
gettysburg n.葛底斯堡〔美國城市〕。

On november 19 , 1863 , abraham lincoln made a short speech on the occasion of dedicating the national cemetery at gettysburg . he ended his speech with these memorable words : “ that government of the people , by the people , for the people , shall not perish from the earth 1863年11月9日,林肯在葛底斯堡陣亡將士公墓落成儀式上發表了簡短的演說,他以另人難忘的語言結束了演說“民有,民治,民享的政府永遠不會從地球上消失。

We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a “ help “ key to push 然而,我們也許應當記住:亞伯?林肯寫葛底斯堡演講稿時,他實在沒有很好的條件來講求文體修辭。可憐的家伙那時并沒有計算機上的“求助”鍵可使用。

We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a “ help “ key to push 但是,我們不應該苛求一個在小木屋里長大,徒步到那所只有一間屋子的學校上學,后來也沒有上成大學的人,他也不可能把話講得再好了。

Ron s newest movie , “ gods generals , “ is the prequel to his landmark film , “ gettysburg . 他是全球其中一位最出色的腦外科醫生,擅長對付棘手的腦腫瘤。

gettysburg address

On november 19 , 1863 , abraham lincoln made a short speech on the occasion of dedicating the national cemetery at gettysburg . he ended his speech with these memorable words : “ that government of the people , by the people , for the people , shall not perish from the earth 1863年11月9日,林肯在葛底斯堡陣亡將士公墓落成儀式上發表了簡短的演說,他以另人難忘的語言結束了演說“民有,民治,民享的政府永遠不會從地球上消失。

Lincoln spoke with honor of the war dead at gettysburg , saying , “ the world will little note , nor long remember , what we say here , but it can never forget what they did here . ” but he placed chief emphasis upon the task ahead , the task so dear to his own heart 林肯高度贊頌在葛底斯堡之戰中捐軀的將士,他說: “我們在這里說些什么,世人不會注意,也不會長期記住,但是英雄們的行動卻永遠不會被人遺忘” 。

And now , friends , fellow citizens of gettysburg and pennsylvania , and you from remoter states , let me again , as we part , invoke your benediction on these honored graves 朋友們,葛底斯堡和賓夕法尼亞州的同胞們,來自遠方各州的同胞們,在這臨別之際,我再一次懇請你們,對著這些光榮的墳冢為這些亡靈祝福吧!

We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a “ help “ key to push 然而,我們也許應當記住:亞伯?林肯寫葛底斯堡演講稿時,他實在沒有很好的條件來講求文體修辭。可憐的家伙那時并沒有計算機上的“求助”鍵可使用。

We might remember , though , that abe lincoln was at a stylistic disadvantage when he wrote his gettysburg address . the poor guy didn ' t have a “ help “ key to push 但是,我們不應該苛求一個在小木屋里長大,徒步到那所只有一間屋子的學校上學,后來也沒有上成大學的人,他也不可能把話講得再好了。

Abraham lincoln , sixteenth president of these united states , is everlasting in the memory of his countrymen . for on the battleground at gettysburg , this is what he said 亞伯拉罕?林肯,美國的第十六任總統,在他的同胞們的回憶中是不朽的。在蓋底茲堡的戰場上,他是這樣說的。

On november 19 , 1863 , president abraham lincoln delivered a short speech at the end of the ceremonies dedicating the battlefield cemetery at gettysburg , pennsylvania 在1863年11月19日,亞伯拉罕林肯總統在賓州蓋茨堡紀念因戰爭死去之將士的典禮最后,發表了一篇簡短的演講。

President abraham lincoln delivers one of the most famous speeches in american history at the dedication of the military cemetery at gettysburg , pennsylvania 亞伯拉罕?林肯總統在賓夕法尼亞州葛底斯堡國家公墓發表了美國歷史上著名的演說。

Logan sieg , a 17 - year - old senior at gettysburg area high school in gettysburg , pa . , will be picking up his diploma this june 如17歲的洛根?西格,他是賓夕法尼亞州葛底斯堡地區高中四年級學生,今年6月他就可以獲得畢業文憑了。

B : hello . may i make an appointment call to mr . james lincoln of gettysburg , at 10 o ' clock tomorrow morning ? the number is 412 - 220 - 4433 喂,我明早10點能約打電話給葛底斯堡的詹姆斯*林肯先生嗎?號碼是412 220 4433 。

Hello . may i make an appointment call to mr . james lincoln of gettysburg , at 10 o ' clock tomorrow morning ? the number is 412 - 220 - 4433 喂,我明早10點能約打電話給葛底斯堡的詹姆斯*林肯先生嗎?號碼是412 220 4433 。

Ron s newest movie , “ gods generals , “ is the prequel to his landmark film , “ gettysburg . 他是全球其中一位最出色的腦外科醫生,擅長對付棘手的腦腫瘤。

Battle of gettysburg 蓋茨堡之役

My man ' s dead , took his wound at gettysburg and never saw his boy , 我男人死了,他在葛底斯堡受傷后就再也沒回來看他兒子

Everyone in the class has to learn lincoln ' s gettysburg address by heart 班上每個學生都必須默誦林肯葛底斯堡演說詞。