
gerry n.格里〔姓氏,男子名〕。


The my left foot team of star daniel day - lewis and director jim sheridan were reunited to make this political docudrama about irish citizen gerry conl . . 原籍北愛爾蘭的謝利康倫,同朋友到英國去,與一群皮士為伍,更被懷疑與一宗炸一宗炸彈案有關,他的父親治西也牽涉其中。

The canadian project director is gerry luciuk of pfra , while the chinese project director is dr . li changyou president of the inner mongolian agriculture university 加方的項目主任是草原管理司的杰瑞魯斯克中方的項目主任是內蒙古農業大學校長,李暢游教授。

Gerry jackson , the founder and editor at sw radio africa , insists that the zimbabwean government is behind the jamming Sw非洲電臺的編輯和創辦人杰瑞?杰克森堅持,電臺受到干擾一定是辛巴威政府暗中搞的鬼。

A family friend says gerry and kate mccann are suspects in the disappearance of their four - year - old daughter 邁肯家的一位友人稱,杰瑞邁肯和凱特邁肯成為了他們四歲女兒失蹤一案的嫌疑人。

Gerry : i ' m too busy right now . put it in my in - box , would you please ? i ' ll add it to my pim ' s to - do list 我現在太忙了。請把它放在我的信箱里,我會把它加在我的商務通執行表中。

David marsh , gerry stoker , theory and methods in political science , macmillan press , 1995 大衛?馬什,格里?斯托克, 《政治科學的理論與方法》 ,中國人民大學出版社, 2006年。

Gerry : well i took her out to dinner and she spent half the time texting her girlfriends on her mobile 格里:我邀她去吃晚飯,她卻有一半時間用行動電話和女朋友傳簡訊。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 一位名叫杰里紐豪斯的經理兼出版商對法新社表示。他很長時間以來一直有心臟病。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 經理人兼出版商格雷紐斯豪斯告訴法新社,蒂比茨曾受心臟問題因擾。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 他的經紀人兼出版發行人聲稱:他一直以來都受到心臟病痛的折磨。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 經理人兼出版商格雷?紐斯豪斯告訴法新社,蒂比茨患有心臟問題。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 出版社經理格里?紐豪斯告訴法新社,蒂貝茨的心臟一直有毛病。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 經紀人兼出版商紐豪斯告訴法新社,他一直受心臟病的折磨。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 管理人兼新聞發布人革雷紐豪斯對法新社說,他曾患心臟病。

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 經理人兼出版商格里對afp說,他長期遭受著心臟病的困擾。

Gerry : hmm , yes , that ' s a key issue we still have to resolve . what ' s my schedule like 嗯,好,那是我們需要解決的關鍵問題。我的日程能安排開嗎?

Gerry : hmm , yes , that ' s a key issue we still have to resolve . what ' s my schedule like 嗯,好,那是一個要解決的關鍵問題。我的日程能安排開嗎?

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 出版社經理格林紐豪斯告訴法新社他的心臟一直有毛病

He had been suffering from heart problems , manager and publisher gerry newhouse told afp 經理人兼出版商告訴afp ,他一直受心臟問題的困擾。