geographic distribution 地理分布。
地理分布。 “geographic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 地理學的,地理的。 adv. -ically ...“distribution“ 中文翻譯: n. 1.分配,分發,配給;分配裝置[系統];配給品;配 ...“ecological geographic distribution“ 中文翻譯: 生態地理分布“ecologo-geographic distribution“ 中文翻譯: 生態地理分布“geographic distribution of population“ 中文翻譯: 人口的地理分布“geographic distribution of resources“ 中文翻譯: 資源的地埋分布“geographic ozone distribution“ 中文翻譯: 臭氧的地理分布“geographic“ 中文翻譯: adj. 地理學的,地理的。 adv. -ically “alaska geographic“ 中文翻譯: 阿拉斯加地理“geographic (l04)“ 中文翻譯: 地理學的,地理的“geographic =geographical“ 中文翻譯: 地理的“geographic accuracy“ 中文翻譯: 地理精度“geographic adjustments“ 中文翻譯: 地理調整“geographic aggregation“ 中文翻譯: 地理聚合“geographic area“ 中文翻譯: 地理區域“geographic attributes“ 中文翻譯: 地理類“geographic axis“ 中文翻譯: 地理軸“geographic azimuth“ 中文翻譯: 地理方位角“geographic barrier“ 中文翻譯: 地理屏障“geographic calibration“ 中文翻譯: 地理標準“geographic center“ 中文翻譯: 地理中心“geographic classification“ 中文翻譯: 地理分類“geographic code“ 中文翻譯: 地理符號“geographic codes“ 中文翻譯: 地理坐標碼“geographic consideration“ 中文翻譯: 地域性考量
A new map of area of potaninia was drawn , interpreted basic law and character of ecological geographic distribution of potaninia and defined floristic geographic element of potaninia as “ alashan - east gobi “ element 摘要繪制了綿刺屬新的分布區圖,闡明了該屬的生態地理分布的基本特征和規律,確定了其區系地理成分為“阿拉善東戈壁”成分。 |
The industrial structure and geographic distribution of foreign investment tended to be more reasonable , and its contribution to the national economy was further intensified 九五“期間,外商投資占同期全社會固定資產投資總額的12 . 7 % ,外商投資企業工業增加值占全國工業增加值的20 . 9 。 |
geographic features |
Modeling of inhalation exposure and risks resulting from exposure to mobile source air toxics can be used to evaluate impacts of reductions from control programs on overall risk , as well as changes in relative contributions of different source sectors to risk , changes in contributions of different pollutants to overall risk , and changes in geographic distributions of risk 對于移動源之空氣毒性物質進行吸入暴露及風險的模擬能夠用來估計經由控制計畫來降低風險的影響,如同改變不同風險來源以降低相對貢獻度、改變不同污染物對于總風險的貢獻度以及改變風險的地理分布。 |
The present dissertation mainly deals with morphology , phytogeny , geographic distribution , and taxonomy of the tribe of typhlocybini from china morphological terminology was adopted principally from zhang ( 1990 ) and dworakowska ( 1993 ) . the preparation and dissection of male genitalia was made according to the traditional methods and the characters were illustrated under the olympus pm - ioad microscope with a leize drawing tube . the external characters of adults were illustrated under nikon afx - ii steromicroscope with a leize drawing tube 形態學術語基本遵從張雅林( 1990 )和dworakowska ( 1993 )的有關定義;鑒定標本均為成蟲針插標本,雄性標本的外生殖器均采用常規方法完成解剖,在olympustx820604體視顯微鏡下觀察鑒定,在olympuspm - 10ad顯微鏡下繪圖,外部形態特征圖在nikonafx -體視顯微鏡下繪制。 |
The information management of urban and suburb forestry resource takes the nature for the research object . the geographic distribution and and it ' s attribution can use the digital earth for reference . the information management of urban and suburb forestry resource is expressed on the basis of forestry information foundation establishment 城域森林資源信息管理以森林這個自然對象為管理對象,在地理上的分布以及它的屬性均可借鑒數字地球的基本思想,在林業信息基礎設施上予以表達,從而為可持續發展服務,為“數字中國”添磚加瓦,而其自身必將從數字地球的超高級集成形態中受益。 |
The average number of alleles per locus ( a ) , percentage polymorphic loci ( p ) , observed heterozygosity ( ho ) and wright ' s fixation index ( f ) is 2 . 2 , 77 . 9 , 0 . 433 , - 0 . 138 , respectively . the species also had higher variation than that of the other woody angiosperms widespread . moreover , e . mollis has higher population genetic variation than that of 26 long - lived woody endemics with narrow geographic distributions Biosys - 2軟件計算得知,在翅果油樹種群中,每個位點等位基因的平均數a = 2 . 2 ,多態位點百分率p = 77 . 9 ,遺傳多樣性he = 0 . 375 ,遺傳多樣性水平明顯高于蜂媒植物,而且也比其它的廣布木本被子植物的遺傳多樣性水平為高。 |
By dissertating the effect of mass transit to the sustainable development 、 low - cost handling and economic development of beijing , the author introduces the geographic distribution and the diversiform configuration of urban mass transit . argues the beijing shall take effective countermeasure , in the construction of urban mass transit 摘要論述了軌道交通對北京可持續發展、提供低運營成本和發展經濟的重要作用,介紹了多樣化、立體化軌道交通的地域分布和構架,同時提出了北京在建設軌道交通過程中的問題及其對策。 |
Phytogeography the geographic distribution shows the south of zhejiang is the center of distribution of genus machilus in zhejiang . mostly species inhabit of low elevations . based on data from specimens , the distribution map of each species in machilus from zhejiang were given 從數量分析聚類圖可將現有浙江潤桶屬植物劃分2個表征群a 、 b ,第一表征群a組花被裂片無毛,即傳統分類上的光花組,由紅桶( machilusthunbefgii玲攏山紅捕( mthunberyii 。 |
Geographic information system ( gis ) is a spatial information system which tasks are picking up , storage , administration , analysis and description of all or part of earth surface data ( including atmospheric layer ) related to spatial and geographic distribution 地理信息系統( gis )是一種以采集、貯存、管理、分析和描述整個或部分地球表面(包括大氣層在內)與空間和地理分布有關的數據為主要任務的空間信息系統。 |
First , the morphology , physiology of seed , biological traits , geographic distribution , ecological and community characteristics , karyotypes , nitrogenase activity of root nodules and chemical constituents of e . mollis were reviewed , respectively 本文對翅果油樹的形態特征、種子生理生化、生態學特征、染色體數目、群落生態、生物學特性、固氮生物學以及礦物質和化學成分等方面研究進行了綜述。 |
Knowing the company ' s major revenue sources ( products , customers ) , key computer systems , workflow processes , and geographic distribution will provide insights into the components of revenue and expense that should be analyzed 知道公司的主要收入來源(產品、顧客) ,關鍵計算機系統,工作流程和地理分布將提供對于應分析的收入和支出的組成部分的洞察力。 |
A new map of area of potaninia was drawn , interpreted basic law and character of ecological geographic distribution of potaninia and defined floristic geographic element of potaninia as “ alashan - east gobi “ element 摘要繪制了綿刺屬新的分布區圖,闡明了該屬的生態地理分布的基本特征和規律,確定了其區系地理成分為“阿拉善東戈壁”成分。 |
It also describes the current situation of china ' s hotel industry in different aspects , such as the pace of development , economic types , structure of the industry , geographic distribution . , 還比較詳細地描述了中國飯店業在發展速度、經濟類型、規模構成、地區分布、檔次、功能等方面的現狀,并分析了中國飯店業目前面臨的問題。 |
The industrial structure and geographic distribution of foreign investment tended to be more reasonable , and its contribution to the national economy was further intensified 九五“期間,外商投資占同期全社會固定資產投資總額的12 . 7 % ,外商投資企業工業增加值占全國工業增加值的20 . 9 。 |
Outer environmental conditions have much effect on the genotype of pueraria dc . the complicated genetic variation in genus pueraria is related to geographic distribution 我們發現,外界環境條件和長期的自然選擇作用對葛資源的基因組成和遺傳變異影響較大。 |
Accoding to solar spectral radiation data abserved , the geographic distribution of solar spectral radiation and agriculture utilization in china are researched for the first time 根據太陽分光輻射觀測資料,首次研究了我國太陽分光輻射的地理分布和農業利用。 |
Perhaps the most significant challenges in corporate information management today are the multiplicity , heterogeneity , and geographic distribution of data sources 也許,當今企業信息管理的最大挑戰就是數據源的多重性、異構性和地理位置上的分散性。 |
Wireless communication plays a key role in the automatic hydrologic telemetering system ( ahts ) because of the system ' s feature about geographic distribution 水文自動測報系統的主要通信方式是基于超短波( vhf )中繼的通信方式。 |
The information regional distribution in china is totally contrary to the geographic distribution which is high on the west and low in the east 中國信息化地域分層與西高東低的地理特征完全相反。 |