gesticulation n.用動作[姿勢]示意,打手勢。
n. 用動作[姿勢]示意,打手勢。 “gesticulative“ 中文翻譯: adj. 打手勢的,做手勢的。 “gesticulating“ 中文翻譯: 指指點點“gesticulator“ 中文翻譯: n. 用姿勢[動作]示意的人,打手勢的人。 “gesticulate“ 中文翻譯: vi. 用姿勢[動作]示意,打手勢。 vt. 用姿勢[動作]表達(意思)。 “gesticulatory“ 中文翻譯: adj. 打手勢的,做手勢的。 “gesticone“ 中文翻譯: 杰斯蒂科內“gesticultatory tic“ 中文翻譯: 表演狀抽搐“gestical“ 中文翻譯: adj. 與身體動作有關的(尤指跳舞時)。 “gestido“ 中文翻譯: 赫斯蒂多“gestic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 與身體動作有關的(尤指跳舞時)。
gesticulative |
Prince andrey was very much changed , and visibly much more robust , but there was a new horizontal line between his brows . he was in civilian dress , and standing facing his father and prince meshtchersky , he was hotly arguing , making vigorous gesticulations 安德烈公爵完全變了,顯然變得更加強壯,但是在他的眉毛之間又增添了一條橫橫的皺紋,他穿著一身便服,站在父親和梅謝爾斯基公爵對面,做出有力的手勢,熱烈地爭論。 |
For eighteen months i have been waiting for an explanation , but before opening negotiations , what is it thats required of me ? he said , frowning and making a vigorous gesticulation with his fat , little white hand 十八個月來,我等著解釋。為了開始談判,究竟還要求我做什么呢? ”他說話時,皺緊眉頭,用自己那小巧白胖的手打著有力的疑問手勢。 |
They sang a duet , and every one in the theatre began clapping and shouting , while the man and woman on the stage , supposed to represent lovers , began bowing with smiles and gesticulations 他們兩個人合唱了這首歌,戲院中的全體觀眾都鼓掌喝彩,飾演戀人的一男一女,笑嘻嘻地伸開兩手,鞠躬行禮,以示謝忱。 |
But , while she said it , pearl laughed , and began to dance up and down , with the humorsome gesticulation of a little imp , whose next freak might be to fly up the chimney 珠兒邊說邊放聲笑著,并且用小妖精的那種調皮樣子蹦蹦跳跳著,她的下一步想入非非的行動可能是從煙囪中飛出去。 |
Beside him sat uvarov , speaking to him with rapid gesticulations in the same low voice in which everybody spoke 和他并排坐的是烏瓦羅夫,他低聲地大家說話都這樣告訴巴克萊什么事情,手勢動作極快。 |
Suddenly , the postilions exchange speech with animated gesticulation , and the horses - are pulled up , almost on their haunches 突然兩個車夫激動地打著手勢爭論起來,猛一帶馬,馬匹幾乎倒坐在地上。 |
In fact , the eyes , gesticulation or appearance potential energy transmit more information than utterance 你必須時時刻刻謹慎注重、觀察你的對手,并不斷地思考如何影響對方接受你的看法。 |
Sometimes one gets into funny gesticulations or loses complete awareness of the outside 有時那個人會作出一些奇怪的姿勢或完全斷絕了對外界的知覺。 |
Denisov got up and began with gesticulations to explain his plans to bolkonsky 杰尼索夫站起來打著手勢,向安德烈公爵描述他的方案。 |
We must send the reserves , he said with a slight gesticulation . whom shall we send there 他說,兩臂微微攤開, “您看派誰去? ” |
Probably his wild gesticulations and his generally excited and rebellious manner gave rise to this supposition . 大概是他那種粗野的手勢以及經常激動和不信邪的態度使人家產生了這種懷疑。 |