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german shepherd (dog) 德國牧羊犬〔也叫(German)police...

But “ school - aged children can be trained successfully in precautionary behavior when approaching a dog , “ concluded the study from the department of pediatric surgery at the medical university of graz . the researchers said they found that the relative risk of being bitten by a german shepherd or a doberman was about five times higher than for a labrador retriever or a mixed breed 奧地利兒科專家最近警告說,父母應當等孩子到達上學年齡后再給孩子買狗,而且就算孩子已經到了學齡,如果你想買的是一只德國獵犬或是德國牧羊犬的話,最好還是再考慮考慮,因為這些大型狗很有可能會攻擊你的孩子。

One year passed by . then the dog palmist eventually bought a dog , brought it to the neighbor , and said , “ this is a german shepherd ; it s very good , a number one dog . 一年以后,這個狗手相專家終于幫鄰居買了一只狗,他帶著這只狗到鄰居家里,然后說:這是一只德國牧羊犬,是非常好最上等的狗。

Then the dog palmist said , “ no , no , no , it s definitely , one hundred and twenty percent german shepherd 這位狗手相專家說:這只狗百分之一百二十是德國牧羊犬,非常的一級棒!

german silver

Bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday . bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday 奧地利兒科專家最近警告說,父母應當等孩子到達上學年齡后再給孩子買狗,而且就算孩子已經到了學齡,如果你想買的是一只德國獵犬或是德國牧羊犬的話,最好還是再考慮考慮,因為這些大型狗很有可能會攻擊你的孩子。

Many years passed , and the neighbor people never saw the dog catch any mice , not any mice at all , not even the hair of a mouse , and it did not even look at a mouse . so , they went to the dog palmist and asked him whether he had read the palms wrongly , whether the dog was really a german shepherd or whether it was a beijing terrier 可是過了很多年,鄰居卻從來沒看過這只狗捉過一只老鼠,連根老鼠毛也沒碰過,這只狗甚至看都不看老鼠一眼,于是他們就去問那位狗手相專家,是不是看錯了狗的手相?

But “ school - aged children can be trained successfully in precautionary behavior when approaching a dog , “ concluded the study from the department of pediatric surgery at the medical university of graz . the researchers said they found that the relative risk of being bitten by a german shepherd or a doberman was about five times higher than for a labrador retriever or a mixed breed 奧地利兒科專家最近警告說,父母應當等孩子到達上學年齡后再給孩子買狗,而且就算孩子已經到了學齡,如果你想買的是一只德國獵犬或是德國牧羊犬的話,最好還是再考慮考慮,因為這些大型狗很有可能會攻擊你的孩子。

Bringing a dog into the family should wait until the children are of school age , and even then parents might want to think twice about a doberman pinscher or german shepherd , according to a study published monday 奧地利兒科專家最近警告說,父母應當等孩子到達上學年齡后再給孩子買狗,而且就算孩子已經到了學齡,如果你想買的是一只德國獵犬或是德國牧羊犬的話,最好還是再考慮考慮,因為這些大型狗很有可能會攻擊你的孩子。

A number of events over the past 3 - 5 years within the sv ( german shepherd dog club of germany , the world authority for the german shepherd dog ) give me reason to believe that the working german shepherd dogs , and with them all gsds , are in serious trouble 在過去的3 - - - 5年時間里, sv內部發生的一系列事情讓我有理由相信:工作線的德國牧羊犬,以及其他所有類型的同類,正處于嚴峻的困境。

Shanghai , aug . 9 ? it was late last month , the boy said , his voice still tinged with emotion , when he and his father were forced to march their two german shepherds to a public square and hang them from a tree 上海,八月九日- - - ,一個男孩激動的說,上個月月底,他和他的父親被迫將他們的兩只德牧掉死在廣場的一棵樹上。

One year passed by . then the dog palmist eventually bought a dog , brought it to the neighbor , and said , “ this is a german shepherd ; it s very good , a number one dog . 一年以后,這個狗手相專家終于幫鄰居買了一只狗,他帶著這只狗到鄰居家里,然后說:這是一只德國牧羊犬,是非常好最上等的狗。

German shepherds , labradors , poodles , doberman , pinschers etc . possess a disposition to learn new bits , orders and ( then especially ) entertaining things for their entire lives 德牧,拉不拉多,獅子狗,杜賓,迷你杜賓等狗狗一生都擁有學習新口令,新動作,特別是學習那些有趣玩意兒的能力。

Note : this is by no means intended as an extensive history of the breed , but rather an overview of how the german shepherd dog as we know it today came into existence [注意:本文的目的不再于研究這個品種悠久的歷史演變,只是概括描述德國牧羊犬是怎樣演變成今天這樣一種知名品種。

It appears that the “ german ” german shepherd dog is going to follow the “ american ” german shepherd dog in its downhill slide toward total uselessness as a working breed 作為一種工作犬,德國的德國牧羊犬似乎正在跟隨他的美(國)系展示型德牧一道向背離實用性的方向發展。

Say you have a sheep farm with four sheep ovis aries , but you just bought two goats capra hircus and one german shepherd dog canis lupis familiaris 比方說,您有一個綿羊牧場,里面有四只綿羊(綿羊屬) ,但是您剛剛買了兩只山羊(山羊屬)和一只德國牧羊犬(犬科犬屬) 。

The people became enthusiastic about genetics and tried to improve the breed and they began to mix native caucasians with the german shepherd and great dane 人們對于基因變得異乎熱衷,他們開始混合本土高加索和德國牧羊犬以及大丹犬的血統以期改良犬的品質。

It was soon obvious that the little german shepherd crossbreed would be a large dog - - , too large to continue sharing a doghouse with tex and the yellow cat 沒多久就看得出這只小德國雜種牧羊狗會長成一條大狗,大到不能再和特克斯及黃貓同享一間狗屋。

Banjo came to me by way of a paper bag deposited on my doorstep , apparently the unwanted runt of a litter of german shepherd puppies 班卓被裝在一個紙口袋里,放在我家臺階上,它就這樣來到了我這里,它顯然是一窩德國牧羊狗中最矮小的。

Captain von stephanitz worked tirelessly to improve the breed , and to look for other ways the german shepherd could be useful to mankind [范?斯迪芬尼茨上校為了優化(德牧)品種不知疲倦的工作著,同時也不斷開發德牧對于人類新的功用。

More labrador retrievers were licensed than any other breed , followed by pit bulls , shih tzus and german shepherds 純種狗中以拉布拉多尋物獵犬居多,其次是美洲斗牛犬、西施犬和德國牧羊犬。