
genii genius 和 genie 的復數。

The dominant genius of the “franks“ was feudal, military and romantic . “法蘭克人”,突出的天才具有封建、好斗和浪漫的色彩。


Enthusiasm is the genius of sincerity, and truth accomplishes no victories without it . 熱情的特點是真誠,沒有熱情,真理也無法取得勝利。

One might add, her writing was so unfinished despite her genius . 我們還可以加上一句,盡管她有那樣的才華,寫出來的東西卻那樣未經推敲。

The nation's somewhat spectacular rise was hardly due to the genius of her rulers . 此民族的頗為驚人的興起并不是由于它的統治者的天才。

There were famous artists among them, and they knew that the lad was a genius . 他們當中有著名的藝術家,他們認為這個小家伙是個天才。

It seems remarkable that there was such general appreciation of einstein's genius . 愛因斯坦的天才受到如此廣泛的贊賞似乎出人意料。

He had no genius for organizing, for initiative or for order even . 他沒有組織天才,也沒有創造天才,甚至連發號施令的天才也沒有。

Poor catherine was not defiant, and she had no genius for bravado . 可憐的凱瑟琳沒有反叛的性格,也沒有能力做出英勇威武的事來。

The dominant genius of the “franks“ was feudal, military and romantic . “法蘭克人”,突出的天才具有封建、好斗和浪漫的色彩。

Poor catherine was not defiant; she had no genius for bravado . 可憐的凱瑟琳沒有反叛的性格,也沒有能力做出英勇威武的事來。

I was a temperamental genius in need of reining in by stabler personalities . 我是個需要由更穩重的人降服住的神經質的天才。

This simple man of genius gave his intelligence and heart to his fellowman . 這位淳樸的天才把自己的智慧和心血獻給了人類。

The real genius and interest of ireland lay in her art and culture . 愛爾蘭的真正天賦的愛好,體現在它的藝術和文化之中。

She has a genius beyond that of womankeendazzlingbold . 她的才能遠非其他婦女所能及。她敏銳、大膽、聰明得出奇。

Africa, are you aware that you have sired a revolutionary genius ? 阿非利加,你兒子是個非凡的天才,你知道不知道?

Gershwin did not live to see the triumph of his genius . 格什溫沒有能夠活著看到自己的天才終于放出勝利的光彩。

Of course, this power of idealization is the great gift of genius . 自然,這種理想化的能力是一種偉大的天賦。

I begin to think that my genius is wholly in the latter line . 我現在開始認為,我的才干完全是屬于后一類。

He's not a damn genius or an athlete like andy . 他同安迪不一樣,不是個運動員底子,也沒天生的機靈勁兒。