
genteel adj.1.有禮貌的,有教養的;有上流社會特點的,適合上...

The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures , much frosted glass , clerks hard at work , and genteel businessmen in “ nobby “ suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups 閑逛的人經過這些成套锃亮的辦公設施時,可以看到許多毛玻璃,埋頭工作的職員,還可以看到穿著筆挺西裝干凈襯衫的商人們散坐著,或者聚在一起。

The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures , much frosted glass , clerks hard at work , and genteel businessmen in “ nobby “ suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups 閑逛的人經過這些成套锃亮的辦公設施時,可以看到許多毛玻璃,埋頭工作的職員,還可以看到穿著筆挺西裝干凈襯衫的商人們散坐著,或者聚在一起。

Because of their genteel , civilized settings and characters , these stories are also known as “ cosies “ 由于這類小說的上層社會、文明的背景和角色,它們也被稱為“舒適推理小說” 。


A wide variety of celestial clothes were presented by initiates acting as models in a fashion show . be it elegant casuals , shopping attire for the happy at heart , work clothes for the confident , classy and glittering evening gowns , or even genteel coats for the men , every one of the celestial clothes was a beautiful manifestation of confidence , freedom and joy 穿的部分:由同修親自演出客串模特兒,展示不同場合的各款天衣,不論是典雅的休閑服快樂的購物裝自信自在的上班服或是高貴亮麗的晚宴禮服,甚至是男仕們的尊雅大衣,每套天衣穿在同修身上,立刻浮現出自信自在喜悅的美感。

She went upstairs to her bedroom . there she heard the loudspeaker begin to bellow , in an idiotically velveteen - genteel sort of voice , something about a series of street - cries , the very cream of genteel affectation imitating old criers . she pulled on her old violet coloured mackintosh , and slipped out of the house at the side door 她聽見了他的聲音里,含著一種滿足的異的音調,她到樓上寢室里去,在那兒,她聽見放音礬在呼號著一種矯揉造作的嬌媚蠢笨的聲音,這象是一種布廛的囂喧,象是一個人摹舍己為人一個老販的令人嘔吐的聲音,她穿上了她的紫色的舊雨衣,從一個旁門閃了出去。

The caretaker was so struck with their innocent appearance , and with the elegance of tess s gown hanging across a chair , her silk stockings beside it , the pretty parasol , and the other habits in which she bad arrived because she had none else , that her first indignation at the effrontery of tramps and vagabonds gave way to a momentary sentimentality over this genteel elopement , as it seemed 照看房子的老太太看見他們睡在那兒,樣子是那樣純真她看見苔絲掛在椅子上的長袍,看見長袍旁邊的絲織長襪和漂亮的小陽傘,還有苔絲沒有別的可穿而穿來的其它幾件衣服,被它們的華美高雅深深打動了她最初以為他們是妓女流氓,心里十分生氣,現在看來他們好像是上流社會一對私奔的情侶,于是心中的憤怒便化作了一陣憐愛。

The early mornings were still sufficiently cool to render a fire acceptable in the large room wherein they breakfasted ; and , by mrs crick s orders , who held that he was too genteel to mess at their table , it was angel clare s custom to sit in the yawning chimney - corner during the meal , his cup - and - saucer and plate being placed on a hinged flap at his elbow 清早的氣溫仍然涼得很,所以在他們吃早飯的那間大房子里生上了火,大家感到適意克里克太太認為克萊爾溫文爾雅,不宜于坐在他們的桌子上同大家在一起吃飯,就吩咐讓人把他的盤子和一套杯子和碟子擺在一塊用鉸鏈連起米的擱板上,所以吃飯的時候他總是坐在大張著口的壁爐旁邊。

It was first broken by mrs . annesley , a genteel , agreeable looking woman , whose endeavour to introduce some kind of discourse proved her to be more truly well bred than either of the others ; and between her and mrs . gardiner , with occasional help from elizabeth , the conversation was carried on 這位太太是個和藹可親的大家閨秀,你只要瞧她竭力想出話來攀談,便可以知道她確實比另外兩位有教養得多。全靠她同嘉丁納太太先攀談起來,再加上伊麗莎白不時地插幾句嘴助助興,談話才算沒有冷場。

Having made , at least , this one hit , whatever it might prove to be worth , and no customers coming in to help him to any other , mr . barsad paid for what he had drunk , and took his leave : taking occasion to say , in a genteel manner , before he departed , that he looked forward to the pleasure of seeing monsieur and madame defarge again 巴薩先生這一槍至少已經刺了個正著,雖然它有什么價值還不清楚。此時又再無客人進來給他再顯身手的機會,他便付了酒錢,走掉了。臨行前他又利用機會溫文爾雅地表示希望有機會跟德伐日夫婦再會。

Again i reflected : i scarcely knew what school was : bessie sometimes spoke of it as a place where young ladies sat in the stocks , wore backboards , and were expected to be exceedingly genteel and precise : john reed hated his school , and abused his master ; but john reed s tastes were no rule for mine , and if bessie s accounts of school - discipline gathered from the young ladies of a family where she had lived before coming to gateshead were somewhat appalling , her details of certain accomplishments attained by these same young ladies were , i thought , equally attractive 不過他的感受不足為憑。如果貝茜關于校紀的說法她來蓋茨黑德之前,從她主人家一些年輕小姐那兒收集來的有些駭人聽聞,那么她細說的關于那些小姐所學得的才藝,我想也同樣令人神往。她繪聲繪色地談起了她們制作的風景畫和花卉畫談起了她們能唱的歌,能彈的曲,能編織的錢包,能翻譯的法文書,一直談得我聽著聽著就為之心動,躍躍欲試。

In the intervals of her discourse with mrs . collins , she addressed a variety of questions to maria and elizabeth , but especially to the latter , of whose connections she knew the least , and who , she observed to mrs . collins , was a very genteel , pretty kind of girl 夫人同柯林斯太太談話的時候,也間或向瑪麗亞和伊麗莎白問幾句話,特別向伊麗莎白問得多。她不大清楚伊麗莎白和她們是什么關系,不過她對柯林斯太太說,她是個很斯文很標致的姑娘。

I feel that much improvements can be made with regards to the attitudes of the people in our service sector . too often , our shop assistants do not smile , are not courteous and have no patience . they could very well take a leaf from their genteel , polite , honest and reliable swiss counterparts 我想,我們各行業服務員的態度,還須改善的地方多得很,如缺乏笑容禮貌有問無答等等,他們大可向瑞士人的溫文有禮,誠實可靠的表現學習學習呢!

In a world culturally divided between the genteel and everything else , americans opt for trash over art that is supposed to be good for them as much because they resent being told what they should like as because they like trash 就文化而言,在一個把除了高雅之外統統歸入不高雅的社會中,美國人對所謂具有教化作用的藝術毫無興趣,反而對文化垃圾趨之若鶩,不僅因為確實喜歡,也因為我們美國人極度反感被人指手畫腳,發號施令。

The cultural transformation in yuan dynasty presents itself in the following : 1 . multi - culturalism takes the place of the sole hegemony of confucianism ; 2 . popular culture takes the place of genteel culture and is therefore elevated into the main stream of social and cultural thoughts 摘要元代文化轉型主要表現在:一、多元文化并存取代了儒家文化獨尊;二、俗文化取代雅文化上升為社會思想文化之主流。

The classic chinese beauty also fought hard to convince the director of eat drink man woman ( who was unwilling to cast her because of her demure , genteel looks ) that she could break out of the damsel - in - distress mould 這位古典中國美人也曾努力奮斗,為了讓《飲食男女》的導演他因為吳倩蓮端莊、有教養的外貌而不愿由她來主演信服她可以脫離出憂郁少女的典型。

The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures , much frosted glass , clerks hard at work , and genteel businessmen in “ nobby “ suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups 閑逛的人經過這些成套锃亮的辦公設施時,可以看到許多毛玻璃,埋頭工作的職員,還可以看到穿著筆挺西裝干凈襯衫的商人們散坐著,或者聚在一起。

The casual wanderer could see as he passed a polished array of office fixtures , much frosted glass , clerks hard at work , and genteel businessmen in “ nobby “ suits and clean linen lounging about or sitting in groups 閑逛的人經過這些成套锃亮的辦公設施時,可以看到許多毛玻璃,埋頭工作的職員,還可以看到穿著筆挺西裝干凈襯衫的商人們散坐著,或者聚在一起。

The trouble is that , as the unhappiness at hp makes clear , the alternative to clubbishness is not some genteel exchange of views called “ accountability ” , but often strife and division 問題在于,隨著惠普的不愉快經歷日日益清晰,取代俱樂部文化的并非是董事間像紳士般有友好地交換意見的所謂的“責任” ,而常常是演變為沖突與分歧。

No , miss jane , not exactly : you are genteel enough ; you look like a lady , and it is as much as ever i expected of you : you were no beauty as a child “不,簡小姐,不完全這樣。你夠文雅的了,你看上去像個貴婦人。當然你還是我所預料的那樣,還是孩子的時候你就長得不漂亮。 ”