
generation n.1.代〔約30年〕,世代,時代;同時代的人。2.一代...

“the third generation be goddamned“ answered gant furiously . “什么第三代,胡說八道!”甘德怒不可遏地回答道。

The beat generation “couldn't care less“ what happens . 垮了的一代對發生的一切“并不是毫不關心”。

generation e

For generations successive administrations had synchronized their moves with london . 幾十年,歷屆政府與倫敦的行動步調都是一致的。

Let us now face the problem of the actual mechanical generation of the seismic waves . 現在讓我們來看看地震波的實際發生機制問題。

We of the younger generation extol the wisdom of the great leader and educator . 我們年輕一代崇拜那位偉大的引路人和教育家的智慧。

The old man passed on his knowledge of traditional chinese medicine to the younger generation . 老中醫把自己的醫術傳給年輕一代。

To our minds , capital construction is a fundamental task crucial for generations to come . 在我們看來,基本建設是百年大計。

For generations the arabian has shared the hardships of his nomadic master . 阿拉伯人一代又一代地分擔著它的游牧主人的艱辛。

These structures bear witness to the engineering genius of an earlier generation . 這些建筑物足以證明早期工程上的創造才能。

The greek concentration on geometry blurred the vision of later generations . 希臘人之專注于幾何迷糊了后世好幾代人的視界。

Excessive uniformity may prevent further progress after a few generations . 過分的單一化,有可能阻止幾代后的進一步發展。

The mist took pity on the fretted structures of earlier generations . 在薄霧中,經過前幾代歲月消蝕的建筑顯得分外可憐。

Their behavior there put all succeeding generations of americans in their debt . 他們的行為將使美國世世代代蒙受恩澤。

Problems that were very appealing a generation ago may have been resolved . 在一代人以前非常熱門的問題可能已被解決。

The prognosis for producing a late generation segregate variety is favorable . 預測從往后幾代可能分離出好的品種來。

Howells said that his novels were a response to the needs of his generation . 毫厄爾斯說他的小說是為迎合時代而作。

There seems to be as many exceptions as examples for this generation . 作為這一成因實例來講那里似乎仍有許多例外。

“the third generation be goddamned“ answered gant furiously . “什么第三代,胡說八道!”甘德怒不可遏地回答道。

Honor was a trait handed down from generation to generation in the roti family . 講道義是羅迪家中世傳的美德。