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genghis khan n.成吉思汗〔1162-1227,蒙古帝國的開國皇帝,即...


Fellow tourists , you have certainly seen on the inner mongolian prairie likely the white clouds same yurt , listens to the mongolian national minority compatriot to play the sound with the horse ' s head qin melodious music , has looked at a generation of tianjiao genghis khan ' s heroic story 各位游客,您一定見過內蒙古草原上像朵朵白云一樣的蒙古包,聽過蒙古族同胞用馬頭琴奏響的悠揚的音樂,看過一代天驕成吉思汗的英雄故事吧?

Then a study in 2003 suggested that up to 16 million people worldwide ? and 8 per cent of asian men ? were descended from genghis khan , and professor sykes decided to trawl through his database of approximately 25 , 000 male clients for a match 后來, 2003年發表的一項研究顯示全球成吉思汗的后代超過了1600萬人,其中亞洲人占8 % ,于是,斯科斯教授決定看看他數據庫中大約25000名男客戶中是否存在成吉思汗的后代。

Historians in the west and in china , india , iran and other nations that fell to genghis khan ' s horsemen in the early 1200s see the onslaught of the mongol hordes as an apocalyptic event that threatened to end their ancient civilizations forever 中國、印度、伊朗、西方和其他在13世紀敗在蒙古大軍鐵蹄下的國家的史家,把蒙古人的大舉進攻視為末世的景象,害怕他們的古老文明將被這批游牧民族永久終結。

The beer gardens that are cheap and all you can eat normally server barbequed food like korean barbeque , genghis khan ( mongolian mutton ) barbecue , sushi , common japanese , chinese , and western - style finger foods , salads , fruits and desserts 啤酒花園的食物以韓國烤肉和蒙古烤羊肉等燒烤、壽司等日餐、西餐、中餐、色拉、水果、甜品居多,一般價格都比較便宜。

Even when it was rediscovered in the early 1800s by a russian diplomat in china , its dissemination was tightly controlled , so most of the material on genghis khan comes from people he conquered 蒙古密史在19世紀初被一位俄國外交官在中國發現,但受到管制,禁止廣為流傳,所以人們對成吉思汗的了解主要還是來自被他侵略的民族留下的記述。

Not long after the tang era ( 618 - 907 ) , when trade along the silk road had reached its height , the fearsome genghis khan and his mongol armies conquered a vast area spanning much of central asia 唐代是絲綢之路沿途貿易活動的鼎盛時期,在唐代王朝滅亡后不久,令人聞風喪膽的成吉思汗及其蒙古大軍征服了橫跨中亞大部分地區的廣闊領土。

Though it is estimated that genghis khan killed about 40 million people across asia and europe , some researchers cite evidence that genghis khan might have exaggerated his massacres 雖然據估計成吉思汗在歐洲和亞洲屠戮了約4000萬人,但有些學者也舉出證據,指出成吉思汗有可能夸大了他的戰功,虛報了屠殺的人數。

The house - tethering stake , over twenty metres high , stands on the western bank of the hulun lake . according to apopula legend , genghis khan once tied his horse to this stake 高20余米,立于呼倫湖西岸。傳說成吉思汗曾在此石上拴馬。這大概是后人對這位躍馬揮刀、風云一世的英雄的仰慕和追思吧。

A popular and official movement to reassess genghis khan ' s marauding image is being marshaled by admirers who say he was a truly great , if irascible , ruler 成吉思汗原本的形象接近土匪強盜,現在官方和大眾都在重新評估這個形象。仰慕他的人說他雖然也許暴躁易怒,卻是真正偉大的君王。

Genghis khan whose original name is tiemuzhen was a famous historical figure known home and abroad , the creator of mongolian nation and a national hero of mongolian nationality 摘要成吉思汗原名鐵木真,是聞名古今中外的著名歷史人物,是蒙古汗國的締造者,蒙古民族的民族英雄。

Behind the rise of china at the time was a hero of ethnic mongols and of all chinese people - genghis khan , reconized as the founding father of yuan dynasty 這一切都與一個偉大拘字聯系在一起這就是聞名中外的蒙古族及中華民族的英雄成吉思汗成吉思汗是位才華橫溢的軍事天才。

Since mongolians worship their dead and the location of genghis khan ' s grave remains unknown , both beijing and tokyo are trying to outdo each another in sanctifying his memory 因為蒙古人崇拜死者,而成吉思汗的墳冢位置仍然成謎,北京方面和日本都競相對成吉思汗表示敬意。

China is spending about $ 20 million to renovate a mausoleum it built to genghis khan in 1954 at ejin horo banner on the ordos highlands in its province of inner mongolia 中國大陸投入約2000萬美元重建其1954年在內蒙古鄂爾多斯高原東南部的伊金霍洛旗為成吉思汗所造的陵墓。

In the early part of the thirteenth century , temujin genghis khan united mongol tribe to other tribes and formed a new national community called mongol 這個部落的發祥地在額爾古納河東岸一帶,以后逐漸西移。各部落之間競相掠奪人口牲畜和財富,形成了無休止的部落戰爭。

So successful were the missionaries , when genghis khan swept through asia , he brought with him an army over half of which belonged to the assyrian church of the east 傳教的如此成功,當成吉思汗橫掃亞洲時,他帶的部隊中得一大半都是東方亞述教的信徒。

The name genghis khan probably makes many people think of conquering warriors on horseback leaving burning cities and piles of dead bodies behind them 成吉思汗之名可能會使許多人想起征伐驍勇策馬遠離,在他身后只留下焚毀的城市與遍野堆積的尸骸。

This veneration of genghis khan is partly traditional in mongolia , where most revere their ancestors and where he is considered the father of the nation 對成吉思汗的崇拜在蒙古一部分是因為傳統:蒙古人非常敬重祖先,而成吉思汗是蒙古的開國始祖。

Generally speaking , lord genghis khan was the real national hero of mongolian nationality and played an important part in the development of chinese history 總體說來,一代天驕成吉思汗無愧是蒙古民族的英雄,而且對全中國歷史的發展起過重要作用。

While there is no doubt that genghis khan was the leader of a highly efficient killing machine , there was much more to him than military skill 無疑,成吉思汗率領著一支高效率殺戮機器般的軍隊,除了軍事才能,他還有更多值得注目的地方。