gentleman like adj.= gentlemanly.
adj. = gentlemanly. “gentleman“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. -men) 1.紳士;有身份的人,上流人 ...“like“ 中文翻譯: adj. (more like, most like 〔 ...“of or like a gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 紳士風度的“gentleman like manner“ 中文翻譯: 紳士般的風度“he carries his liquor like a gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 他酒量很大沒有絲毫醉意“gentleman“ 中文翻譯: n. (pl. -men) 1.紳士;有身份的人,上流人士。 2.〔男子尊稱〕閣下。 3.(中國舊時的)士大夫;【法律】社會賢達〔證明文件上用語〕。 4.(達官貴人的)隨從,侍從。 5.〔pl.〕 (商業信函中的稱呼)先生們 (= Sirs 或 Dear Sirs). 6.【英史】(非貴族但有使用家徽特權的)鄉士〔有時略作 Gent, 附加名后表示身份〕。 7.〔pl.〕 男廁所。 8.〔美國〕議員。 a country gentleman鄉紳,鄉下地主。a walking gentleman【戲劇】配角。 a gentleman at large 〔戲謔語〕失業者,無職業者。 a gentleman in brown 〔戲謔語〕臭蟲。 a gentleman in waiting (英王的)侍從。 a gentleman of fortune 海盜;騙子。 冒險家 (= adventurer)。 a gentleman of the press 新聞記者。 a gentleman of the road [pad] 攔路強盜,游民,乞丐;出門兜攬生意的人。 a gentleman of the (long) robe 律師,教士。 a gentleman of the three outs 〔戲謔語〕(無現錢、無袖肘、無信用的)三無紳士。 a gentleman of virtu 古董家,古玩專家。 a gentleman's [gentlemen's] agreement 君子協定。 a gentleman's gentleman 侍從,男仆。 my gentleman 那家伙,此人。 the gentleman from ... 〔美國〕(從某州)選出的(眾議院)議員。 “a country gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 鄉間富紳“a dignified gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 堂堂大丈夫“a fine gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 時髦紳士“a gentleman at large“ 中文翻譯: 有閑階級的人, 無職業者“a gentleman of fortune“ 中文翻譯: 冒險家“a gentleman of the press“ 中文翻譯: 新聞記者“a gentleman on the beam“ 中文翻譯: 梁上君子“a kind gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 一個好心的紳士“a refined gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 彬彬君子“a worthy gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 大好佬“a young gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 年輕的紳士“beinga gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 有紳士風度的“coloured gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 有色紳士“fine gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 花花公子“first gentleman“ 中文翻譯: 第一先生“gentleman at large“ 中文翻譯: 失業者“gentleman farmer“ 中文翻譯: 鄉紳, 從事農業的貴族“gentleman in waiting“ 中文翻譯: 王室的侍從“gentleman jockey“ 中文翻譯: 業余騎師
“ why have you caused me thus to fail in my word towards a gentleman like the count , who has all our lives in his hands “你們為什么讓我對象伯爵這樣一位我們的性命都捏在他手里的先生食言?我以基督的血發誓! |
gentleman ranker |
It seemed to me that , were i a gentleman like him , i would take to my bosom only such a wife as i could love ; but the very obviousness of the advantages to the husband s own happiness offered by this plan convinced me that there must be arguments against its general adoption of which i was quite ignorant : otherwise i felt sure all the world would act as i wished to act 我似乎覺得,如果我是一個像他這樣的紳士,我也只會把自己所愛的妻子摟入懷中。然而這種打算顯然對丈夫自身的幸福有利,所以未被普遍采納,必定有我全然不知的爭議,否則整個世界肯定會象我所想的那樣去做了。 |
I hope , sir , pleaded the abashed mr . cruncher , that a gentleman like yourself wot i ve had the honour of odd jobbing till i m grey at it , would think twice about harming of me , even if it wos , - so i don t say it is , but even if it wos “我希望,先生, ”克朗徹先生漲紅了臉懇求道, “我有幸給您干點零活,直干到頭發全白。就算我干過那樣的事我沒說干過,只說就算干過我也希望像你這樣的厚道人在打算跟我過不去時多想一想。 |
“ why have you caused me thus to fail in my word towards a gentleman like the count , who has all our lives in his hands “你們為什么讓我對象伯爵這樣一位我們的性命都捏在他手里的先生食言?我以基督的血發誓! |
It won t do for a respectable bank gentleman like you , to be seen speaking to him publicly , you know 像你這樣體面的銀行人員公開跟他說話是不行的,這你知道。 ” |
Oh , you haven ' t ? well , of course , i know that gentlemen like you carry only large note “哦,你沒小鈔票?當然嘍,我知道像你這樣的先生是只帶大票子的。 ” |
Come , wont one of you gentlemen like to come with me to pay them a call in their camp 他又問, “哪位先生愿意跟我一起到法國人營盤里去走一遭? |
That would have been a very charming expos for a gentleman like that to witness 51滿可以讓像那樣一位紳士賞心悅目的了。 |
The old gentleman likes to put grease on his hair to make it shiny 老先生喜歡喜歡給頭發擦上發膏使它光亮。 |
But to oblige a gentleman like you i'd do a good deal, i do assure you . 可是為了報效象您這樣的老爺,我保證咱可以特別通融。 |