaian producers share few of the gains to be made from european chocolate sales “但是加納的可可種植者所分享到的歐洲巧克力銷售所帶來的利潤卻微乎其微。 |
gharry |
Two days later , a quan yin messenger came to lohmay , my hometown , and talked about master s loving concern for ghanaian initiates . i felt a shock from a kind of spiritual light and suddenly realized that love comes intuitively , without logical analysis or judgement . it is unnecessary to consider what is the most beneficial way 過了兩天,觀音使者來到洛梅,談起師父對迦納同修的關懷和愛心,剎那間,我好似被靈光觸擊般的驚醒,驀然了解到愛心是直覺的,不需要用頭腦去分析或判斷,也不需要去構思怎么做才是最有利的。 |
Friendship with the son and daughter - in - law of an imprisoned supreme court justice afforded me a special pipeline into high - level ghanaian gossip about the alarming psychological condition of the head of state , said alternately to be suffering from delusions of grandeur fed by sycophants or to be reduced to quivering agoraphobia after the attempts on his life 因與一在獄的最高法院法官的兒子兩夫婦有些交情,從而得知加納高層傳出的一些小道消息,說是國家元首的心理狀況令人擔憂,有人說他現在總是把那些奉承他的人當成聯邦人員,也有人說他在遭人企圖謀殺之后就得了陌生環境恐怖癥,身子虛到發抖。 |
Then , one day a ghanaian brother read mark chapter 4 of the new testament , which describes how jesus christ used the parable of sowing seeds to edify the people . however , when his disciples asked in privacy the true meaning of this parable , jesus told them . “ unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of god ; but unto them that are without , all things are done in parables . 有一天,這位師兄讀到新約圣經馬可福音第四章,其中提到耶穌用撒種的比喻教導公眾,但在私底下,當耶穌的門徒問?這個比喻的真正含義時,耶穌對他們說,神國的奧秘只教給你們知道若是對外人講,就必須用比喻的方式。 |
During x - ray inspection at the airmail centre on may 29 , customs officers found an incoming speedpost parcel from ghana , declared to be containing “ samples “ , suspicious and subsequently found 2 . 6 kg herbal cannabis . as a result of a controlled delivery operation , customs officers arrested two ghanaian men yesterday ( may 31 ) 海關人員于五月二十九日在空郵中心抽查一件寄自加納報稱樣本的速遞郵包時,從x光影像中發現該郵包有異樣,于是進行仔細檢查,結果在郵包內檢獲五包共重2 |
The pronunciation did not matter . their voices were so sincere and touching that they brought joy and life to the party . initiates also sang spiritual songs , striking chords in the hearts of the ghanaian initiates with the verse “ i have been searching , searching for a long , long time . 就在大家的掌聲與歡呼聲鼓勵下,多哥同修非常可愛地唱完這首歌,發音雖然不甚清楚,但歌聲誠摯感人兼具幾分喜感,現場氣氛馬上熱絡起來。 |
When the ghanaian initiates were warmly invited onto the stage , they joined in singing with the togo practitioners . their longing overwhelmed them all . they began to sing hymns and other spiritual songs one after another , interspersed with spontaneous performances 此時,大家內心的渴望與感動匯聚在一起,像洪流般地奔放開來,同修開始唱起一首又一首的修行歌曲和圣歌,并不時有即興的創作。 |
The ghanaian star ended his time at lyon in disheartening circumstances as he refused to turn out for gerard houllier ' s side , and expressed his desire to put the saga behind him and focus on proving himself with the blues 加納球星在里昂的最后時刻非常不順心,當他拒絕替霍利爾的球隊出場時,并表明非切爾西不嫁的心愿之后,就把自己攙和進一個傳奇般的故事,逼著他跟藍軍一起證明自己。 |
Two ghanaian men , aged 24 and 25 , were arrested . the 24 - year - old man will be charged with “ trafficking in a dangerous drug “ and will appear in tsuen wan magistrates courts tomorrow ( june 2 ) for mention . the 25 - year - old man has been released 其中24歲的被捕男子將被落案控以販運危險藥物的罪名,并將于明天(六月二日)在荃灣裁判法院提堂;另一名男子,經調查后已獲釋放。 |
Ghanaian president john kufuor , speaking at a joint news conference with president bush , says the prevalence of hiv continues to decline in ghana , from 2 . 6 percent in 2006 to 2 . 2 percent of the population last year 加納總統庫福爾在同布什總統一起舉行的記者會上說,艾滋病在加納的流行范圍繼續縮小,患病人數占總人口的比例從2006年的2 . 6 %下降到2007年的2 . 2 % 。 |
The haul could fetch about $ 6 . 6 million in the local market . in a seperate operation , police officers arrested two ghanaian men , aged 25 and 26 , in a hotel on waterloo road , yau ma tei at about 1 . 30 pm on the same day 探員在同日下午一時三十分于油麻地窩打老道采取另一個行動,在一間酒店內拘捕兩名年齡分別為二十五及二十六歲的迦納男子。 |
Will mr ban , who hails from what is now the world ' s tenth biggest economy ( in nominal terms ) , be able to win the co - operation of the g77 any better than his ghanaian - born predecessor 潘基文來自如今是世界第十大經濟體的國家(按名義上的說法) ,他與g77的合作能比他加納生人的前任更好嗎? |
The deal is not yet complete , and it remains unclear whether a compromise has been reached on the fee , but lyon have conceded defeat in their efforts to keep the 22 - year - old ghanaian 合同還沒完全達成,在價格的商討上還有不明朗的,但里昂在盡力留下22歲的加納人這點上已經退讓。 |
They will appear in north kowloon magistrates courts tomorrow ( november 2 ) . two ghanaian men , aged 25 and 26 , were arrested in another operation on waterloo road , yau ma tei 另外兩名年齡分別為二十五及二十六歲的迦納男子在油麻地窩打老道另一項行動中被捕。 |
Paris : chelsea ' s ghanaian midfielder michael essien was not contrary to reports arrested on a drink driving charge this week , one of his entourage told afp on wednesday 巴黎消息:周三,切爾西的加納中場埃辛身邊的一位工作人員否認了埃辛本周因酒后駕車被拘。 |