
geostationary adj.(人造衛星等)對地靜止的,對地同步的。

All satellite imageries used in “ tropical cyclone in 2004 “ web page were originally captured with the geostationary meteorological satellite ( gms - 5 ) or geostationary operational environmental satellite ( goes - 9 ) Goes - 9是日本氣象廳( jma )和美國國家海洋及大氣管理局( noaa )轄下的國家環境衛星數據及資訊服務處( nesdis )合作下的成果。

geostationary orbit

Hourly cloud pictures received from the geostationary meteorological satellite of the japan meteorological agency give general indications of tropical cyclones , severe storms and frontal systems approaching the south china coast 天文臺每小時接收由日本氣象廳的地球同步氣象衛星拍攝的衛星云圖。這些圖像可以顯示逼近華南沿岸的熱帶氣旋、強烈風暴和鋒面系統。

As it follows the earth s rotation closely , it is stationary relative to the earth s surface ( hence the name geostationary ) . this enables it to view , and obtain images of , the same part of the earth all the time 這顆衛星緊隨地球的自轉而運行,相對于地面是靜止不動的(故名地球同步衛星) ,因此可以24小時不斷拍攝地球上同一地區的云圖。

As it follows the earth s rotation closely , it is stationary relative to the earth s surface hence the name geostationary . this enables it to view , and obtain images of , the same part of the earth all the time 這顆衛星緊隨地球的自轉而運行,相對于地面是靜止不動的(故名地球同步衛星) ,因此可以24小時不斷拍攝地球上同一地區的云圖。

All satellite imageries used in “ tropical cyclone in 2004 “ web page were originally captured with the geostationary meteorological satellite ( gms - 5 ) or geostationary operational environmental satellite ( goes - 9 ) Goes - 9是日本氣象廳( jma )和美國國家海洋及大氣管理局( noaa )轄下的國家環境衛星數據及資訊服務處( nesdis )合作下的成果。

This paper raises a question on three geostationary satellites covering the earth , which has been accepted in the physics textbooks in universities for almost ten years , and makes thorough discussions about it 摘要對近10年來7種高校物理教科書中關于3顆同步衛星可覆蓋全球的說法和相關示意圖提出質疑,并進行討論。

The high - resolution cloud images of polar - orbiting weather satellites can reveal the detailed cloud structure , while the cloud images of geostationary weather satellites have extensive geographical coverage 極地軌道天氣衛星云圖的解像度很高,可顯示較細致的云團結構。地球同步天氣衛星云圖的覆蓋范圍則較廣。

Compared with the international similar instruments , this telescope is the most powerful and efficient for space weather forecast . the telescope will be aboard the geostationary satellites 太陽x - euv成像望遠鏡是目前國際上同類儀器中功能最強、開展空間天氣預報最為有效的太陽成像監測儀器。

( 1 ) using infrared data of geostationary meteorological satellite , the gray scale and other kinds of element were calculated or derived after map projecting and geographic calibrating 具體內容如下: ( 1 )經過地理定位、地圖投影后,讀取了地球同步氣象衛星紅外灰度,計算了導出物理量。

So the passive ranging mode is considered to improve “ beidou ” navigation system . “ beidou ” navigation system and a geostationary satellite can constitute three - star navigation system 在北斗導航定位系統基礎上,增加一顆地球同步衛星(雙星和它的一顆備份星)即可組成三星定位系統。

Compared with the conventional pictures from geostationary satellites , pictures from polar - orbiting satellites have higher resolution because they fly much closer to the earth 由于極地軌道衛星較接近地面,所以拍攝到的云圖分辨率比一般大家熟識的地球同步衛星云圖為高。

An important step in deriving winds from geostationary meteorological satellite data is selecting the clouds which move slowly and go with the wind , which is called tracers 摘要云跡風反演中的一項很重要的工作是選取隨風移動、變化緩慢的云,即示蹤云。

Gms - 5 , which stands for geostationary meteorological satellite 5 , is operated by the japan meteorological agency . it is located above the equator at longitude 140 Gms - 5是日本氣象廳的地球同步氣象衛星,位于東經140度的赤道上空,距離地面約35 , 800公里。

Orbiting at several hundred kilometres aloft , these satellites are closer to the earth than geostationary ones and thus produce images of higher resolution 這類衛星一般離地面數百公里,比地球同步衛星較接近地面,所以拍攝出來的圖像的分辨率較高。

There are two types of meteorological satellites characterized by their orbits . they are geostationary satellites and polar - orbiting satellites ( figure 1 ) 氣象衛星根據其軌跡可分為兩類:地球同步氣象衛星和極地軌道氣象衛星(圖一) 。

There are two types of meteorological satellites characterized by their orbits . they are geostationary satellites and polar - orbiting satellites figure 1 氣象衛星根據其軌跡可分為兩類:地球同步氣象衛星和極地軌道氣象衛星圖一。

The images were originally captured by fengyun - 2c ( fy - 2c ) , a geostationary meteorological satellite operated by china meteorological administration ( cma ) 以上衛星云圖接收自中國氣象局的風云- 2c地球同步氣象衛星( fy - 2c ) 。

The images were originally captured by fengyun - 2b ( fy - 2b ) , a geostationary meteorological satellite operated by china meteorological administration ( cma ) 以上衛星云圖接收自中國氣象局的風云2b地球同步氣象衛星( fy - 2b ) 。

Like the japanese geostationary meteorological satellite - 5 ( gms - 5 ) , fy - 2b takes one to two cloud pictures of the globe every hour 與日本的地球同步氣象衛星五號( gms - 5 )相類似, fy - 2b衛星每小時會拍攝一至兩幅地球的云圖。