
geomancy n.泥土占卜〔拿一把土撒在地上,按形成的形狀進行占卜,或...

Nan shih gu , a prophet who specialized in astrology , geomancy , and the book of changes , warned us of destructive changes towards the end of the twentieth century : “ a tiny object that looks like a head but without legs which means an atomic bomb will explode in the air and create a sea of fire , dimming the sun and moon . 格庵遺錄的作者南師古,是一位精通天文地理及易經的預言家,他警告我們在二十世紀末,有一些毀滅性的改變會發生:有一種小小的,像頭而沒有腳的東西,意思就是原子彈,將會在空中爆炸引起火海,使日月無光。

“ heroes come from the good landscape geomancy “ , this is one of the most important motif of the legends of mongolian place name 摘要“風水寶地出英雄” ,這是蒙古族地名傳說的主要母題之一。


The panel includes fashion designer ranee k , jewelry designer karen lee , top model balia chan , wedding photographers , overseas wedding planners , etc . besides , woo kwan lee lo will give advise on legal problems about wedding while geomancy consultant master kong and master choi hing wah will give advice on wedding customs and provide service on how to choose a good wedding day 至強專家陣容包括本地著名時裝設計師ranee k及cecilia yau著名珠寶設計師karen lee名模陳沛嘉著名化妝師do do au - yeung及karen choi ,以及婚照攝影大師海外婚禮統籌專家等。

This article took gannan hakkas regions local authority to the geomancy belief manner as a viewpoint , analyzed the social history reason of government to the geomancy belief contradictory manner ; thought the local authority to the geomancy belief contradictory manner , in the essence highly unifies to the village society ' s control 摘要本文以明清時期贛南客家地區地方政府對風水信仰的態度為視點,分析了造成政府對風水信仰矛盾態度的社會歷史原因;認為地方政府對風水信仰的矛盾態度,實質上高度統一于對鄉村社會的控制。

The profession produces the carvings , stone material craft , cylinder of various marble , granite , stone material and put together various shape handicraft product of flower , geomancy ball . . . etc . and special design etc . , our products reserve a traditional stone material not only of natural and elegant in the meantime in keeping with market development trend , guide a star class cabaret , market and transact building and family of green decorate current 專業生產各種板材、圓柱,線條、拼花、風水球、以及特別設計的各種造型工藝品等,我們的產品不但保留傳統石材的天然高雅同時適合市場發展趨勢,引領星級酒店、商場、辦公樓及家庭的綠色裝飾潮流。

And efforts have also been tried , at the viewpoint of the history of academic studies , to give accounts of and comments on the various specific subjects including philology , phonology , critical interpretation of ancient texts , bibliography , edition study , textual criticism , false detecting , compiling , note , nomenclature , institution , epigraphy , official rank , geomancy , taboo , astronomy , mathematics and temperament , etc . , from which to extract the academic consciousness , mothed and achievements of the scholars in qianlong ( ) and jiaqing ( ) period 本文也試圖對眾多的專門學科如文字、音韻、訓詁、目錄、版本、校勘、辨偽、輯伙、注釋、名物、典章、金石、職官、輿地、避諱、天文、歷算、樂律等學做出學術史的描述與評價,從中提煉出乾嘉學人的學術意識、方法以及人文成就。

The unique aspect of an le shan zhuang and goddess of mercy hole is that they are certainly legitimate , thus making the buddhist thoughts as their objectives , and pleasing the multitudinous eminent monks from around the world , the taoist priests , geomancy fortune tellers , joining their forces and solving the inevitable difficult problems 安樂山莊和觀音洞的獨特在于其理念絕對正統,以佛道思想為宗旨,并請海內外眾多高僧、道長,風水命理大師們合力替虔誠之人解決生命中不可避免的難題。

Nan shih gu , a prophet who specialized in astrology , geomancy , and the book of changes , warned us of destructive changes towards the end of the twentieth century : “ a tiny object that looks like a head but without legs which means an atomic bomb will explode in the air and create a sea of fire , dimming the sun and moon . 格庵遺錄的作者南師古,是一位精通天文地理及易經的預言家,他警告我們在二十世紀末,有一些毀滅性的改變會發生:有一種小小的,像頭而沒有腳的東西,意思就是原子彈,將會在空中爆炸引起火海,使日月無光。

The benefit of this cooperation has been that archaeoastronomy has expanded to include the interrelated interests in ancient and native calendar systems , concepts of time and space , mathematics , counting systems and geometry , surveying and navigational techniques as well as geomancy - dowsing - and the origins of urban planning 該合作的好處就是考古天文學已經擴展了包括古代和本土日歷系統、時間空間概念、數學、計算系統和幾何學、測量和航海技術以及泥土占卜相關的興趣-探尋水源和礦藏-和城市規劃的由來。

Abstract : the huizhou ancient village and shuikou garden are chosen as the research target to analyze the causes of origin of cultural landscape from the aspects of their pattern , water system , and humanistic landscape on the basis of the study of geomancy recorded in the pedigree of clans and local chronicles 摘要:以徽州古村落及其水口園林為研究目標,通過對宗氏族譜、方志等記載的歷史上相關風水選址活動的探究,結合大量的實例參照與圖例的比對,對其村落格局、水系、人文景觀等文化積淀的成因進行深層次的分析。

It is not a common sight yet to see feng shui , the ancient chinese art of geomancy ( 3 ) , advertised as a romance enhancer , but it may not be long before it becomes an accepted part of dating in big cities where singles frequently battle to find love , devoted practitioners ( 4 ) say 一位虔誠的風水先生說,風水是古代中國的泥土占卜藝術,目前還沒有太多人說它能提升桃花運,但是在不久的將來,它將成為大城市渴求愛情的單身男女的戀愛保護神。

It is not a common sight yet to see feng shui , the ancient chinese art of geomancy , advertised as a romance enhancer , but it may not be long before it becomes an accepted part of dating in big cities where singles frequently battle to find love , devoted practitioners say 一位虔誠的風水先生說,風水是古代中國的泥土占卜藝術,目前還沒有太多人說它能提升桃花運,但是在不久的將來,它將成為大城市渴求愛情的單身男女的戀愛保護神。

The geomancy expert chose the plot to bury mr . yan s father 20 years ago . but , a new burial must be made at another site to ensure mr . yan to become more riches . so mr . yan calls in chinese voodoo priest kou to handle to reburial 任老爺先父入土廿年而尸骨未腐,九叔怕它變成強尸,與徒秋生,文才把尸首抬返義莊處理,更建議任家小姐婷婷暫避,反被指為導人迷信,鎖進牢內,一夜,村民一個個神秘死去

The tombs , designed in keeping with the chinese principles of geomancy ( feng - shui ) , provide outstanding evidence of chinese beliefs and traditions from the 14th century onwards and are significant examples of architecture and applied arts from that period 這些皇家陵寢依照中國的風水理論精心選址修建,是14世紀以來中國古代信仰和傳統的體現,同時也是當時建筑技巧和實用藝術水平的見證。

This year , over a hundred exhibitors at the festival offered a wide range of interesting information on relaxation and meditation techniques , sound therapy , yoga , feng shui geomancy and vegetarian cooking with demonstrations 今年總共有百馀家參展單位,提供了包羅萬象引人入勝的各類資訊,參展內容有教人放松及打坐技巧,以及音療法瑜珈風水和素食烹調示范等等。

System of geomancy , forming harmful , metaphysical daggers , while others interpret the design positively as resembling a growing bamboo shoot . shopping malls , parkland , hotels and a museum - admiralty has them all 集合了購物商場公園酒店及博物館等各種設施的金鐘,與昔日相比面貌已煥然一新,展現香港的魅力所在!

Why i was puzzled was because , in china , geomancy was regarded as supersititious . but why did you compare it with ancient greek wisdoms and modern physical and mathematical science 我之所以很困惑是因為,在中國,風水被認為是迷信的。但是,為什么您要用古希臘的智慧和現代數理科學與之相比

Often referred to as geomancy , its origins lay in an ancient chinese respect for the environment , as well as a belief that cosmological influences strongly affect our lives 風水常常予人聯想到占卜星相,此乃由于中國人自古敬奉大自然,相信宇宙萬物陰陽五行,皆與人生起跌有莫大關系之故。

Burn a pot of water on the true fire fireplace , the whole house gold , wood , water , fire , soil is five lines of complete , come to a the tallest state that the geomancy learns 在真火壁爐上燒一壺水,整個屋子金、木、水、火、土五行俱全了,達到了風水學的最高境界。