
geometry n.1.幾何學。2.幾何形狀。3.幾何學著作。短語和例子...

Carnot wished “to free geometry from the hieroglyphics of analysis“ . Carnot希望“把幾何學從分析學的畫符樣難懂的文字中解放出來。”

His “definition“ of geometry guided geometrical thinking for about fifty years . 他的幾何“定義”指引了幾何思想約50年之久。


Late in the alexandrian period, pappus' additions to geometry came as a sort of anticlimax . 在亞歷山大里亞晚期出現的Pappus對幾何學的工作是高潮后的一種低潮。

Science should always try to use euclidean geometry and vary the laws of physics where necessary . 科學應該永遠試用歐幾里德幾何學,并在必要處改變物理定律。

The geometry of a conventional diffraction experiment with a solid or liquid is illustrated in fig. 355 . 圖355是固體和液體的一般衍射實驗的幾何關系圖。

His participation in actual physical surveys stimulated his interest in differential geometry . 他親身參加實際的物理測量,激起了他對微分幾何學的興趣。

After their work, the calculus was no longer an appendage and extension of greek geometry . 經過他們的工作,微積分不再是古希臘幾何的附庸和延展。

In this geometry the erosive effect is most pronounced in the early stages of motor combustion . 對這種幾何形狀,在燃燒初期的侵蝕作用最為顯著。

The prestressing influence coefficients depend on the geometry of the concrete structure only . 預應力影響系數僅取決于混凝土結構的幾何形狀。

The following remarks refer to the effects of mechanical processing on fiber surface geometry . 下面介紹機械加工對纖維表面幾何形狀的影響。

The europeans were far more troubled by the disparate states of arithmetic and geometry . 歐洲人對算術和幾何的不同情況是傷過很多腦筋的。

We have written the compatibility equation in a form that corresponds with the polar geometry . 我們已經把協調方程寫成了極坐標的形式。

The purpose of ip logging is to determine the depth and geometry of the polarizable bodies . IP測井的目的在于確定極壓體的深度和形狀。

This cumulative development of mathematics applies especially to non-enclidean geometry . 這種數學積累的發展特別適用于非Enclid幾何。

As an example consider slugging, a phenomenon strongly affected by the vessel geometry . 例如騰涌這種現象就受容器幾何尺寸很大影響。

For the geometry depicted in figure 2-2, the lagrange multiplier is positive . 對于圖2-2中所畫的幾何圖形來說,拉格朗日乘子是正的。

Carnot wished “to free geometry from the hieroglyphics of analysis“ . Carnot希望“把幾何學從分析學的畫符樣難懂的文字中解放出來。”

The geometry of the vessel and its internals may limit the size of the bubbles . 容器和其內部構件的幾何形狀可能限制氣泡的尺寸。

Prominent in the modern elementary geometry of the triangle is the nine-point circle . 九點圓在三角形的現代初等幾何中是重要的。