
gens n.(pl. gentes )1.(古羅馬或古希臘的)氏...

gens togata

The gentes of the iroquois will be taken as the standard exemplification of this institution in the ganowanian family . 我們要用易洛魁人的氏族作為加諾萬尼亞族系這種制度的典型例子。

With respect to the number of gentes in a tribe, the more numerous the people the greater, usually, the number of gentes . 至于每個部落中的氏族數目,通常也是人口數愈大則氏族愈多。

In this manner the rights and interests of the several gentes were consulted and preserved . 各個氏族的權利和利益通過這種方式來協商而得以維持。

The children, following the gentes of their respective mothers, would be divided between them . 子女們各隨其母親而分屬于這兩個氏族。

The humbler gentes had their common rites . 卑微的氏族有其共同儀典。