
gentleman n.(pl. -men)1.紳士;有身份的人,上流人士。...

“do not make fun of an old man,“ said the gentleman . “別拿老人開心了,”紳士說。

“no matter,“ said the single gentleman angrily . “沒關系,”獨身紳士忿然地說。

“ my , how green ! “ exclaimed the young gentleman . “哎呀,多么幼稚!

gentleman like

He had the appearance of an extraordinary fine gentleman . 他具有極上流的紳士的風采。

Is he the gentleman who frequently contradicted papa ? 他是那個老和爸爸抬扛的紳士嗎?

You know you are a gentleman . 當然你是個穩重的人。

He was a typical english gentleman on the surface . 從外表看:他是個典型的英國紳士。

Gentlemen have dismissed it . 男人已經把它遣散掉了。

He is n't quite a gentleman . 他不像是一個正人君子。

The gentlemen who questioned us last night said so . 昨晚審問我們的先生是這樣說的。

Cooper gentleman is a bore . 庫珀筆下的紳士令人討厭。

“do not make fun of an old man,“ said the gentleman . “別拿老人開心了,”紳士說。

Gentlemen are requested not to smoke . 先生們請勿吸煙。

He was a gentleman to his fingertips . 他是十足的紳士。

It isn't particular agreeable to the gentleman . 這位先生并不一定特別喜歡聽它呢。

He was a stout old gentleman . 他是個身材魁梧的老先生。

Did you notice the gentleman who has just gone ? 你注意到剛才離開的那位先生了嗎?

Her brother was a considerable gentleman there . 她的弟弟是那兒一位有聲望的紳士。

“no matter,“ said the single gentleman angrily . “沒關系,”獨身紳士忿然地說。