
genic adj.【生物學】基因的;基因性的;由基因引起的;遺傳的...


Due to its outstanding advantages such as broad sensing - spectrum , high sensitivity and low cost , the theories and applications of bulk acoustic wave sensors have been developed rapidly during past ten years . now , its applications have been extended to the fields of pharmaceutical analysis , biochemistiy , molecular biology , genic engineering , clinic immunology , etc . 近幾十年來壓電體聲波傳感器由于具有響應譜廣、靈敏度高而又價格低廉的特點,在理論和應用方面均有長足的進步,已廣泛地用于藥物分析、生物化學及分子生物學、基因工程、臨床免疫學等領域。

Focus on research work and clinical studies in musculoskeletal oncology , especially about mechanism and biological therapy of osteosarcoma , such as proteomics studies of osteosarcoma , prospective control study of osteosarcoma , registration system of musculoskeletal oncology and genic tests about the familial inheritance osteoenchondroma , etc 擬開展《骨肉瘤特異性相關抗原的蛋白質組學研究》 、 《骨肉瘤多中心前瞻性隨機對照研究》 、 《骨與軟組織腫瘤注冊-會診-隨訪登記系統》 、 《多發性骨軟骨瘤家族遺傳性基因的檢測》等課題的相關研究工作,承擔國家、省級和市級重大項目等課題的申報。

This paper introduced the application of biotechnology in rice genetics and breeding , including tissue culture , cell mutants selection , protoplast fusion , apomixis , molecular mark assisted breeding and genic transformation 簡要綜述了生物技術在水稻遺傳育種中的應用,主要包括組織培養、細胞突變體的篩選、原生質體融合、無融合生殖以及分子標記輔助育種和轉基因技術等方面。

Methods based on the publicly literature , the research work on genic therapy , which use nanoparticles as carrier , was classified and summarized 方法依據國內外刊物公開發表的文獻,對有關以納米顆粒作為基因遞送載體進行基因治療的研究進行分類、歸納與整理。

Fertility expression of thermo - sensitive genic male sterile genes under the backgrounds of indica cytoplasmic male sterile lines , restorer lines and maintainer lines 溫敏核不育基因在秈型三系遺傳背景下的育性表達

Analysis of climate diagnose and division of photo - thermo - sensitive genic male sterile rice lines with double low critical temperature values in seed production 臨界溫度雙低兩用不育水稻制種的氣候診斷分析與區劃

Genetic analysis of leaf color and sterility in photo - thermoperiod sensitive genic male sterile rice with the pale - green leaf marker 溫敏核不育水稻葉色及育性的遺傳分析

The ipg - two - dimensional gel electrophoresis study of anther protein of thermo - sensitive genic male sterile rice doublelow - s 單胞期花藥蛋白質的固相雙向電泳分析

Abdominal sonography demonstrated a long segment intussusception associated with a low echo genic mass 腹部超音波檢查展示一長段腸套疊,并合并有一低回音性腫瘤。

Gene expression of ras c - erbb - 2 and exploration of carcino - genic machenism in human skin cancer induced by arsenic 2蛋白在砷致皮膚癌中的表達及機理探討

Regulating effects of hormones on fertility alternation in thermo - photo - sensitive genic male sterile wheat 激素調控對小麥溫光敏核不育系育性轉換的影響

Critical temperature and the thermo - sensitive phase of pingxiang dominant genic male sterile rice 萍鄉顯性核不育水稻臨界溫度值及其溫度敏感期的研究

Objective to review the development of genic therapy with the nanoparticle as carrier 摘要目的綜述以納米顆粒作為基因載體進行基因治療的發展概況。

Conclusions using nanoparticles as genic carrier have a wide developmental foreground 結論納米顆粒作為基因遞送載體具有廣闊的發展前景。

Breeding of photo - and - temperature sensitive genic male - sterile dual - use line n196s in brassica napus 甘藍型油菜可交配品系的篩選

Studies on flowering habits of photo - thermo - sensitive genic male sterile lines of rice 水稻光溫敏核不育系的開花習性研究

The progress of rnai as a genic technology at the studies of fibrosis diseases 干擾技術在纖維化疾病研究中的應用進展

Rotavirus molecular genic feature of infants with diarrhea in kunming 成人腹瀉病人輪狀病毒感染監測及分組分型研究

The epistemological challenge and ethics choice for the genic therapy 基因治療面臨的認識論挑戰和倫理抉擇