
geniality n.1.溫暖,溫和;舒適。2.親切,和藹;親切的言行。


Hope you to are senior to i but best not more than 10 years old , the height is 175 cm of above , own healthy physique , have a firm career , have higher cultural quality and cultivate , honesty and geniality , humorous , not extremely conceited , no bad temper , healthy life - style , have to also have the sense of responsibility of he - man essential to have and understand to cherish of heart , hope you are good at changing a thinking , have a passion for home life , to affection loyalty with single mind 希望你年長我十歲左右,身高175公分以上(理工科畢業為佳? )身體健康、正直謙和、智慧幽默、成熟穩重,有良好的文化素質和修養,品德優秀事業穩固,有男子漢的責任感和懂珍愛之心,善于換位思考,熱愛家庭富有生活情趣,對感情忠誠專一!

Oneself personality geniality , romantic , heavy affection . like to read the book , take a walk , sing a song , travel etc . . the ideal companion of liking is a self - confidence , humor , steady heavy , healthy and successful personage , of age at 46 - 56 , of height at 1 . 72 - 1 . 78 , weight is in 65 - 90 kilograms of 本人性格溫和,浪漫,重感情.喜歡看書,散步,唱歌,旅游等.喜歡的理想伴侶是自信,幽默,穩重,健康的成功人士,年齡在46至56之間,身高在1 . 72至1 . 78之間,體重在65至90公斤之間

This was one of his parts in the popular comedy he was performing , - a make - up he had adopted and which suited him about as well as the masks worn on the classic stage by paternal actors , who seen from one side , were the image of geniality , and from the other showed lips drawn down in chronic ill - temper 這是他在這幕喜劇里所扮演的角色之一這個角色對他很合適,正如在古代的戲劇中,有些父親的假面具,右嘴唇是向上翹的,帶笑的,而左嘴唇是向下垂的,假裝哭泣的。

Sincere and earnest ? ? the director - general stopped his speech suddenly , and said with geniality and patience , if the comrades seated in the middle as quiet as the back played cards , then it ' s wouldn ' t disturb the asleep men in the front 語重心長- - -正在作報告的某局長突然停止了講話,他溫和,耐心地說:如果坐在中間談天的同志們,能像坐在后面玩牌同志們那樣安靜的話,前面睡覺的同志們就不會受到干擾了!

Yunnan is in the yungui plateau , many mountains and forest , the weather is geniality , the volume of rain is abundant , in two quarters of summer and autumn , hour the sunny timely rain , for edible the growth of the germ bred to provide the very and beneficial condition 云南食用菌云南地處云貴高原,山多林茂,氣候溫和,雨量充沛,夏秋兩季,時晴時雨,為食用菌的生長繁殖提供了極其有利的自然條件。

Now the master , mellow almost to the verge of geniality , put his chair aside , turned his back to the audience , and began to draw a map of america on the blackboard , to exercise the geography class upon 那位老師這時醉得幾乎是一副和藹可親的樣子。他推開椅子,背對著觀眾,開始在黑板上畫美國地圖,為考地理課作準備。

His inner tensions and some of his insecurities persist behind a deceptively casual facade of geniality , self - deprecation , easy humor and aphoristic conversational skill 表面上他裝得和藹可親,十分謙遜,輕松幽默,談起話來滿口警句,然而在這一切的背后,他的內心一直是緊張的,還是有些缺乏自信。

The weather of yunnan is geniality and wetness , whenever many rain seasonal changes in spring and summer , the countryside and lawn , various fungi break ground competitively 云南氣候溫和濕潤,每當春夏多雨時節,山野草地,各種菌類競相破土而出。雞縱菌是云南諸菌之冠。

In my heart of he is one character space is bright , the temper geniality , there is sense of responsibility , good - hearted , there is ambition , mature and responsible man 我心目中的他是一個性格開朗,脾氣溫和,有責任感,有愛心,有上進心,成熟穩重的男人

Since what year have you served ? he asked , with that affectation of military bluntness and geniality with which he always addressed the soldiers 他問。地對士兵說話時,總是裝腔作勢,愛用既粗魯又和氣的軍人口吻,那個士兵回答了他。

The noble qualities refuses not a long distance outside , the temperament of the geniality , in one room pour display in the lighting of noan - noans 高貴的氣質并非拒千里之外,溫和的性情,在一室暖暖的光影里淋漓展現

He felt like a prince returned from excile , and his lonely heart burgeoned in the geniality in which it bathed 他覺得自己像個流放歸來的王子,寂寞的心沐浴在真情實愛之間,又含苞欲放了。

His fine success as a salesman lay in his geniality and the thoroughly reputable standing of his house 作為一個推銷員,他的成功要歸于他的對人和氣懇切以及他服務的那家公司的聲譽。

Witnessing the geniality , imprevisibility and magic of il genio savicevic . dizzy stuff . . . 薩維切維奇腳法精準,才華橫溢,球技出神入化。精湛的表演令人眼花繚亂… …

Oneself is mature and responsible , the personality geniality , have special man ' s magic power 本人成熟穩重、性格溫和,有獨特的男人魅力

They said he is a pitiless , cold - blooded fellow , with no geniality in him 他們說他是個毫無憐憫心、一點也不和藹的冷血動物。

Not a shade was there of anything save geniality and kindness 他的眼神里只顯出愉快與和氣,看不出一絲邪意。

This benjy was a young, clean-shaven creature, whose face and voice and manner were a perfect blend of steel and geniality . 彭杰是一個胡子刮得精光的小伙子,他的面貌、聲調和態度是斬釘截鐵和春風迎人兩種氣概的完美混雜物。

His protruding eyes, that gave such an unusual, foreign appearance to his very dark face, radiated geniality . 他那雙爆眼睛,使他那張很黝黑的臉看上去很別致,有點外國人的味兒,閃著和藹可親的光芒。