
genetic adj.1.遺傳(學)上的。2.發生的,發展的;創始的。...

genetic code

A breeding programme must provide for a continual infusion of new genetic material into the population to avoid in-breeding . 一項育種計劃,必須為把新的遺傳種質不斷地滲進育種種群提供條件,以避免近交。

Modern genetic mechanisms, including informational macromolecules have not always existed in their present form . 目前的信息大分子為中心的遺傳機制,從歷史的觀點看不大可能一開始便以現存的形式見諸于世。

A giraffe acquired the genetic specification for a long neck through generations of browsing upon the upper foliage of trees . 長頸鹿獲得遺傳的特征長脖子是由于它們世世代代嚙食樹上部的樹葉的原故。

Perhaps one could roughly state that the concept of the genetic system is the counterpart of the concept of the ecological niche . 人們可能會粗略地說,遺傳系統的概念是生態小生境概念的副本。

The role of introgression in shaping the genetic variation pattern of the species should be seen in the same light . 在形成種的遺傳變異型中,種質滲入所引起的作用也應當用同樣的見地來看待。

The main function of a seed orchard is to produce seed of improved genetic quality on a regular and sustained basis . 種子園的主要作用就是經常和持續地生產改良了遺傳品質的種子。

Increased ratio of reducing sugar to soluble nitrogen is associated with genetic resistance of peas to acyrthosiphom pisum . 還原糖與可溶氮比率的增加同豌豆蚜蟲的遺傳抗性有關。

In transduction genetic material is transferred from one bacterial cell to another by a phage vector . 在轉導中遺傳物質從一個細菌細胞傳給另一個細菌細胞是從噬菌體為媒介的。t

The additive genetic variance of the same character, estimated from the covariance of half sibs, was 0. 9602 . 從半同胞協方差估計出來的,同一性狀的加性遺傳方差為09602。

An estimate of the risks in terms which may be related to the incidence of genetic disorders in man will also be given . 與人類遺傳性疾病的發生有關的危害的估計也將作出。

However, the plant material did not include families for testing genetic parameters such as heritability . 但是植物材料沒有包括試驗遺傳參數(例如遺傳力)的家系。

Breeders of thoroughbred animals perpetuate genetic disorders to keep pedigrees pure . 純種家畜的養育者們為了保持純正的動物血統無休止地制造遺傳上的混亂現象。

The species that make up natural ecosystems usually display a wide range of genetic variability . 構成自然生態系統的生物種,通常表現有較大范圍的遺傳變異性。

The f factor, which possesses an additional genetic unit, is also called sex factor or fertility factor . 具有附加的遺傳單位-F因子,也叫性因子或育性因子。

It is the particular sequence of the nucleotide blocks along the molecule that encodes the genetic information . 沿著分子核苷酸的特定序列為遺傳信息編碼。

We can provide more than enough genetic information to account for the variability in nature . 可提供的遺傳信息對于解釋自然界中的變異性來說已經綽綽有余。

The genetic quality of the parents can be judged with much greater certainty than in mass selection . 親本的遺傳品質比起混合選擇來,能判斷得更加確切。

Genetic linkage between independent quantitative characters was not expected and did not occur . 沒有預料,也沒有出現在獨立的數量性狀間的遺傳連鎖。

Neurons are the basic structural, functional, trophic and genetic units of the nervous system . 神經元是神經系統結構、機能、營養及遺傳的基本單位。