
gentlemanly adj.紳士的,紳士派頭的。n.-liness

“ sir , “ said m . beauchamp , “ albert was wrong , i acknowledge , to betray so much anger , and i come , on my own account , to apologize for him . and having done so , entirely on my own account , be it understood , i would add that i believe you too gentlemanly to refuse giving him some explanation concerning your connection with yanina “閣下, ”波尚說, “我承認阿爾貝不應該向您發這樣大的火,但道歉了以后,你懂得,伯爵閣下,我只是代表我本人道歉的,我還要說:我相信你一定會給我這個面子,不會拒絕跟我解釋一下你和亞尼納的關系。

The ethos connoted in the analects of confucius is the moral sense of “ governing with morals “ , the humanistic spirit of “ loving the people “ , the gentlemanly demeanor of “ behaving politely “ and the value orientation of applying what is experienced 《論語》內涵的民族精神主要是: “為政以德”的道德意識、 “仁者愛人”的人文品格、 “文質彬彬”的君子風范、經世致用的價值取向等等。

His not - so - gentlemanly 1973 jailbreak attempt was depicted in a 1999 italian movie called outlaw “ by enzo monteleone . fantazzini wounded three guards and took two more hostages during the standoff 1999年,意大利導演恩佐孟泰萊恩內將凡塔齊尼的這次越獄行動改編為電影,取名亡命之徒“ outlaw “ 。

“ no , my dear vampa , “ replied the count ; “ besides , you compensate for your mistakes in so gentlemanly a way , that one almost feels obliged to you for having committed them . “不會的,我親愛的萬帕, ”伯爵答道, “而且,彌補過失的態度是這樣周到得體,簡直使人覺得要感激你犯了那些錯誤呢。 ”

“ i seem to have become a target . it ' s not very gentlemanly or gracious . but he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst , right before his wedding . 他這樣做有失風度,也沒氣量,但就在他結婚之前給我寫了一封道歉信,對他前一段的失控行為表示道歉。

“ i seem to have become a target . it ' s not very gentlemanly or gracious . but he did send me a letter apologizing for his last outburst , right before his 他這樣做有失風度,也沒氣量,但就在他結婚之前給我寫了一封道歉信,對他前一段的失控行為表示道歉。

“ nay , “ answered monte cristo , with the most gentlemanly air , “ tis not for such trifling sums as these that your banking house is to be incommoded “噢,象您這樣的一位銀行家是不會這樣容易表示驚奇的, ”基督山以一種極客氣的態度說道。


Then , examining the mesh of events in her own life , she seemed to see the vanity of her father s pride ; the gentlemanly suitor awaiting herself in her mother s fancy ; to see him as a grimacing personage , laughing at her poverty , and her shrouded knightly ancestry 接著,她仔細地回想了自己一生中紛亂無序的事情,似乎看見她父親驕傲中的虛榮在她母親的幻想里,她看到了那個向她求婚的紳士模樣的人看見他像是一個怪笑著的怪人,在嘲笑她的貧窮,嘲笑她的已成枯骨的騎士祖先。

“ sir , “ said m . beauchamp , “ albert was wrong , i acknowledge , to betray so much anger , and i come , on my own account , to apologize for him . and having done so , entirely on my own account , be it understood , i would add that i believe you too gentlemanly to refuse giving him some explanation concerning your connection with yanina “閣下, ”波尚說, “我承認阿爾貝不應該向您發這樣大的火,但道歉了以后,你懂得,伯爵閣下,我只是代表我本人道歉的,我還要說:我相信你一定會給我這個面子,不會拒絕跟我解釋一下你和亞尼納的關系。

A phenomenally beautiful tenor voice like that , the rarest of boons , which bloom appreciated at the very first note he got out , could easily , if properly handled by some recognised authority on voice production such as barraclough and being able to read music into the bargain , command its own price where baritones were ten a penny and procure for its fortunate possessor in the near future an entre into fashionable houses in the best residential quarters , of financial magnates in a large way of business and titled people where , with his university degree of b . a . a huge ad in its way and gentlemanly bearing to all the more influence the good impression he would infallibly score a distinct success , being blessed with brains which also could be utilised for the purpose and other requisites , if his clothes were properly attended to , so as to the better worm his way into their good graces as he , a youthful tyro in society s sartorial niceties , hardly understood how a little thing like that could militate against you 倘若他能得到像巴勒克拉夫304那樣一位公認的發聲法權威的適當指導,再學會讀樂譜,既然男中音已多得爛了市,他就不難隨意為自己標價。那樣一來,不久的將來,這位幸福的美聲歌唱家就有機會出入于305經營大企業的財界巨頭和有頭銜者那坐落在最高級住宅區的時髦府邸。不論他擁有的文學士學位那本身就是堂哉皇哉的廣告,還是他那紳士派頭,都足以為本來就美好的印象更加錦上添花,這樣就會萬無一失地取得不同凡響的成功。

Many , also , who were not aware of the circumstances attending his withdrawal from paris , were struck with the worthy appearance , the gentlemanly bearing , and the knowledge of the world displayed by the old patrician , who certainly played the nobleman very well , so long as he said nothing , and made no arithmetical calculations 好些人知道他到基督山伯爵家里時穿的是綠底繡黑青蛙的外套,他們對他那種莊嚴的姿態和紳士風度曾留下很深刻的印象。的確,只要不張口說話,不計算數字,他扮演一個老貴族實在很出色。

Was carelessly listening to a man of fifty or fifty - two years of age , with gray hair , aristocratic bearing , and exceedingly gentlemanly attire , and meanwhile making a marginal note in a volume of gryphius s rather inaccurate , but much sought - after , edition of horace - a work which was much indebted to the sagacious observations of the philosophical monarch 此刻,他正在漫不經心地聽一個約五十多歲,頭發灰白,一副貴族儀表,風度極為高雅的人在講話,他的手邊放著一本格里夫斯版的賀拉斯公元前,古羅馬人。他正在上面作注釋,國王那種聰慧博學的見解大多是從這本書上得來的。

A most gracious welcome and unusual smile were bestowed on m . danglars ; the count , in return for his gentlemanly bow , received a formal though graceful courtesy , while lucien exchanged with the count a sort of distant recognition , and with danglars a free and easy nod 騰格拉爾蒙賜到了一個最和藹難得的微笑伯爵則一派紳士風度地微微欠身,文雅地行禮致意呂西安和伯爵客氣的打了個招呼,面對騰格拉爾只隨隨便便地點了點頭。

The ethos connoted in the analects of confucius is the moral sense of “ governing with morals “ , the humanistic spirit of “ loving the people “ , the gentlemanly demeanor of “ behaving politely “ and the value orientation of applying what is experienced 《論語》內涵的民族精神主要是: “為政以德”的道德意識、 “仁者愛人”的人文品格、 “文質彬彬”的君子風范、經世致用的價值取向等等。

Sombreros and red shirts and plumed indians were rarely to be seen ; but there were silk hats and black coats everywhere worn by a multitude of nervously active , gentlemanly - looking men 如今,在舊金山再也看不見那些頭戴寬邊大氈帽的西班牙人了,再也看不見愛穿紅襯衫的淘金者了,再也看不見帶著羽毛裝飾的印第安人了。

His not - so - gentlemanly 1973 jailbreak attempt was depicted in a 1999 italian movie called outlaw “ by enzo monteleone . fantazzini wounded three guards and took two more hostages during the standoff 1999年,意大利導演恩佐孟泰萊恩內將凡塔齊尼的這次越獄行動改編為電影,取名亡命之徒“ outlaw “ 。

“ no , my dear vampa , “ replied the count ; “ besides , you compensate for your mistakes in so gentlemanly a way , that one almost feels obliged to you for having committed them . “不會的,我親愛的萬帕, ”伯爵答道, “而且,彌補過失的態度是這樣周到得體,簡直使人覺得要感激你犯了那些錯誤呢。 ”

Rudwick , martin . the great devonian controversy : the shaping of scientific knowledge among gentlemanly specialists . chicago : university of chicago press , 1985 . isbn : 0226731014 梅爾廷。 《大德文郡的論戰:科學知識在紳士派專家中成形》 。芝加哥:芝加哥大學出版社, 1985 。 isbn : 0226731014 。

The fair play is going , unfortunately , and so are the gentlemanly attitudes and goodman ? ners ? people shut doors heavily in your face and politeness isdisappearing 不幸的是,公平處事已離人們遠去,紳士風度和良好的舉止亦是如此? ?人們當著你的面重重的摔上門,禮貌的舉止正在消失。