
gentry n.1.貴族們,紳士們;〔英國〕(僅次于貴族的)紳士階級...

“ to tell the gentry their fortunes , “ she says , ma am ; and she swears she must and will do it “她說是給老爺們算命,夫人,她發誓一定得給算一算,說到做到。 ”

“ down with local tyrants and evil gentry - - - - what type of working attitude is it 中學生: “打倒土豪劣紳你這什么工作態度?


The most violent revolts and the most serious disorders have invariably occurred in places where the local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords perpetrated the worst outrages 凡是反抗最力、亂子鬧得最大的地方,都是土豪劣紳、不法地主為惡最甚的地方。

I like my appointment object am have the education , have the gentry gentleman demeanor to have the compassion to have the family sense of responsibility person 我喜歡我的約會對象是個有文化、有教養、具有坤士風度有愛心富有家庭責任感的人。

In the 18th and 19th centuries , the lords had far more influence than it has today and the commons were also really gentry on the edge of aristocracy 18世紀和19世紀,上議院比今日的影響大的多,并且下議院處于貴族的邊緣上,也相當“貴氣” 。

In the controversy about whether to redeem dianyue railway , yunnan gentry appeared more objective and rational than chinese students studying in japan 在是否贖回滇越鐵路之議中,鐵路公司的紳士也較留日學生表現得更為理性和客觀。

It is a typical traditional dwelling of the scholar - gentry class in southern china and it is one of the most elegant historical buildings in hong kong 大夫第是傳統華南士紳階級府第建筑的典型,也是全港最華麗的歷史建筑物之一。

Chinese gentry came to the stage and gradually became the dominate class in the political system during ming - qing period 摘要明清之際,中國紳士的條件和地位得以逐步地固定下來,隨之,在政治體制中也形成了一種隱性的紳衿支配。

Games , rituals , and symbolic meanings governed by the moral ethics - a case study on the social life of the gentry and peasants in mid and late manchu dynasty 儀式與象征關于清朝中晚期土紳和庶民生活的個案研究

The local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords have been deprived of all right to speak , and none of them dares even mutter dissent 土豪劣紳,不法地主,則完全被剝奪了發言權,沒有人敢說半個不字。

One ingenious township peasant association arrested an obnoxious member of the gentry and announced that he was to be crowned that very day 有一個鄉農會很巧妙,捉了一個劣紳來,聲言今天要給他戴高帽子。

The late president s great grandfather , huai - sheng , grandfather , yu - biao , and his father su - an were local gentry 蔣公曾祖蔣懷盛先生,祖父蔣玉表先生以及父親蔣肅庵先生,在當地均為有名望之人。

Chastity was a mainstream value patronized by the qing state and gentry , who considered it the apex of female morals 摘要貞節作為清代國家、士人世界提倡的主流價值,堪稱女性道德之極致。

Yunnan gentry also built up their railway company , through which they hoped to build a railway by themselves 滇省紳士也應時而起,創建了滇蜀滇路公司,試圖通過滇省自己的力量來修筑鐵路。

British ) a title of respect for a member of the english gentry ranking just below a knight ; placed after the name (英語)對等級僅低于爵士的英國貴族們中成員的尊稱頭銜;用在名字后面。

The keenest of bucolic minds felt a whispering awe at the sight of the gentry ( george eliot 鄉下人,極為敏感的心靈使他們看到文雅的人便感到一種竊竊的敬畏(喬?艾略特) 。

The relation evolution between the local magistrate and the gentry in the grass - roots of society control in the qing dynasty 清代基層社會控制中州縣官與紳士關系之演變

There was a general silence . must be from the feeding , said the sergeant : they are gorged like gentry “那就是吃的好吧, ”司務長說, “他們吃的都是上等的伙食。 ”

First , the local tyrants , evil gentry and lawless landlords have themselves driven the peasants to this 第一,上述那些事,都是土豪劣紳、不法地主自己逼出來的。