
geometric n.有幾何圖形的東西。

With hindsight one can see on geometric grounds that the new “numbers“ had to contain four components . 事后來認識,我們能看到在幾何的基礎上,新的“數”必須包含四個分量。

geometric mean

Translates the local geometric transformation of this 對象的局部幾何變換平移指定的尺寸。

That represents the local geometric transform of this 的局部幾何變換的

Hydraulic fluid power - pumps and motors - geometric displacements 液壓泵及馬達公稱排量系列

That specifies a geometric transform to apply to the path 指定將應用于路徑的幾何變換的

Object that represents the local geometric transformation of this 對象的局部幾何變換的

Parameter diagram of product geometric characteristic 產品幾何特性參數表

Children ' s anticipatory image on geometric figure 兒童的幾何圖形預期表象

Geometric properties of ribs and fans of a bezier curve Bezier曲線肋形和扇形的幾何特性

Geometric phase for the qubits with anisotropic coupling 各向異性耦合量子位的幾何相位

Stability ; stability radius ; geometric approach -穩定性穩定半徑幾何算法

We define the sum of the infinite geometric series . . 我們把無窮幾何級數的和定義為. .

Studies on a series of geometric inequality suppositions 關于一類幾何不等式猜想的研究

That the geometric distribution of antagonists in any gun battie 在槍戰中的敵人的能力

Thus , the geometric parameters of wheelset will be get 由此計算出輪對的相關參數。

Class used to define geometric transforms , and the 類用于定義幾何變換和

Scale effect and the geometric shapes of grains 考慮晶粒幾何形狀的尺度效應

Data parallel implementation of geometric operations 幾何操作的數據并行實現

Geometric properties of ar nonlinear regression models 誤差非線性回歸模型的幾何性質