genuine adj.1.真正的 (opp. sham, counte...
adj. 1.真正的 (opp. sham, counterfeit)。 2.坦率的,真誠的,真心誠意的。 3.血統純粹的,純種的。 短語和例子a genuine Rubens 魯本茲親筆畫。 a genuine signature 親筆簽名。 a genuine writing 真跡,墨寶。 a genuine skeptic 十足的懷疑論者。 a genuine breed 純種。 adv. -ly ,-ness n. “a genuine signature“ 中文翻譯: 親筆簽名“genuine and believable“ 中文翻譯: 真實可信“genuine bill“ 中文翻譯: 真正票據“genuine check“ 中文翻譯: 真正的支票“genuine computer“ 中文翻譯: 真計算機“genuine delusion“ 中文翻譯: 真性妄想“genuine dementia“ 中文翻譯: 真性癡呆“genuine diamond“ 中文翻譯: 真鉆石的“genuine election“ 中文翻譯: 真正選舉“genuine energy“ 中文翻譯: 真氣; 真元之氣“genuine epilepsy“ 中文翻譯: 真性癲癇“genuine erythroleukemia“ 中文翻譯: 真性紅白血病“genuine feeling“ 中文翻譯: 真誠的感情; 真情“genuine gold“ 中文翻譯: 赤金“genuine hallucination“ 中文翻譯: 真性幻覺“genuine jacket“ 中文翻譯: 真皮夾克“genuine labelling“ 中文翻譯: 真標記“genuine leather“ 中文翻譯: 真皮“genuine milk“ 中文翻譯: 真(牛)乳, 非人造乳; 真乳“genuine negociation“ 中文翻譯: 真正的談判“genuine notes“ 中文翻譯: 真鈔“genuine painting“ 中文翻譯: 真品“genuine partnership“ 中文翻譯: 真正的合作伙伴“with genuine interest“ 中文翻譯: 興味盎然“genuine american satin chrome“ 中文翻譯: 真正美國人; 真正米國人“genuina pneumonia“ 中文翻譯: 真性肺炎, 纖維蛋白性肺炎, 大葉性肺炎
Nothing so false as penitence moved him; but genuine paternal feeling, and that melancholy of “never again“ . 打動他的絕不是什么虛偽的懺悔,而是真正的慈愛和一種黯然“永別”的滋味。 |
genus |
After all, mary's running away had been genuine enough; though it had the results that any calculating woman could have foreseen . 歸根結底說來,瑪麗是存心出走的,雖然這事情的后果任何一個有心機的女人都能夠預料得到的。 |
Old jolyon was too much of a forsyte to praise anything freely; especially anything for which he had a genuine admiration . 老喬里恩是個十足的福爾賽性格,決不胡亂恭維;尤其是那些他真正心愛的人。 |
They were unfair in their remarks on new england, whose europeanization had always had some genuine elements . 他們對于新英格蘭的評論,有失公平,因為新英格蘭的歐化是有其真實的成分的。 |
Nothing so false as penitence moved him; but genuine paternal feeling, and that melancholy of “never again“ . 打動他的絕不是什么虛偽的懺悔,而是真正的慈愛和一種黯然“永別”的滋味。 |
When i knew them but as mere strangers, they had inspired me with genuine affection and admiration . 在她們還只是作為陌生人和我相識的時候,就已經引起了我由衷的愛和崇敬。 |
His interest in things about chinese was so deep and genuine that his researches were never perfunctory . 他對中國事情的關懷十分深切而真誠,他的研究工作向來不草率從事。 |
Discoveries of genuine changes on the lunar surface are never within the reach of the average amateur observer . 月面真實變化的發現從來不是一般業余天文學家力所能及的。 |
He loved sullen, liked her sisters, respected gerald and had a genuine fondness for the plantation . 他是愛蘇綸的,他也喜歡蘇綸的姐妹,他很尊敬嘉樂,也很喜愛這莊子。 |
The only moral tenet governing the conduct of business in the shop was that the goods should be genuine and the price should be fair . 貨真價實,是商店唯一的道德。 |
At long last, we would be able to convey that there was some genuine accountability at chrysler . 我們終于能夠向人們宣揚,現在克萊斯勒公司有人真正敢于負責。 |
If there is any substantial number of genuine agents there, the abwehr will smell a rat . 如果真有幾個名符其實的間諜在這里,德國情報機關就會感到可疑了。 |
The young official added a genuine note of emotion amid the pompous funeral orations . 這位年輕的高級官員,在冗長的葬禮演講中加了一段充滿感情的話。 |
There were genuine wooden and iron implements, and were prominently disposed round about the figure . 那就是真木器和真鐵器,醒目地放在像身周圍。 |
Today, we are witnessing a genuine convergenceeven a mergerof astronomy and physics . 現在我們看到,天文學和物理學互相接近甚至溶合在一起了。 |
How could genuine economic freedom and equality of opportunity exist in such circumstances ? 在這種環境下,怎么能有真正的經濟自由和機會均等呢? |
To genuine proselytes of whatever race, judaism long held out welcoming arms . 對于任何種族的真心誠意地改變信仰的人,猶太教久已伸出歡迎的手臂。 |
When i read the note, i knew immediately that what pribyl had learned was genuine . 在我看這封短信時,馬上就知道普里比爾所了解的情況是真實的。 |
A grasp of mundane affairs is genuine knowledge , understanding of worldly wisdom is true learning . 世事洞明皆學問,人情練達即文章。 |