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geometric progression [series] 幾何級數,等比級數。

geometric projection

Since entered 21 centuries , the customer elephant internet of the on - line bank is similar to become the geometric progression growth , trading the amount of money to amount to 60 renminbis in 2005 . the on - line bank has all specific weight of business of bank more and more high , trade to act for the rate also at fly to increase soon . statistics according to the department concerned , the industry and business bank and canvass business the bargain of the bank network bank acts for the rate all already over 25 % , also is to say , have 1 / 4 of bank pay the business to pass the net to complete up 網上銀行是金融領域的一場革命,將引發金融業經營管理模式,業務運作方式,經營理念風險監管等一系列重大變革。同時,網絡經濟特別是電子商務的迅速發展,為網上銀行提供了極其廣闊的市場。本論文通過分析我國網上銀行發展的現狀及郵政金融業務,探討郵政部門建設網上銀行的需求和可行性,提出網上銀行的業務功能及對系統實施、業務發展的幾點思考,建議郵政部門抓住時機建設網上銀行,以促進郵政金融業務發展。

With the rapid development of internet technology and then the surpassing increase of all kinds of information characterized by geometric progression , the intellectualized information retrieval has become a major research topic , for the traditional information retrieval ca n ' t meet the requirements of users 隨著因特網技術的迅速發展,因特網上信息成幾何級數增長,傳統的信息檢索服務已不能滿足用戶的檢索需求,因此智能信息檢索成為重要的研究課題。

As we all know , mankind ' s ability to create wealth had been promoted at the speed of geometric progression , due to the invention of steam engine and computer and the utilization of steels and improved varieties 我們知道,曾經因為蒸汽機、計算機等生產工具出現,因為對工業鋼材、農業良種等勞動對象的利用,人類社會生產財富的能力得到了幾何級數的提高。

If the human resources are in good management , the effectiveness generated corresponds to geometric progression of resources put in , by contraries ; the company might suffer invaluable losses or irremediable damage 人力資源管理得好,它所取得的效益是資源投入的幾何倍數,反之,它也是對公司效益無可估計的損失與難以彌補的損害。