
geyser 短語和例子geyser1n.1.間歇(噴)泉。2.〔英國...

In the left frame of the cartoon , we see two people hiking through the snows of yellowstone national park , in which the most famous of the many geysers is “ old faithful “ . the hikers think it lies just over the hill , where the column of vapor is rising 在漫畫的左欄中,我們看見兩個人正行走于黃石公園的雪地之中,該公園眾多間歇式噴泉中最著名的就是“老忠實”了,兩位遠足者認為該噴泉就位于山坡那邊,因為一縷霧汽正從那邊升起。

Today , yellowstone s identity is closely associated with its powerful , natural geysers such as the ever present : old faithful . old faithful erupts about every 85 , 87 minutes . its 130 , 140 feet tall , its magnificent 今天,黃石國家公園的特色是與其許多天然間歇泉緊密聯系在一起的,諸如迄今尚存的“老忠實噴泉“ 。 “老忠實噴泉“每隔85到87分鐘噴射一次,高達130到140英尺,十分壯觀。


On november 23 , 2003 a seminar featuring masters videos was held at yuparach college in chiang mai province , northern thailand , a beautiful area known for its breathtaking ancient temples , towering mountains and picturesque geysers , as well as for the hospitality of its indigenous people 2003年11月23日,泰國同修在泰北清邁的育帕拉奇學院yuparach college舉辦一場錄影帶講座。清邁省風景優美,尤以令人嘆為觀止的古剎崇山峻嶺噴泉和殷勤好客的原住民而聞名于世。

At 3342 meters , mount etna is the highest peak , and europe s largest active volcano . a number of small islands located around sicily are popular tourist resorts , the volcanic aeolian or lipari archipelago being the largest group . the extensive coastline ranges from rocky cliffs to sandy beaches , but sicily also offers other fascinating natural sights such as alcantara gorge near taormina , various caverns carburangeli near carini and others around sicily and on the surrounding islands , and the grey mud flows formed by sporadic geysers that give maccalube , near aragona , its moonlike appearance . . 一是首府帕勒摩palermo ,往近郊的monreale或segesto遺跡都很方便二是卡塔尼亞catania ,有南義米蘭之稱,義大利作曲家貝里尼出身此地,且北有陶美尼taormina小山城,南有薩拉庫撒siracusa三是阿格利真托agrigento ,神殿之谷絕對值得一訪,有諸神的居所的美稱。

Geographically , it is a land of extremes ; fertile coastal plains , glaciated high mountain ranges , deep sinuous fiords surrounded by ancient forests , and volcanic plateaux complete with geysers , boiling mud pools and thermal springs 從地理位置上看,新西蘭是(世界)一塊極端的( /極品級的)領土, (有)肥沃的沿海平原,冰封的高山山脈,還有由原始森林環繞著的深入的蜿蜒的峽灣,以及死活火山(這一句翻譯得不甚準確) ,熱泥漿池和溫泉。

In the ensuing excitement , researchers advanced many theories to explain them : leaking aquifers ( which would be inexplicably perched high on crater rims ) ; pressurized geysers of water ; high - pressure outbursts of carbon dioxide gas ; volcanic heat sources at depth 在接下來的一陣狂熱中,研究者提出許多的理論來解釋: ?漏的含水層(在隕石坑外緣必須被抬升至非常高的高度) 、受壓的間歇泉、高壓噴出的二氧化碳氣體、深層的火山熱源等。

In the left frame of the cartoon , we see two people hiking through the snows of yellowstone national park , in which the most famous of the many geysers is “ old faithful “ . the hikers think it lies just over the hill , where the column of vapor is rising 在漫畫的左欄中,我們看見兩個人正行走于黃石公園的雪地之中,該公園眾多間歇式噴泉中最著名的就是“老忠實”了,兩位遠足者認為該噴泉就位于山坡那邊,因為一縷霧汽正從那邊升起。

Today , yellowstone s identity is closely associated with its powerful , natural geysers such as the ever present : old faithful . old faithful erupts about every 85 , 87 minutes . its 130 , 140 feet tall , its magnificent 今天,黃石國家公園的特色是與其許多天然間歇泉緊密聯系在一起的,諸如迄今尚存的“老忠實噴泉“ 。 “老忠實噴泉“每隔85到87分鐘噴射一次,高達130到140英尺,十分壯觀。

Small restaurants and shops on the other side of avenida da praia grande also offer various ethnic foods and dazzling window shopping items . every evening , music accompanies a multicolour display of fountain fantasia ! there s even a 80 meter high geyser 還有這里有一個音樂噴泉,每個傍晚,用音樂作襯,噴出千奇百怪五光十色的噴水形狀,有時還會噴出高達80米水柱!

The pattern is not unlike what one sees in some geysers , which slowly heat up , boil off their supply of groundwater in a spectacular display , refill , and repeat the cycle , day in and day out , year after year 這樣的模式類似于某些間歇泉,緩慢的加熱,然后在一次壯觀的噴發中排出所有蓄積的沸騰地下水,然后再重新蓄水,重復上述循環;日復一日,年復一年。

A full day tour of the park has been arranged for you , featuring the yellowstone canyon , waterfalls , hot springs , geysers and active volcanoes . the park is also a sanctuary for many wild animals and birds 她更是美國最大的野生動物保護區,清澈的溪流,鱒魚力爭上游,如茵的草原,野牛馴鹿覓食其上,其他如黑熊棕熊扁角鹿和各種稀有水鳥亦以此為家。

Still , despite the kidnap , more tourists are likely to venture into the danakil depression , lured by the desert , volcanoes and geysers , by the afar themselves , and by the lustre of danger 雖然發生了綁架事件,但仍然有越來越多的游客想去達納基爾低地探險,那里的沙漠,火山和溫泉,還有阿法斯自身的魅力,令人心跳的驚險,都在深深吸引著人們。

A full day tour of the park has been arranged for yo , featuring the yellowstone canyon , yellowstone waterfalls , not spring geysers , and active volcanoes . the park is also a sanctuary for many wild animals and birds 清澈的溪流,魚兒力爭上游,如茵的草原,野生麋鹿覓食其上,其他如黑熊灰熊高腳鹿和多種稀有水鳥亦以此為家。

At number six , this natural wonder ' s unparalleled beauty inspired the us government to create the world ' s first national park , incredible natural geysers and wolf brought yellowstone its fame 名列第六位的自然奇觀,其無與倫比的美麗令美國政府為之創立了世界上第一個國家公園,奇妙的天然噴泉和狼使黃石公園聞名遐邇。

Enceladus , a moon of saturn , stunned scientists two years ago when nasa ' s cassini orbiter discovered geyser - like jets of water vapor shooting into space from its south pole 恩克拉多斯(土衛二)是土星的一個衛星。兩年前卡西尼號人造衛星發現一股噴泉狀的水蒸氣從它的南極射向外太空,令美國宇航行局感到非常震驚。

A special feature of the north island is the central volcanic region with three still active volcanic peeks and internal activity featuring hot springs , geysers , and boiling mud pools 北島富有特色的地形風貌莫過于有著三座活火山的中部火山區,以及以熱泉、間歇泉和沸騰的泥漿為特征的地熱活動。

New zealand is a country of rare beauty : glacial mountains , fast - flowing rivers , deep , clear lakes , hissing geysers and boiling mud 新西蘭是一個風景奇美的國度:冰川覆蓋的山巒、水流湍急的江河、深邃清澈的湖泊、嘶嘶作響的間歇泉以及沸騰翻滾的泥漿。

Witnesses said a stream of black crude shot 30 metres into the air like a geyser for 25 minutes before the pipeline was shut down 目擊者說一股30米黑色油柱象噴泉一樣噴向天空,在關閉管道被關閉前持續了25分鐘。

The geysering problem which exists during the cool - down process and is harmful for the recirculation , should be solved in the application 另外,還需要采取措施解決自然循環預冷中出現的“間歇噴泉” 。