
geodesic adj.1.大地測量學的。2.【數學】(最)短線的。n....

Geodesic domes were first proposed by buckminster fuller in 1940s as a new architectural design upon his idea of “ doing more with less “ 在1967年世界博覽會短程線圓頂之父富勒所建的第一座短程線圓頂,即直徑76米的美國展覽場館。

geodesic circle

Because arc length of trajectory is regarded as the variant in geodesics based method , it possesses the advantages of non - time based trajectory planning at the same time 本文的基于測地線的軌跡規劃是以軌跡弧長作為參考變量的,因此它還具有非時間參考的機器人軌跡規劃的優點。

This method of division produces domes with a higher degree of symmetry than the alternate method . more great circles and fewer lengths of struts are generated . more about geodesic domes 此種分解法所產生的圓頂比交錯分解法的更對稱,而圓頂亦有更多的大圓和更短的網線。

In this new case , however , the infants wore special brain - monitoring netting manufactured by electrical geodesic inc . , a university of oregon spin - off company 隨后研究人員又做了一組實驗,在這組實驗中,嬰兒們戴上了由俄勒崗州大學副產品公司生產的頭腦監探帽。

Compute geodesic distance between earth - this function computes the geodesic surface distance between two cordinates on the surface of the earth to an accuracy of about 50 meters 這個函數計算地面上兩個不同坐標之間的測地線距離,精度達到50米。

Geodesic active contour model ( gacm ) was originally proposed by caselles as a novel approach for image segmentation and object exaction 短程線主動輪廓模型( geodesicactivecontourmodel )是一種全新的圖像分割和目標提取方法,由caselles等人首先提出。

To improve the roundness of the polyhedron , we can divide the edges into shorter lengths and raise the points of division to a geodesic on the surface of a sphere 由于正多面體不太圓,在每個面上增加連接棒(相當于短程線)可令圓度增加。

To improve the roundness of the polyhedron , we can divide the edges into shorter lengths and raise the points of division to a geodesic on the surface of a sphere 由于正多面體不太圓,在每個面上增加連接棒相當于短程線可令圓度增加。

At last , combined with a sample machine which is invented in this poject , some geodesic results and some problems in it are analysed in this paper 在本文的末尾,結合本課題研制的一臺樣機,對測量結果以及存在的問題做了簡要分析。

Geodesic domes were first proposed by buckminster fuller in 1940s as a new architectural design upon his idea of “ doing more with less “ 在1967年世界博覽會短程線圓頂之父富勒所建的第一座短程線圓頂,即直徑76米的美國展覽場館。

These geodesic domes have also been designed to withstand high winds and extreme temperatures in polar regions . the making of geodesic domes 不單如此,短程線圓頂已設計成可抵御強風及極度溫差的變化,可作極地居住之用。

To learn more of the history of geodesic domes , you may wish to browse the following website Illustrationcredit : paulchilvers , magdalenbeartarquinpublications短程線圓頂知多一點點要多知一點短程線圓頂的歷史,不妨瀏覽

The first geodesic dome , the us pavilion s 76 - meter - diameter structure , was built by r . buckminster fuller in the expo 67 在1967年世界博覽會短程線圓頂之父富勒所建的第一座短程線圓頂,即直徑76米的美國展覽場館。

It was followed by a geodesic dome , an unheated structure filled with small shipping containers that served as buildings 接著,一座網殼屋頂建筑建成,它是一個不能供熱的建筑物,內部填滿了小型船舶集裝箱以作房屋。

These new forms of carbon was named after buckminster fuller , a pioneer in the research and construction of geodesic dome structures 新的碳分子以巴克明斯特?富勒命名。富勒以研究及建造短程線圓頂而聞名于世。

This function computes the geodesic surface distance between two cordinates on the surface of the earth to an accuracy of about 50 meters 這個函數計算地面上兩個不同坐標之間的測地線距離,精度達到50米。

A geodesic based trajectory planning method for robots is proposed in this paper , which overcomes some shortcomings of traditional trajectory planning method 摘要提出了一種基于測地線的機器人軌跡規劃方法。

These new forms of carbon was named after buckminster fuller , a pioneer in the research and construction of geodesic dome structures 新的碳分子以巴克明斯特富勒命名。富勒以研究及建造短程線圓頂而聞名于世。

Abstract : this paper analyzes some methods of drawing the geodesic lines for the ship ' s shell plates , and points out a common mistake in them 文摘:分析船體曲板測地線作圖方法,指出一種作圖方法的錯誤。