
genitive adj.【語法】屬格的,所有格的。 the geniti...


Amor matris : subjective and objective genitive . with her weak blood and wheysour milk she had fed him and hid from sight of others his swaddling bands 她用自己那虛弱的血液和稀溜發酸的奶汁喂養他,藏起他的尿布,不讓人看到。

Upon incertitude , upon unlikelihood . amor matris , subjective and objective genitive , may be the only true thing in life 主生格和賓生格的母愛418也許是人生中唯一真實的東西。

Genitive of material 原料屬格

Genitive of possession 歸屬屬格

Genitive of quality or description 品質屬格