
gentle adj.1.文雅的,有禮貌的。2.柔和的;輕柔的;(坡等...

gentle breeze

A gentle breeze is blowing . 微風習習。

A very low and gentle rap received no answer from within . 一個很低很輕的剝琢沒有得到里面的答復。

The fair and gentle eulalie has become my blushing bride . 美麗溫柔的尤拉麗亞成了我羞答答的新娘。

You have gentle hands . 你有雙柔和的手。

In the gentle condition of blood, you should so know me . 你即是出身高貴的人,也該同樣的認識我。

Therefore, he shook his head in the most gentle negative . 因此,他以最柔和的態度搖頭表示否定。

There was an appeal in his voice, soft and gentle . 他的語音里含著懇求的意味,又溫柔,又親切。

She was a gentle person with some talent for acting . 她是一個溫文爾雅的人,有一定的表演才能。

The artist had rendered her gentle smile perfectly . 該藝術家把她那溫柔的笑容表現得惟妙惟肖。

Retraction will be required and should be as gentle as possible . 還需要牽引,要盡可能輕柔。

She was gentle with her hands . 她雙手輕巧。

His voice was gentle . 他說話的聲音和藹可親。

English bees are gentle and inoffensive creatures . 英國蜜蜂是一種溫順的、不傷害人的生物。

Ethel is cheerful and adaptable, as well as gentle . 埃蒂爾不光是性情溫柔,而且爽朗隨和。

Lena's good looks and gentle manners appealed to him . 他對莉娜的美貌和文雅風度很有好感。

A quiet and gentle man, had been so shabbily treated . 一個溫文爾雅的人,竟受到這樣怠慢。

A weary gentle relief was spreading through his body . 周身在疲憊之中微微有一種松快之感。

His reign was a gentle one . 他在位時期很太平。

He was a thoughtful fellow, gentle and encouraging . 他是個思想豐富的人,文雅而又鼓舞人。