
georgina n.喬治(亞)娜〔女子名〕。


The selection panel consisted of mr . sanford yung , ms . georgina chan , director of education & training of the hong kong society of accountants , ms . florence yip , chartered accountant , ms . carrie yu , chartered accountant , ms . priscilla lam , chartered accountant , ms . amy yui , senior administrator in the academic field , and , mr . cameron sloan , the director of human resources of pricewaterhousecoopers 遴選委員會之成員除容永道先生外,亦包括香港會計師公會教育及培訓總監陳素珍女士、特許會計師葉招桂芳女士、特許會計師余葉嘉莉女士、特許會計師藍思敏女士、學術界行政人員俞藹敏女士,以及羅兵咸永道會計師事務所人力資源及發展總監金馬倫史龍先生。

Do you remember , harking back in a retrospective arrangement , old christmas night georgina simpson s housewarming while they were playing the irving bishop game , finding the pin blindfold and thoughtreading 一雙綠眼睛殺氣騰騰地閃著光。半截耳朵整個鼻子和雙手的大拇指都被食尸鬼吃掉了。

Georgina ballantyne was said to cast so beautifully that her father preferred to row the boat and watch her rather than fish himself 一次偶然的機會,他看見一條鮭魚多次在他的魚鉤前徘徊,卻對魚餌的誘惑無動于衷,格蘭特只能眼睜睜的看著它跑開然后藏匿于水中巖石下。

Where are we going ? stephen lecherous lynx , to la belle dame sans merci , georgina johnson , ad deam qui laetificat juventutem meam 好色的山貓12 ,咱們找無情的美女喬治娜約翰遜13去,走向年少時曾賜與我歡樂的女神。

Georgina ferry ' s biography captures not only the scientific advances made by perutz but also his curious personal qualities 喬治娜.法利所著的傳記不僅記錄了佩魯茨獲得的科學成就,還表現了他追求科學真理的優秀品質。

Go to ! you spent most of it in georgina johnson s bed , clergyman s daughter 你把大部分錢都花在牧師的女兒喬冶娜約翰遜100的床上啦。

Georgina : i know , they ' ll be almost impossible to get rid of completely 喬治娜:我早看到了。要把酒污、劃痕完全除去,幾乎是不可能的。

Good night , grandma georgina 晚安,喬治奶奶

Georgina : i can ' t believe it ! that really makes my blood boil 喬治娜:這簡直難以置信,令人怒火中燒!

And for once , grandma georgina knew exactly what she was talking about 奶奶總算是說對了一次

Georgina : how did you find him ? did he do a good job 喬治娜:你是怎樣找到他的?他做得好嗎?

Georgina : is she any good and can you trust her 喬治娜:她能不能干?你信任她嗎?