
generosity n.1.寬大;慷慨大方。2.〔pl.〕 寬大[俠義]的行...

“ wondrous strength and generosity of a woman s heart “一個女人的心胸是多么堅強和寬闊啊!

“ i don ' t know what to say to such generosity . “你這么慷慨,我真不知道怎么說。 ”


His generosity to the poor is well known 他對窮人的慷慨為人所熟知。

“ wondrous strength and generosity of a woman s heart “一個女人的心胸是多么堅強和寬闊啊!

Generosity seems to run in the family 寬大慷慨似乎是這家庭中的特色。

They exploited her generosity shamelessly 他們無恥地利用了她的慷慨。

I have my reservation about his generosity 我對他的慷慨大方有所保留。

Your generosity made you the person you were and are 您的慷慨胸懷成就了您不朽的勛跡。

His generosity is one of his most pleasing traits 他的慷慨是他最受人喜愛的品性之一。

Renounce greediness , and practice generosity instead 放棄貪心,常行布施。

Do l seem incapable of an act of generosity 我看起來不會偶爾大方一次的嗎

His boundless generosity moved us deeply 他的無限的慷慨深深地感動了我們。

I think he has a certain sort of generosity “我相信他是有某種寬宏慷慨的氣量的。 ”

Thanks to love , i regained my generosity and modesty 幸虧有愛,我重獲謙遜與大度。

If children live with sharing , they learn generosity 分享中長大的孩子,慷慨大方。

Where there are love and generosity , there is joy 哪里有真愛和慷慨,哪里就有歡樂。

So i ask for your generosity , your honor 所以我請求對被告寬大處理尊敬的法官大人

“ i don ' t know what to say to such generosity . “你這么慷慨,我真不知道怎么說。 ”

His generosity is proverbial in the neighbourhood 他的慷慨在這一帶是眾所周知的。